Mastodon posts archive from 2024-02-16 to 2025-01-31

󰃭 2025-02-02


I don't want my 2.6K posts to go away, though.


Mastodon has been sluggish for me lately. Like as I'm typing this post in the web UI, there is a delay in between entering the keystrokes and the text appearing on the UI. Also when I share photos, the UI is slow to respond and it takes a while for the file manager to appear for me to select the image file. Refreshing the reloading the timeline also takes a while. This seems to have started when I updated to v4.3.3.

I'm not sure how to debug this, and I'd be happy to do so, but I kinda want to avoid the possibility for this to ever be an issue in the first place. So I'm considering migrating to something more lightweight, like Pleroma/Akkoma or snac.


Learn Python: From Zero to Slightly More Than Zero and Not Even Close to Mastery


The Anna's Archive torrents are coming along, slowly but surely. Five of them have completed downloading.

I'm also downloading the torrents for Distributed Denial of Secrets (
Screenshot of a qBittorrent instance web UI displaying active torrents of Anna's Archive.


Everyone, I got new socks! Now my feets feel real fresh 😁


@RikerGoogling I don't. I don't prefer to have any facial hair these days. In fact, I'm interested in permanent facial hair removal procedures. I'm trying to reduce the amount of upkeep my survival and well-being requires. I don't want to waste spoons on goddamn frivolous hair follicles every other day.


Groundhog come out and be like "Fuck this" and go back into hole.


Good morning!

Am going back to sleeps!

Am a groundhog. Six more weeks of winter delight.


@feoh @CyborgHT Thanks! That's super helpful info. Similar to the use-case I'm thinking of.


@shaknais Thank you! That makes sense and clarifies things.


@shaknais If the two what are bridged networking? The virtual machine and the host?


@feoh @CyborgHT In the Tailscale docs it says running any other VPN would likely interfere with Tailscale. So I'm just wondering if that applies to the virtualized network interface inside the VM. If the VM's NIC is virtualizing the main NIC on the host, then I would think it wouldn't be touching the tailscale0 interface on the host and it would be fine. But I really don't know.


Would Wireguard running in a virtual machine interfere with Tailscale on the virtual machine's host?


I got a bidet for Christmas for the downstairs bathroom, and let me tell you, it is *awesome*. It makes going number 2 a 95% less disgusting endeavor. I highly recommend.


I overheard my 20yo nephew talking to his friend, and there is this hilarious way that Gen Zs vocalize the word "bruh". The only way I can describe it is that it's like they growl the word.


In other interesting personal news that is possibly TMI: I have a fairy ring of in-grown hairs on my chest. Don't worry, I won't share any photos.



Interesting, but as much as I'd like to reduce redundant work in cross-posting the same content, I concur with the author that it's not good to have a unified feed with a mishmash of posts from both networks. I think they ought to remain separate for the reasons the author mentions.

The Fediverse itself is already a complex multiverse of instances with a variety of different norms and rules that don't necessarily overlap.


@morgancarmont Hello! Very beautiful photos.


As far as I can tell there is no encoded message in their blinking patterns.


Look at 'em. I'm half-expecting to hear "PULL OVER" on a megaphone.


Like, I don't know what Jay Graber's income is like, but I imagine she's pretty well-off financially. So maybe she makes enough currently to where any greater income has diminishing returns and she is therefore not incentivized to sell out for personal survival reasons.

But, if she has other investment interests and thinks the money from selling out could go toward what she perceives as more promising investments, or toward other tech projects...

Entrepreneurs don't seem to be the kind of people who are satisfied with one thing. They seem to be always looking for the next best idea.


I think I have another, but very minor, sinus infection. The symptoms aren't as bad as the one from a month ago -- mostly nasal congestion and thick yellow mucus -- at least for now. For all I know it might be the same sinus infection and it wasn't completely killed by the antibiotic course.


Folding laundry in the winter be like: I gotta make sure none of my undergarments are bunched up in the pants legs so there are no embarrassing surprises when I go to the grocery store or something.


I'd like to think that, if I were the CEO of Bluesky, holding fast to my principles and the prospect of being forever shamed and labeled a sell-out would be an effective deterrent to selling out for millions or even billions of dollars and never having to worry about my survival needs again.


In the CyberSecurity 101 path on TryHackMe, we learn the basics of public-key cryptography. The use of prime numbers for cryptographic purposes is fascinating.
Screenshot of a web page explaining the basics of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange



I wonder what the prevalence of dementia conditions is among Buddhist monks, and how it compares to that of the general population.


@MedeaVanamonde Is this a good thing or a bad thing, for you?


The red and blue LEDs on my three Orange Pi 5+'s are real blinky motherf****ers.


Any conservative who claims Trump is not a fascist is (1) lying, (2) deluded, (3) doesn't understand the definition of 'fascism' and has been gullibly hoodwinked by the "freedom-loving" Trumplican propaganda.

The fact of the matter: You voted for a fascist, and this is precisely what fascists do, under the guise of "eliminating bureaucracy".


Had to do this again. So that you all know that the entity connected to these accounts, email address, and GPG key is probably me and not some schmuck impostor or rogue AI. To the extent that it is possible to /know/ such things, anyway. Something something web-of-trust.
Screenshot the Keyoxide profile of showing all green checks for each identity claim.


@liveloveintifada I will give it a try!

PS: Their website is .com, not .org 🙂


I've successfully migrated all my web services out of Docker and into . Pretty seamless.


Egh, decision paralysis.

I'm gonna go chainsmoke until I sort shit out.


Would it be reasonable for me to be a stubborn goblin and *demand* that people only send me text messages through Signal, and if they don't have Signal then that's too goddamned bad?


Tobacco must be somewhat fluffy or else the machine packs it too tightly and the resulting cigarette is a fucking rod of steel.


Whatever. It all boils down to Google being a fucking piece of shit company.


The Aurora Store is all well and fine until anonymous logins are fucking rate-limited.


Yeah, so, when my Proton Mail account went bye-bye, so did my GPG key. Now I have to create a new one and do the whole Keyoxide bit again.


I gotta catch up on my RSS feeds.


@tavi Ah I see. I suspected there was a possibility that we are talking about two different kinds of things.


@tavi I mean, I wouldn't know what the great pyramids look like if nobody took pictures of them.


@tavi Or, possibly cataloging it in a video diary or something. Depends on what the YTer states or implies their intention is I guess.


@tavi What comes to mind to me is that they are adding it to the Internet for more people to appreciate. At least that's what I think the intention is.


In the meantime, for finding modules, there is this handy modules list.


What if sharing our dotfiles and system configurations online is all a big social engineering scam.


Oof, Debian forums still use the old phpBB. I'm not sure why they haven't moved to Discourse yet, but I guess the tried-and-true way is still...well, tried-and-true.


Anyway I made this post on the Ansible forum. Maybe I'll find some answers.

The yellow highlighting indicates that the search query was split by words. When I wrap the search query in quotes, I get basically the same list of results. The quotes have no effect. It's possible that there is some search-engine fu I need to know to get the results I want, but I can't seem to find any documentation on that either.


@musicman The documentation itself is open source for sure. I'd have to dig around to find the source code for the search engine they use for the documentation. I'm not really inclined to do that at the moment.


@musicman My point is that it didn't used to do this. I would type in exactly what I did this time and the first result would be the module I wanted. I also just tried typing it without the '.' and I got the same list of results. So I don't think the placement of the dots has anything to do with it.

