I only drink black coffee, and it has to be sufficiently dark roast.
I've never worn jeans. I can't tolerate the denim material.
I can't tolerate tight- or snug-fitting clothing generally. In the winter I wear stretchy, baggy sweatpants. In the summer I wear stretchy athletic shorts. If I absolutely have to dress up, I would find slacks that have an elastic waistband.
I'm super picky when it comes to eating meat. I tend to prefer meat that is lean, dry, and well-done, not bloody, juicy, and fatty. I won't eat pork chops, but I like the cut of pork used in pulled pork sandwiches. If I eat bacon it has to be crispy. Steaks and beef tenderloin that is barely cooked are disgusting to me. The only kind of beef I tend to eat is the kind used in Italian beef sandwiches, the arrachera skirt steak in Mexican tacos (even this is sometimes gross to me, depending on how well it's cooked), and ground beef like in chili recipes. I'll eat corned beef and pastrami depending on how non-fatty they are – I'll often peel the fat off when I have a corned beef sandwich.
I smoke tobacco cigarettes, but I can't stand any menthol flavor.
I don't drink alcohol. I just don't like it taste-wise, and I prefer to be sober-minded and in control of myself. There were some beers that I used to enjoy in moderation, like Guiness and dark craft brews, but I no longer see the point of being buzzed at all. I never liked hard alcohol either.
I'm 36 years old at the time of this writing, and I'm still a virgin – if that means anything. I don't see losing my virginity as a sort of accomplishment, and I think the concept of losing virginity as a rite of passage is sexist and patriarchal. However, I do hope to eventually experience sex someday if I meet the right person. I'm also not against casual sex or going to a brothel as long as it's consensual and legal.