I suppose it can't hurt to file a bug, but I have approximately 0% confidence the bug will be triaged and prioritized amidst other bugs deemed more critical. I'd bet this bug will be tagged as "help wanted" indefinitely. And *if* they are indeed using AI then I suppose they would expect the bug to fix itself after some repetition from the user.


Does anyone know if the documentation search is AI-powered or something? Because I noticed a decline in quality. Like when I search for 'ansible.builtin.file', I used to get the first result being the literal thing I searched for, namely the documentation page for the ansible.builtin.file module. Now I get this (gestures irritably at the screenshot below) and I have to scroll down quite a bit to find the literal thing I searched for.
Screenshot of hyperreal's Firefox web browser showing the search results for 'ansible.builtin.file' in the Ansible documentation. The documentation page for 'ansible.builtin.file' is not seen among the top four results.


@RobotUkulele Oh okay. Happy to help! 😊


@RobotUkulele Explain the Doge? It's a meme. The program that it's from is called doge, it's written in Python. You can install it with `pipx install doge`.


Debian GNU/Linux 12 "Bookworm". Xfce desktop.
Screenshot of hyperreal's Debian Xfce desktop showing an Emacs frame in the center. The Emacs frame is split vertically into two panes left and right. The left pane contains the output of the fastfetch program on Debian, and below it is the output of the doge Python program displaying a Doge photo with meme-related text. The right pane consists of three images related to Terry Pratchett's Discworld series. One of these images is a map of the Discworld. Another image is a map of the streets of Ankh-Morpork. The last image is a drawing of Rincewind the wizard and Twoflower's Luggage, surrounded by multi-headed monsters trying to eat them.


Tonight's dinner: Seafood Tom Yum soup from the best Thai place in my town.

Note: The photo is not mine. I found it on the internet.
Photo of Seafood Tom Yum soup. A hot and sour soup of Thai cuisine.


This is where I will be saving bookmarks of interesting things I find on the interwebz. They are shared with the public.


These won't be published online or anything, as they are deeply personal and only have significance to me. I will be writing as if the audience is me or like a close family member.


I'm going to keep a journal of autobiographical memories from my childhood and on using Org Roam.

Each year will have its own node, and each node will contain headings for the months of the year the event occurred.

I'm not able to systematically recall every event I'd want to add in the order they occurred -- my brain just doesn't work that way -- but I will add memories as I am reminded of them at any given moment, in reverie or otherwise.



"I appreciate that the CEO of Bluesky, Jay Graber, has evinced her sincere intention never to enshittify Bluesky and I believe she is totally sincere:

"But here's the thing: all those other platforms, the ones where I unwisely allowed myself to get locked in, where today I find myself trapped by the professional, personal and political costs of leaving them, they were all started by people who swore they'd never sell out. I know those people, the old blogger mafia who started the CMSes, social media services, and publishing platforms where I find myself trapped. I considered them friends (I still consider most of them friends), and I knew them well enough to believe that they really cared about their users.

"They did care about their users. They just cared about other stuff, too, and, when push came to shove, they chose the worsening of their services as the lesser of two evils."


"Why did it remain unaffected by their adoption of anti-fascist philosophy tho?"

Stand back, I'm gonna attempt to do philosophy now:

For whatever the system 1 vs. system 2 model of cognition is worth: the cultural behaviors we learned growing up, such as the casual fat-shaming, etc., seem like system 1 processes. System 1 processes are what we think almost automatically by default, knee-jerk visceral reactions, intuitions. Behaviors like casual fat-shaming have become ingrained as system 1 processes while growing up in a culture that accepts and rewards it.

System 2 thinking is analytical, deliberate, and conscious. We are not responsible for what we learned growing up, but we are responsible for recognizing when these behaviors are not conducive to the greater good, to our well-being or to our group's well-being. We have to put up a sort of cognitive "stop sign", as it were, and abide by it, and engage in system 2 thinking before allowing ourselves to default to system 1 visceral reactions. The anti-fascist philosophy is theoretical and abstract, and making recourse to it before taking any action is a system 2 process. This seems to involve meta-cognitive skill.


I pray to the goddess of figs and cheese.


@CindySue Hello! 🙂


I saw this bird meme and it made me realize that I have a tendency to make things about me. Like when I posted about my niece's christening. Depending on the context it can be more/less appropriate.

I don't know what possess me to do this, or what gives me this tendency.

Like, I don't think I'm narcissistic. Or at least whatever narcissistic traits I have are not predominant. And I don't think I'm like a Trump-tier narcissist. Maybe I'm just excessively self-focused, and maybe this has to do with CPTSD or my attachment style or social anxiety or all of the above.

How would an expert psych profiler describe me?
Screenshot of a post by birdsrightsactivist that says "I am feel uncomfortable when we are not about me?"


@vyolynce Yeah I'm doing the Wizard series first. I'm not sure which ones I'll do next.


This is how I ensure I don't miss appointments.
Screenshot of four calendar event reminders. (1) Email me 2 days before; (2) Email me 1 day before; (3) Show an alert 2 hours before; (4) Show an alert 1 hour before.


I finished The Colour of Magic!

Up next will be The Light Fantastic, followed by Sourcery.
Photo of three Terry Pratchett Discworld novels. From left to right: The Colour of Magic, The Light Fantastic, and Sourcery.


It's fascinating how this is a thing that people are prone to doing, without immediately recognizing the hypocrisy. It's maybe some sort of failure of meta-cognition, combined with internalized cultural norms regarding what they perceive to be appropriate/acceptable ways to "punish" deviations.

Like maybe they grew up in a culture where it was acceptable to casually fat-shame others, and they never consciously grew out of this, so it remained unaffected by their adoption of anti-fascist philosophy.


This reminds me of when some anti-fascists on Facebook were gene-shaming a neo-Nazi, and their point was something to the effect of "for someone who thinks his genes are superior he ought to look in the mirror".

Like, bruh. You're doing *exactly* the kind of thing that you're supposedly against.

They're putting a moral burden on the neo-Nazi's appearance, and, by extension, everyone else who happens to resemble his appearance in any way. His appearance has nothing whatsoever to do with his bigoted views.


"Exasperatingly frequently necessary reminder that the weaponization of ableism and fatphobia and homophobia and transphobia against your political enemies still works to NORMALIZE those things, thus SYSTEMICALLY HARMING your supposed allies."

Screenshot of Bluesky post by Dr. Damien P. Williams ( The post reads:


"Someone said something to the effect of '80% of Conservative outrage is just someone finding out how stuff works for the first time.'"


These are the items I purchased.

White-on-black sticker that says "Free people read freely"

Sticker pack of three with text that says "I'm not hoarding I'm archiving". One sticker shows the text next to a set of hard drives. The second sticker shows the text next to a NAS machine chassis. The third sticker shows the text next to a pile of 3.5-inch floppy disks.

White-on-black sticker with text that says "Free people read freely". Below the text is a graphic depicting a woman selecting books from a large book shelf.

A white coffee mug that contains a white-on-black graphic. The graphic displays text that reads "Free people read freely." Below the text is a depiction of a woman selecting books from a large book shelf.


I'm gonna buy a coffee mug and some stickers to put on my 'puters. I don't go out anywhere, so the Universe and I would be the only ones who would see them. But I guess that's fine!


Hear me out: stable with Homebrew/Linuxbrew and Flatpak.

It's been my daily driver for a couple days now. It's nice.


In fact, I'm the leader of a cult of assassins in Skyrim.


No history of violent behavior. But beware, I've played plenty of violent video games.


But hey, at least I'm free to own a gun for self-defense.

Or wait. I'm actually not free to do that, because I have a diagnosed and documented mental illness, even though I have no history of violent behavior. So I can't defend myself with a gun if I wanted to. Maybe I can scare intruders away with my crazyface expression while brandishing a fork and butter knife as if I'm about to eat them, at which point they'll realize they made a terrible mistake and trespassed into the wrong house.


So I'm thinking about torifying some or all of my web services so that they can be accessed over the Tor network at onion addresses.


Ooh, I just noticed that the cursor-hover-over-user-profile-summary-pop-up-thingies have acrylic backgrounds on the Mastodon web UI.
Screenshot of cursor-hover-over-user-profile-summary-pop-up-thingy with acrylic background.


(mockingly) 🎤🎵 AnD Im pRoUd tO Be aN AmErIcAn, WhErE At lEaSt i kNoW Im fReE


There's a whole feed on Bluesky dedicated to the series.

By the way, I only have a dozen or so pages left to finish The Colour of Magic.
Screenshot of the Discworld feed summary on Bluesky.


Lasagna is much easier to eat when it's been refrigerated and kind of solidified.


Fastmail also can integrate with Bitwarden (my password manager of choice; been using it for years) to create masked email addresses.


Anyway, I've decided it's unwise to rely on Proton. I setup my custom domain at Fastmail, so all email sent to that domain should go there. Meantime, I'll change my logins to use custom domain (most do already). $60/year.

Proton account expires in July, so I won't renew it. I'll continue to use it for ProtonVPN. I have 6 months to figure out another VPN solution that supports NAT port-forwarding for p2p file-sharing (Mullvad doesn't anymore). Njalla, which I use to manage my domains, offers VPN.

Njalla's VPN service opens all ports except 25. It's $5.15/month = $61.80/year. Plus $60/year for Fastmail = $121.80/year. Plus $30.89/year for my custom domain = $152.69/year. It's $2.69 more per year than I would pay for Proton.

I think Proton has more robust infrastructure for VPN, tho. But I would only use the VPN to hide from my home ISP when bittorrenting for Anna's Archive.


My dad is watching a Trump rally and now I have that goddamned "God Bless the USA" song in my head.

I intend to remedy that with a entirely different kind of wholesomeness.


The worst-case scenario is that I spin up a $6/month VPS that runs Mail-in-a-Box with my hyperreal(AT)moonshadow(DOT)dev address. I may have to change my GPG key because that key is connected to my Proton account, and if my Proton account goes bye-bye, so might the GPG key.

I'm not sure how that would work exactly. I have a copy of the private key on my local machines, but I think if my Proton account is burned then it might automatically revoke the GPG keys connected to it. I'd have to look into that in their documentation.

$6/month would be $72/year. I'm currently paying $120/year for Proton Unlimited, but that includes other things like 500 GB Proton Drive storage and premium ProtonVPN.


Omg, Facebook is now showing me AI-generated thicc women reels 🤦‍♂️ This is ridiculous.


@cyanautik Thank you! I recently learned of the site.


You know how Oblivion NPCs just kinda stop at seemingly random moments and just stand there mindlessly until their regularly scheduled programming resumes? Well that's kinda what I do sometimes.


My baby niece is getting water-tortured tomorrow as part of some kind of weird ritual to become a member of the Catholic faith.

Since I'm an atheist, if I go to the church then I'd have to wear a protective bubble that is blessed by a Catholic priest, to ward off the unholiness. I don't have one of those, so I won't be going to the church. But I'll be at the reception thing afterward.


@SJohnRoss Yesterday I was feeling a bit nostalgic and installed the Chicago95 theme on my Fedora Xfce desktop. It was fun for a little while but I can't use it regularly.


@Viss Ah, from a cursory web search I found that typical throughput speeds for Starlink are 200-500 Mbps, which I guess is good for some people. I can definitely see the benefit of having it if you live in the middle of nowhere or are an RV nomad.

I'd prefer to have fiber optic with 2 to 5 Gbps. I currently have a copper cable modem with 2.5 Gbps and Wifi 6.


Ah, uh. I think tonight is one of those nights on which I could have benefited from taking my nighttime meds early.


Society could literally be like "Killing babies is cool!" and some of you would be like "Yeah!"

You lot are a buncha fuckin' simps.


I'm just curious; no judgment here...what FOSS distro do you use?


"Complex trauma is just your excuse for being a wimp!"

Okay, DoCtOr FuCkFaCe.


Friday night frights.

They're not specific to Friday. They happen almost every night. They're only Friday night frights on the day of Friday.


@RavynWitch If you're a gnome then get a goddamned step ladder! Rent a helicopter if you have to!


@Viss @jerry I'm interested in Starlink. What is your throughput speed? Do you have any issues with bad weather?


I'm being an indecisive fuss-goblin. Glob help me.


I remember when, In university, I told the professor that I found the course textbook on He threatened to report me for using pirated material. Lol, fuckin' boy scout.


I'm gonna write a program that combines the functionality of these two:


The main problem to solve is how to determine whether a source for a given Wikipedia article has a DOI, how to extract/find it.


Btw Jay is super awesome! and I wanna be her bf 🥺

EDIT: Eh, never mind. Just found out she's a cryptosis and that's kinda a deal-breaker for me.


I can't access this article unfortunately. Anyone with Forbes access able to download as PDF and send it to me?


I would wager that the majority of Proton AG users are left-leaning, or at any rate anti-government interference in private civilian affairs.

Would someone who cares about the merits of their product/service, and the public's perception of those merits, do something that is tantamount to corporate suicide?


Watch out. We got a professional over here.
Cartoon image of Neil deGrasse Tyson with jazz hands


@mekeor Yeah, I posted about it recently.


i sorry li'l Pythom 😞

Screenshot of hyperreal's Firefox window, display an email message from Real Python with the subject "You made the little Python sad". The email message shows a picture of a teary-eyed little Python and says "We haven't seen you in a while".


One way to look at this is that his intention is to protect privacy (as provided by the Proton AG services). Possibly he considers the ends to justify the means, in this case.


"People are fucking displaced from their homes from the fires in California, and all you care about is the goddamn crispness of text on your screen 😠 "


Egh. I'm being a fuss-goblin about fonts on my desktop, again.


I love super cold weather by the way. Except during the winter of early 2007 when I had to work in it.


I'm going to pay special attention tomorrow and this coming weekend. The temperature is supposed to drop, and on Monday we're supposed to have a high of 2 degrees Fahrenheit. I want to see if it's /any/ drastic change in temperature, or only a drastic increase.


I don't know if it's barometric pressure per se, but like every time there is a drastic increase in temperature, it makes me feel fatigued, gives me a slight inflammation headache, and makes me feel just generally blah. Like over the past two days, the temperature here went from the mid teens to a high of 39 Fahrenheit today.

Distracted boyfriend meme. Girl in red dress is Debian Trixie w/ Xfce 4.20 and tons of new packages. Distracted boyfriend is Me. Girlfriend is Fedora 41 Xfce.


I'm not about to burn my Proton account and jump ship. I'll let this play out for a while and see what happens. My Proton Unlimited account expires in July, so I've got time.

But this is a big What The Fuck, Man.


@josh It's all just a big nerd snipe.


Meh, I'm distractive today. Stfu, brain.


All my ethernet-connected devices now use static IP addresses. DHCP is pointless unless I'm using WiFi.


I suppose I could go a little further and look for a Windows 11-style GTK theme and apply it with gnome-tweaks or something, but that's not really necessary. As long as it no longer stands out like a sore thumb.


Excellent. Much easier on the eyes. Turns out Debian already has an emacs-pgtk package in their repositories, so I didn't need to compile it manually.

The package I had installed previously was emacs-gtk, which uses X11, but WSL2 uses Wayland, hence emacs-pgtk is needed.
Screenshot of emacs-pgtk with the Adwaita Dark GTK windowing theme.


@tvaughan No worries. I appreciate all polite input. Even if it's generally wrong it might still give me clues as to what the source of the problem is.


Taco Tuesday, baby! I ordered two steak tacos and street corn from my favorite Mexican restaurant.


@jwz I would guess that if Pixelfed instance admins want to make their instances walled gardens and defederate with other fediverse instances, or if possible be unfederated by default and approve of federation requests manually, then the accounts would be less redundant.


Please Do Not Throw Spinach Pizza Away


@benda I think that's a fair take.


@nytpu Walls of text can be daunting e.g., for people with dyslexia. I'm sure you know this and weren't referring to people with dyslexia in your OP. But in general I agree.


@benda Why tho


@mms Sorta. Kinda. Yeah.


@simendsjo StumpWM on Windows? Huh. That's something.


@tvaughan I don't think so. I launch Emacs from Debian WSL2 using PowerToys launcher, and there's also an entry for it in the Start menu. If it was running in a terminal I would expect it to behave like running `emacs -nw`. I can launch GTK apps like pcmanfm and they use GTK styling, which is the Adwaita-Dark theme. (See my earlier comment about compiling Emacs with pgtk support.)


@simendsjo Thanks! That could be useful. Also, maybe I can write an AHK script to hide/show the Emacs window with a keyboard shortcut.


Okay, this article seems kinda promising. Maybe compiling Emacs with pgtk support will allow it to use GTK themes in WSL2.


Maybe Emacs uses its own windowing system (frames in Emacs parlance) on WSL2. I'm not sure if it's even configurable with Elisp.


This is Emacs on WSL2. Does anyone know if there is a way to get rid of this ugly-ass window border? Or at least make it dark? It doesn't seem to use any X11, GTK, or QT styling. I followed this documentation to no avail. It would also be nice if this Emacs window used Windows 11 native windowing instead of whatever this is, if possible.


Add shovel snow to the list.


Tasks for today:

- Put laundry away
- Shower
- Shave
- Make dentist appointment

You know. Normal people stuff.



These torrents were added four days ago. Not one of them has finished downloading, which is expected since these are ones with the fewest number of seeders.

It gonna take a while.
Screenshot of qBittorrent downloading Anna's Archive torrents.


@Linux_in_a_Bit With sandboxed Google Play Services, logging into a Google account is optional. The Play Store requires being signed into a Google account, but one can use the Aurora Store for an anonymous account login and install Play Store apps.


@Linux_in_a_Bit It depends on Google Play services, though I just downloaded it from the Aurora store via anonymous login. Google Play Services is sandboxed on GrapheneOS.

The stock app, as I mentioned in the OP, has shortcomings that I find disagreeable, which Textra solves.

I've used KDE Connect when I used KDE Plasma as my desktop, but I found it wanting. Even when using it over Tailscale it was still sluggish in syncing with my SMS.

The others you mentioned, I'd have to look into them. But if they don't offer the same features as Textra, then I'm probably not interested in using them.


This looks promising as a stock message app replacement.

One of the things that kinda irks me about the stock app is that reactions are displayed as text and the user doesn’t have the ability to react to messages. With Textra both are possible. For a $9.99 one-time fee with no ads or strings attached, I'll take it.


Sensory overload. Time to lie down with the lights off and my sleeping mask on in my quiet bedroom, to discharge the malsensorites and recharge my spoon battery.


Either my hair and nails are growing faster, and thus seemingly require cutting sooner, these days, or I am just being more particular about them. My money would be on the latter.


Prognostication: PowerShell and Nushell are the future of the shell.




If my coffee mug is only a few inches above where I tap my fingers while doing my finger-tapping stim, the feeling of the tapping isn't as pleasant. It's generally more pleasant when there is nothing else putting weight on the desktop within a 12-inch radius of where I do the finger tapping.


Emacs is kinda slow on native Windows. It's a little faster in WSL2.


What if I'm just the type of ape that is more attuned to being nocturnal and vigilant to be on guard for the tribe while they sleep.


@falkheiland I could do that. But I still think it's beneficial to have some intermediate-level experience with Microsoft technologies.

I'm also kind of ashamed to admit that I enjoy using them. I'm not sure that I /ought/ to be ashamed to admit that, though.


Part of the Cybersecurity 101 track on TryHackMe involves learning the basics of PowerShell. I've used PowerShell before, but going through this track has given me an appreciation for how PowerShell handles data, in contrast to how Unix/Linux handles data as streams of text.

I also went through a TryHackMe module that taught me the very basics of Active Directory. I find it kind of interesting.

All this gives me an itch to use my Windows PC as my daily driver for a while. It also makes me sad and conflicted because, aside from the merits of technologies like PowerShell, Active Directory, VSCode, PowerToys, .NET, and UI/UX improvements we've got in Windows 11, Windows is kinda a proprietary, ad- and tracker-infested, AI-hyped dumpster fire.

There are, of course, more privacy-friendly tweaks and configurations I can do to make Windows a more consensual experience.


@dexternemrod Sea arthropods :)


Shrimps is bugs


@lzg Oh my glob! Is that an anaconda?

EDIT: I see the alt-text now. A boa constrictor. Yikes.


Eh, never mind. Somehow I got a burst of energy and am not quite at "gonna read until I fall asleep" tired.


I am *tired*. It is only 11 PM so maybe I can sleep like a normal person tonight.

I received The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett yesterday. I'm 9 pages in. I'll read until I can barely stay awake. Then I shall eep.

2025-01-12T03:41:07Z And consensual!


In fact, I *demand* virtual hugs. I'm gonna hold my breath until I get at least five.

(holds breath)

Nah I'm just playin' lol. It's totally, 100%, absolutely fine if I don't get any virtual hugs.


The magic skills are also nice.


I think the reason why I like RPGs so much is because they take me to a world where people like me.


I would like some virtual hugs, please.


Thought bubble: Maybe when I lose enough weight I can be on one of those beach reality shows like Love Island or whatever 🤔

But for now am gonna take a nap because I just ate a big meal that isn't really big in the grand scheme of things but my body thinks it is so am drowsy.


i gib u

sushi ☺️


I love the Kirkland dark roast Colombian coffee from Costco, but man is it oily.


Ah, looks like the Global Reveal Event won't be until April.



In the game Dishonored 2, there is graffiti on the wall that says "Bosses beware, when we're screwed, we multiply!" And I thought what a lovely sentiment for the working class.


Yay, I guess. I still have a long way to go, tho.
hyperreal's certificate of completion for the Pre Security learning path on TryHackMe


da gibt dat keeps on gibbing


@thegibson Someone has to remain outraged and non-cynical if anything is to be done about the state of things. (shrug)


Having an ultra-wide screen comes in handy for TryHackMe sessions.
A screenshot of hyperreal's Firefox browser showing the split view on the TryHackMe website.


@funkybuddha I don't have that internal monologue, but I have a similar thought process that runs in the background as part of my general/social anxiety and peaks into the foreground during situations I perceive to be of ethical relevance.

Yep, not always perfect, and more often than I would prefer, it doesn't peak into the foreground until after the fact in retrospect.


There ain't no such goddamn thing as a winged bipedal horse 😠


Well, if she's still alive, then there must be something keeping her that way.


Besides using Facebook and eating animal products, am I doing anything you consider unethical? Like, based on what you can see from your part of the Internet.

EDIT: I don't mean to treat using Facebook and eating animal products as having equal moral weight. I think eating animal products is far, far more unethical than using Facebook.


My mood kind of evened out. So that's good.

I think the direct sunlight, even at this time of the year, also had an effect.


Did them endorphins knock open a logic gate in my brain or something?


Man I went for a walk and came back hypomanic. What the hell is that all about.


The idiots think DEI is about hiring people to meet a quota.

Most of these "DEI hires" are fully qualified and outstanding candidates.

Every crisis the conservative shitheads need someone to blame and point fingers at. How about shut the fuck up and make yourself useful.


The best bumble bee that ever bumbled.


Self-reflective meta-comment on my OP: It's funny, when I'm in an uppity mood, I become more like my dad where I just talk just to talk.


What do you think is healthier: french fries or fried mushrooms?

Or are they both about equally unhealthy?

Anyway, I opted for Greek-style potatoes instead.


I went for a walk outside today. In daylight, when other people can readily perceive me.

It was okay.


Snail, Turtle, and Koala stand near each other on the left. Bird is on the right. Koala says "Uh oh, Bird is getting angry!" Bird says "I'm not getting angry. I'm already angry." Koala says "Uh oh, Bird is getting hung up on semantics." Bird says "Words matter!"

Poorly Drawn Lines comic called Getting Angry


The size of all the content in a mirror.
A screenshot displaying the size of directories in a Wikipedia mirror. Each directory from top to bottom: other/static_html_dumps 108.65 GiB, other/analytics 5.77 KiB, other 37.31 TiB. The total size of the mirror is 37.41 TiB.
A screenshot displaying the size of a Wikipedia dump for image content. Each directory from top to bottom: wikibooks/ 9.46 GiB, wikimedia/ 4.11 GiB, wikinews/ 5.63 GiB, wikipedia/ 23.25 TiB, wikiquote/ 91.90 MiB, wikisource/ 136.40 GiB, wikiversity/ 7.75 GiB, wikivoyage/ 649.08 MiB, wiktionary/ 1.96 GiB. The total size of the mirror is 23.42 TiB.


I feel like Jimmy Carter's funeral has been going on for a month.

Like jfc, we get it. Now let the body decay in peace.


@ajroach42 Thank you!


I mean, being considerate of some common lived experiences is reasonable, but some of you all get carried away with it.


I'm not sure why the IRC claims couldn't be verified. Whatever, tho.
A screenshot of hyperreal's Keyoxide profile.


@spiegelmama Stay safe!


So, should I start at The Colour of Magic, or at Sourcery? If I start at Sourcery, where do I go next? The Colour of Magic?


By Krzysztof Kietzman, Jakov Olekstein, Diana Nock and others -, CC BY-SA 4.0,
A fan-made diagram indicating how the various "Discworld" novels by Terry Pratchett relate to each other.


@zed I've heard good things about Immich. I don't use it myself though.


The spice is right, motherfuckers.



@ceresbzns Honestly I don't owe you or anyone else an explanation for this.


@ceresbzns I have family and friends there whom I otherwise would not be able to interact with conveniently. I intend on not posting there regularly, and I have no reason to doomscroll there. Most of my family there don't know what I'm posting about most of the time anyway.


I highly recommend this app to hide all the cruft and bullshit on your Facebook UI.



@dbug13 Your previous comment, the one before this one, kind of made sense. This comment doesn't quite make sense to me.

Besides that, the abstruse language you're using is kind of weird. Therapeutic advice should be clear and practicable.

And anyway I'm not sure if I even trust you. So, I would suggest you not spend any more of your time on this.


@dbug13 I mean, the answer isn't specific to me. We all have brains and the ability for self-reflection. Some people use it more than others. Some people have more urgent/necessary reasons to use it more than others.


Let's do some social interaction.


@dbug13 Thanks for those kind words. That's really all I can do at this point. It's a waste of cognitive effort to fight the thoughts or feed them. Easier said than done, of course. They beckon and taunt me like trolls.

I showered and am feeling only marginally better at the moment, but I think as soon as I start focusing on something it will provide a helpful distraction.


The sadness is back. I'm not anhedonic, so that's good.

I'm kind of spacey and dissociative.

Things I'm going to do soon: shower, shave, TryHackMe activities.

First, I must go to the garage to chainsmoke cigarettes for a while as I internally curl myself up into a ball and cry abstractly.


So since yesterday I've not been having coffee after 2 PM. I usually have a cup of coffee after dinner around 6:30-7 PM. The thing is, I need a hot tasty beverage in the evening. The post-dinner coffee has been a sort of ritual for me for over a decade or so. I always take my coffee black. I've decided to replace it with hot chocolate. Since I'm at a calorie deficit on Wegovy, I can afford the extra calories.

I tend to consume more calories on Sundays when the weekly Wegovy injection wears off, before I take the next dose on Monday morning. In my estimation, I think I'm still at a calorie deficit on those days, but I'm closer to breaking even, so maybe I can drink matcha green tea or something instead of the hot chocolate, depending on how much I eat earlier in the day. But some Sundays it's like the Wegovy hasn't worn off and I can still fast until the morning.


If I happen to give a serious reply to your joke post, and you find it to be inappropriate to a context that is unbeknownst to me, I am sorry.

I'm autistic, so sometimes I can't tell if someone is joking or just being an idiot online.


Yesterday I was in an argument on Bsky where the other person owned themself by evading my points in a series of unhinged and hypocritical ad hominem attacks. The kicker is that I agreed with their original post and they misinterpreted me lol. I guess I can check that off my 2025 bingo card.


I shoveled the snows! It felt good.



@nonlinear There's also a privilege equation we have to balance here, too, in the context of historical power relations. Maybe you're familiar with the concept of "there's no such thing as reverse racism"? There's a similar thing with sexism and misogyny.


Self-care emergency: it is 21 degrees Fahrenheit and we are out of hot chocolate. Time to run out to get some before the store closes.


@nonlinear "So if a man does x it's toxic masculinity but if a woman does the same it's just toxic?" <-- That sounds like you're asking for a black and white explanation.

It's the specifics and context that are important for whether something qualifies as toxic masculinity or oppression in general.

Going back to your OP and original question, just to be clear, toxic masculinity and fragile masculinity are two different things. Fragile masculinity is part of toxic masculinity, but it has a more specific scope and is never performed by women.

There could be an argument that certain things can be described as toxic femininity. For example, when the Real Housewives of Orange County ridicule or bully each other over feminine things, cosmetic things like botox or plastic surgery. But it can also be argued that men are the reason women have such values, e.g., men ridiculing women for their appearance, not "selecting for" women who don't wear makeup or who don't dye their hair. So men are ultimately the oppressors.


@nonlinear The world is a complex place. I admit life would be so much easier if everything was black and white.


@nonlinear Masculinity refers to common behavioral patterns among men. In the case of toxic masculinity, men are the oppressors (even against other men), and women who have internalized it themselves would be perpetuating it. I'm pretty sure it originated in men.

"aren't we all perpetuating, anyway?" -- I'm not sure what you mean by this. Perpetuating toxic masculinity? It's not feasible to determine if we /all/ are perpetuating it. I can say that I'm not perpetuating it, because I try to speak out against it, call it out, and promote values that facilitate non-toxicity. BUT...I inherited cultural norms from the sexist and toxic masculine culture I grew up in, so it's quite possible there are less obvious/blatant sexist and/or toxic masculine things I do and think that I just haven't noticed yet and haven't done self-CBT to change them.

"What happens when a partnered woman ridicules a single woman for not keeping a man? Is it a woman perpetuating toxic masculinity on another woman?"

It's hard to pinpoint the origin of this cultural value/norm. I would say this is just a toxic norm that isn't /necessarily/ toxic masculinity, but depending on the context it could be considered a result of toxic masculinity. But I don't think it matters whether this particular norm/value is toxic masculinity; all that matters is that it's toxic.


@nonlinear I think the ethical significance of when women downplay or ridicule men's feelings of vulnerability depends heavily on the context. The idea of "fragile masculinity" usually refers to men taking their anger out on women or others when their sense of entitlement to certain things is denied. In this case I'd say it's a good thing to try to eliminate or reduce this sort of behavior, and sometimes ridicule is an effective way to do that.

If by "feelings of vulnerability" we refer to things like mental illness, trauma, or what is perceived as "being a sissy", I'd say that's a form of toxic masculinity that women who ridicule it have internalized and are perpetuating.


Why are states even a necessary thing? Like why can't we just be the United Cities, Villages, and Townships of America.


My Blocky DNS stats displayed on a Grafana dashboard.

I tend to avoid ad- and tracker-infested sites, so there isn't much data available for those categories. I also use Firefox's Container Tabs for Facebook, Amazon, and Google, plus the PrivacyBadger and uBlock Origin extensions.
A screenshot of a Grafana dashboard displaying statistics for Blocky.


There are so many fiction books I want to read, such as the works of Terry Pratchett. I figure it would be good to read these in bed, starting like an hour before I intend to go to sleep. Most of my book collection is digital, but I'd like to read a hard-copy book to reduce my screen time, which may improve my sleep.

I don't have space to store physical books. I could get these fiction books from the library, so that I can read them and won't have to store them when I'm done, and it would cost me $0. But library books are kinda gross and full of germs from other peoples' houses and fingers and mouths and Glob knows what else. Reading them while wearing nitrile gloves and a KN-95 mask and keeping them from touching my bedding would be impractical and inconvenient.

I could get digital copies and read them on my tablet, but then I wouldn't be reducing my screen time.

I could buy brand-new hard-copies and sell or donate them when I'm done, but that would cost money.

Maybe there is some kind of book sanitizer spray that I could spray the library books with, and wipe down their covers with sanitizing wipes before and after reading them.


@ceresbzns I figured it has something to do with my sleeping pattern. I can't just "go to bed" if I'm not sleepy, tho.

Ideally I'd like to go to bed at midnight and wake up at 7-8 AM. The variable(s) I tweak would have to involve something that helps me attain a state of sleepiness by midnight. One such variable could be to stop consuming caffeine after 2 PM. Maybe another one could be to take clonazepam at 11 PM. For the latter, I wouldn't want to make it so that I can only sleep if I take clonazepam, so taking clonazepam at 11 PM would be a temporary thing to sort of "nudge" me into a healthier sleep routine.



Not so anhedonic today. At least at this time.

Curious why the negative feels seem to peak in the late evening and after midnight. I don't know what variables to tweak.


I was going to play Skyrim but I'm not really feeling it. I'm not really feeling up for anything right now. It seems my sadness has taken on an anhedonic quality.




@dbug13 Thank you! (appropriately reciprocates all those)


The number of humans killed by sharks is orders of magnitude less than the number of sharks killed by humans.

I still wouldn't want to be left alone in a tank with a shark, tho.


I went back about a week on my Mastodon timeline and added alt-text for the images I shared that I neglected to do when I shared them. These particular images didn't require the level of description that the llama3.2-vision LLM model could produce, so I wrote the alt-text myself.

I would do the same for their cross-posts on Bluesky but Bluesky doesn't allow post-editing. I don't know why Bsky doesn't allow post-editing. To hazard a guess: maybe retaining the edit history is not worth the burden on their storage?


@tek_dmn That's okay! I appreciate it ^_^


Hi everyone. Can I have some virtual hugs, please?


i hope this email find u well. and gib u hugs. and gently caress ur head. and massage ur shoulders. and boop ur nose.


@Conan_Kudo Hope you feel better soon! Just got over an ailment myself.


Another sadness spell. Doesn't seem to have been triggered by anything in particular.

Maybe I just need peanut butter cup ice cream.


I ordered a new shirt jacket! Can't wait to wear it.
Legendary Whitetails flannel shirt jacket with "Sky" color pattern.

A map of the U.S. and Canada showing gradient colors in specific regions for the average length of winter days from 1980-2014.


Man my Facebook feed is such an algorithmic dumpster fire. Rudely imposing itself on my thoughtspace. I honestly feel violated and don't even want to doomscroll there anymore. Creepy-ass motherfucker.


I am a seal today. Ocean doggo.



I'm not 100% sure but I feel like I lost a little more weight. My clothes feel bigger. My computer chair feels bigger. This could be a quirk of my perception, tho.


I can put my earmuffs on and tell my dad that when I have my earmuffs on I don't want to talk or listen to anything. He'll probably still talk and swear at the news and I'd still have to listen to it, but it will be somewhat muffled. That's the best way for me to handle this situation, right now.


Another sadness spell. I think triggered by the news and my dad's constant talking out of his ass commentary.

I don't know how to avoid this. I go in the garage to smoke and my dad is often there watching the news and smoking weed. I suppose I could go in with my earmuffs on but my dad will still talk. He fucking talks when he's got his own headphones on and is listening to music and thinks people want to hear him comment on the news. He's ADHD so I can kinda get it, but it's also like he's permanently manic. It's incredibly frustrating, especially when he gets belligerent and starts swearing and being unwoke. I try to vent to people about this but they just laugh it off like it's a fucking joke. He doesn't see how his behavior affects me. My mom tells him to shut up constantly and that he's too loud. When I lived with my grandfather I didn't have to deal with this. I don't have anywhere else to go.

Like I'm seriously considering buying a smoke-eating air purifier and smoking in my bedroom with the window open. We don't smoke in the house, we smoke in the garage, but our garage is attached to our house, and my dad mindlessly leaves open the door from the house to the garage, because he's stoned and not paying attention, so our house smells like smoke anyway. So what's the difference. I wouldn't tell my parents, and they wouldn't know until they see and smell the smoke in my bedroom, and then they would get mad. I could put my foot down and tell them that I will continue to do this until dad stops being a toxic asshole. But that's kind of passive-aggressive, and I don't think my dad is even capable of changing. They would likely dismiss me as unreasonable and not see themselves as the problem, that it's their house and their rules.



Sad, scared, and lonely 😟


@hacks4pancakes This is nice! :cyber_heart_sparkle_purple:


Another New Years Eve when I don't want to be alone but I don't want to be around anybody either.

(Cue a bunch of weird superstitious ideations about being cursed and the Universe and feeling like things are out of my control).


Exactly what I was looking for.


I gotta see if there is a mod that mutes the Skyrim battle music. It makes me nervous.

If it's a wolf or a skeever I don't need to be jacked up to kill it. If it's a more intense battle with a high-level NPC then I don't need added intensity from the battle music.


@tavi I think being a toxic asshole is a requirement for gym teachers, it seems.


@s31bz I mean there could still be a shortage, I just thought it was resolved mostly. Like it would probably depend on local supply chain issues.


@s31bz I thought the international shortage was over. As far as I can recall my pharmacy hasn't had it out of stock for a while. I've always been able to get it, provided I call the doc in time before I run out and he sends it in on time.


Wait, never mind, I think he did send in the prescription. I just never received the usual notification. But I went to my pharmacy account and it shows 1 refill available. Huh. Hopefully this isn't some kind of dumb communication fluke.


I was hoping the doc would send in the prescription to my pharmacy today, but nope.


I'll be out of Adderall tomorrow.

Don't talk to me until I get it filled.

Left pane: cute fuzzy calico kitty with its back facing the camera with the caption "no talk me i angy".

A meme with two panes.

Right pane: Same cute fuzzy calico kitty with its head turned toward the camera with the caption "wait no, come back!".


I've installed Chimera Linux on my laptop. So far so good. Chimera has almost everything I need for my daily activity flow.

I have to create an alias for sudo='doas'.

I like the dinit init system. Setting up the Xfce desktop was breezy; dbus and elogind were setup out of the box after installing xserver-xorg and xfce4.

xfce-4.20 is available in the repositories. Almost every package my daily activity flow relies on, including Tailscale, is available in the repositories at their latest versions. Otherwise I can install them via Flatpak.

I'm using LVM2 on a LUKS-encrypted logical volume formatted as an ext4 filesystem.
Screenshot of my Xfce terminal display the output of the fastfetch command for Chimera Linux.


Podman Desktop seems to make setting up a Kubernetes cluster pretty straightforward using Minikube.
Screenshot of the Podman Desktop flatpak application.
Screenshot of the Podman Desktop flatpak application.


I did everything right today, I think.

Why do I feel down.


It's about completed now I suppose. It works for the dozen or so words I've tested at least.


The only thing with the ear muffs is that I can't hear my own finger-tapping stim too well. It still feels good, but the tapping sound combined with the feeling makes a difference.


My autistic nephew is here playing with his train on the hard wood floor directly above my bedroom.

Time for the ear muffs!

Sometimes people with different sensory profiles have to share living space with each other. 🙃


I applied for this job. I hope they consider me.


@viq Yes that's what I mean. I had an idea that possibly X11 forwarding can do something like this, but maybe not.


Is it possible to have a monitor pass through to a virtual machine such that the virtual machine sees it as its native display?


Am writing a program that queries the dictionaryapi and prints word definitions in an aesthetic manner.


Tropical detox smoothie and clonazepam gib me internal hugs


I need hugs again. Sorry 😟


@thezerobit Ah, that could be it. Seems more likely.


Hmm. TIL 5150 is a code number for involuntary psychiatric hold.

But I've seen that number elsewhere, before. Namely, it's the TCP port the Veilid server listens on.

I refuse to dwell on why Veilid devs chose that port number specifically. It's probably just an Easter egg sort of thing.


I haven't found any literature from my somewhat cursory web search on whether anxiety can cause scoliosis or incidences of anxiety-induced scoliosis. Most of the search results involved scoliosis causing anxiety in self-conscious adolescents, not the other way around.

My experience is that anxiety causes my shoulders to tense up. This is automatic/subconscious -- I don't realize I'm doing it until I consciously think about it. Over the years, for some reason my specific case of anxiety-induced shoulder tension has involved a bias toward one side, which is noticeable to other people, I think. From my perspective, my left shoulder raises up higher than the right shoulder, but from the perspective of an on-looker from the front it would appear as "my other left" shoulder (the right side). I passed the scoliosis check we had in junior high, which before the onset of my more severe anxiety and what-not. I didn't have scoliosis in the X-rays from February 2006.

To be more epistemically thorough, another possible cause or intensifier of the shoulder tension would be stiffness associated with Parkinionism, which is a side effect of Invega, and I've been taking some variation of Invega since 2006. This stiffness could affect my entire body posture and by extension cause scoliosis. Another possible cause is my sedentary computer lifestyle. But most people with sedentary computer lifestyles don't have scoliosis, so it would seem the common denominator is the anxiety and/or Parkinsonism.


I think I'm gonna side with the Stormcloaks in this playthrough. I already kinda decided this in the beginning when I went in to the keep with Ralof instead of Hadvar.

I estimate that in most of my Skyrim playthroughs I've sided with the Empire, but it's pretty close to 50/50.


The comparison from February 2006 was when I had this weird back issue that I had X-rays for and even physical therapy. The PT didn't help at all. That issue went away on its own, somehow. In retrospect, I'm fairly certain it was psychosomatic.


At the immediate care clinic yesterday, they did chest X-rays to see if I have pneumonia (or anything else).

20+ years of anxiety causing shoulder tension has given me scoliosis and mild degenerative change in the spine, apparently.


Thinking of giving Chimera Linux a try.

I'm not really in the mood to pack up and leave Fedora at the moment, though.

By the way, in case this matters to anyone amidst the struggles and complexities of their daily lives, I'm no longer using KDE. I'm using Fedora Xfce now.


@Radical_EgoCom Ah, I see, that adds more context.


@Radical_EgoCom I would say it depends on what the 'means' are, and whether the 'means' sufficiently attain the 'ends'.


"But isn't everyone like that?"

Well I don't damn well know. Ask or observe everyone.


Like it got to a point where I was kind of spacing out and not paying attention to where I was going, and going back to spots where I had already been, and...I just want to move on, now.

But this is probably the first or second time I've gone through the Blackreach quest without getting all 30 crimson nirnroots before leaving.


I've got 28/30 crimson nirnroots and I'm tired of Blackreach. I'll come back for the other two at some other time.


@biddy_sue Ah, thank you so much. And you're welcome!


I...I can use some hugs, please.


Saw a commercial on Fox News for a Children's Guide to Donald Trump. This is not even a joke. On the one hand, I bet it would be hilarious to see how they sugarcoat and water down Trump to make him suitable for a child audience. On the other hand, wtf are they doing to their kids. This is North Korea-level brainwashing shit.


Saw doc at immediate care. It's acute bronchitis with bronchospasm and sinusitis.


Don't worry, I will resist the urge to say that joke to the doctor who is treating me in the clinic tomorrow.


Someone on Facebook suggested I could have walking pneumonia. I would put my money on that or bronchitis. But I'm not really walking, so in my case it would be "sedentary-but-not-bedridden" pneumonia.


I probably wouldn't be able to use any technology devices in the psych ward but hey look at this cool little basket I wove.


When my dad fully retires, I'll still get medicare from my disability benefits, but that doesn't cover prescriptions and doctor visits, only hospital stays.

So I dunno, if I can't get my meds I might have to check myself into a psych ward anyway.


I'm considered a disabled dependent, so I'm covered under my dad's plan even though I'm 36. Because we live in stupid America where there is no universal healthcare and everything's a goddamn profit racket.


I mean, it could very well be bronchitis. Maybe it just presents somewhat differently this time.


I go four years without getting COVID. I live with my grandfather for three years and didn't get sick once.

I move back in with my parents in June, and I got COVID a few months later. Now I've got whatever this is. I don't think it's COVID again. It's not bronchitis because I've had that before and this coughing feels different from that.

My parents' house generally gets way more outside traffic from other people than when I lived with my grandfather. My dad works as a custodian at a school, so he probably brings home all kindsa shit. And ironically that's where I get health insurance coverage from.


@me Yeah, mine's not done yet. I've been sick since Friday. Tomorrow I'm going to see the doc. I should have been over a cold by now.


I've got delayed-onset muscle soreness in my abs from all the coughing and nose-blowing. I guess it is almost like doing crunches.


My Seedhost server is suspended until January 1st, due to exceeding my monthly traffic quota for December. I guess I gotta configure the qBittorrent instance running on that server to use torrent queueing.


I'm feeling much better at the moment. I still have some minor chest and sinus congestion, but it's tolerable. I still speak with like a sort of sickness vocal fry. But my parents both said I look like I feel better. My mood is improved.


I was visited by the ghost of Christmas possible-past. In the form of a vague intrusive thought that I might have wronged someone (anyone).

So, I don't know who needs to hear this, or if indeed anyone needs to hear it, and if the latter is true, then I don't know if this is something I should apologize for, necessarily.

But if anyone does need to hear it, and if it is something I need to apologize for, then I am sorry for being a creep to you, if that was ever the case. I am sorry.


I'm unable to join my family at a Christmas Eve party because I have a bad cold.

I could use some virtual hugs. 🥺


The hammer and sickle symbolism of communism is interesting. On the one hand, it invokes a sense of fear, especially among Americans, because those tools can be used to inflict violence, or even to kill. On the other hand, it's just symbolizing the rights and solidarity of innocent workers and farmers.


And I mean like, I make similar mistakes, though less frequently nowadays than I used to, so I can't rightly be pissed off about it without being somewhat hypocritical.


The difference in price between the 3.75 oz and 8.75 oz bag was only like a dollar or so, so it's not that big of a deal. But for cough syrup and similar items I would expect the price difference in sizes to be larger, so it would have mattered more if they got the wrong size cough syrup.


I ordered cough syrup and an 8.75 oz bag of Chex Mix through GrubHub. The cough syrup was correct, but the person who filled my order picked the 3.75 oz bag of Chex Mix. I received no text message saying that CVS was out of 8.75 oz bags and asking me for a substitute, so I assume the delivery person just grabbed the first bag of Chex Mix they saw without checking if it was the right size.

I wish delivery people would be more conscientious. They're in a big damn hurry to get to the next delivery so they're not being mindful.


Things I'm going to start doing in five minutes:

- Stop doomscrolling.
- Eat food.
- Take meds.
- Clean mouth.
- Play Skyrim.


I've realized that my ideal romantic relationship structure is polyamorous, with at least one soul-mate tier (or near-soul-mate tier) relation while being open for one or more less deep casual relations.

I feel like advertising this on dating profiles would severely limit my potential match pool, because it seems like most people want monogamous commitment.

Also, I'm not likely to attain anything close to such a relationship structure if I continue to let social phobia get in the way and remain a reclusive goblin.

Feelings are great when they're positive, but for most of my life they've been a net negative. Somehow, I have this unshakeable "global" optimism that the future will be better, despite the "local" setbacks and downward spirals into catastrophistic defeatism that just end up being temporary anyway.


Man I feel like shit today. Half of my brains are in the garbage can stuck to the kleenex I blew them out into. It's a miracle I can even type this.


A group of activists calling themselves Conservative Christians for the Prohibition of Coffee, and citing that "Coffee is the work of the Devil!", would likely not be very woke.


A store-bought cheddar and broccoli quiche, or tomato soup with grilled provolone cheese. 🤔


I'm having a problem connecting to one of my domain names. My other domain name, which points to the same IP address, works.

Doesn't work: moonshadow . dev
Works: hyperreal . coffee

DNS propagation issue maybe?


I've had a cold since Friday night. Still feel kinda ick. But my nose is clearing up and I'm no longer a mouth-breather. Hopefully I've passed the peak and it's all downhill from here.


I have a variety of interests. Am a multi-faceted individual.


Good night my beautiful, creepy, type-safe princess.


I'm using Void Linux (for) now.
The image presents a screenshot of hyperreal's Void Linux desktop running KDE Plasma 6. An Emacs frame in the center of the screen is split vertically, with Elpher running on the left window and vterm running on the right window. Elpher is viewing hyperreal's Gemini capsule. vterm is showing the output of the fastfetch command on Void Linux. The desktop wallpaper depicts the snowy, mountainous landscape of Skyrim.


Nose frog was unfashionably late to the party.

Am a mouth-breather now.


@Lydie @amd No, I'm looking for something like what I shared in the Amazon link. It has to have a USB-C connector.

But anyway, I've decided to go with the 1gbps one. I already had a 1Gbps PoE switch, and I would have had to also buy a 2.5 Gbps PoE switch to go with the splitters. I can deal with the 1Gbps to save me from having to spend extra.


@amd Yes


The author nails exactly how we ought to feel about this.


I think I found a somewhat better way but I can't think real good right now because my brain is mush.

I...I should probably take some NyQuil and drink more fluids and rest.


The inelegance of this is annoying me. I'm looking for a better way.


I wanna be Shadowheart's, Neve's, Bellara's, Tali's, and Josephine's bf. 🥺


I just realized that another misophonic trigger point for me is people yawning loudly/dramatically.


I think I got like a cold.

Current symptoms: head frog, throat frog, phlegm frog, energy frog. I don't have nose frog -- not yet, anyway.


@jalefkowit @jmc I mean, I guess so. But I don't think it's that big of a deal, to be honest. System76 gluing their cases shut is not exactly the crime of the century.



@WiteWulf Ah, okay. Yeah that's something extra that I'd have to buy. It might be good to have it handy, but I'm going to try the isopropyl alcohol first. I feel fairly confident the alcohol would work.


@WiteWulf Like a blow dryer?

Or is this one of those tricks like how, when I was a kid, older kids at the campsite told me to go ask for a "left-handed shovel", and I did, and everyone laughed at me?


@blake I'm pretty sure that was my first instinct.


@jmc The two sides are removable. You have to unscrew them from the back of the chassis, but even with the screws off I had to pry the sides off with a long screw driver and a lot of force. It took a while and I was afraid the metal was going to crack or something. The adhesive lines around the edges of the sides. I ended up bending the two sides so much that they didn't go back on right and looked beat up. I had to put my weight against them to get them lined up properly so the screws go back in.

I'm honestly baffled System76 would do this -- I expected them to be more self-repair friendly. But, maybe I should have known to use isopropyl alcohol. It wasn't obvious at the time, as my previous desktop machine didn't have adhesive and just had screws in the back and the sides would slide into slots on the top.


@20000lbs_of_Cheese Yeah, I'm trying to think of how I would administer it. Maybe use a little dropper suction bulb thingy like this:


@20000lbs_of_Cheese Ah! That might be it. Thanks for the suggestion.

I now recall when I was caretaking for my grandfather, he had this heart monitor thing on his chest from the doctor, and we had to use rubbing alcohol to loosen the adhesive on the tape to take it off. Otherwise that tape would have torn his skin.


The NAS machine I built has 64 GB of DDR4 RAM. Since I'm not using it anymore, I can try to see if those RAM cartridges will work on my Linux desktop machine. Then I would have 96 GB of RAM.

My Linux desktop machine is a System76 Thelio Major. The last time I tried to open the chassis to clear the CMOS battery, I had to pry it open, and this damaged it, because they used some super sticky adhesive on it. I have since sent the machine back to them to repair an issue with the power supply under warranty and they replaced the damaged chassis at no extra charge.

I honestly don't see the point of the super sticky adhesive, since the chassis is held in place by screws anyway, but maybe this time I can try to open it with Zen-like care instead of brute force. Maybe there is some substance that would loosen the adhesive?


Me: Why do I need so much validation from other humans in order to feel that things are okay?

Rubber duck: I don't know. My guess is as good as yours. I suspect it has something to do with social trauma, attachment style, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. I don't know how strong of a theory attachment theory is, though.

Me: Hmm, I see. Okay, how do I /stop/ needing such validation from other humans in order to feel that things are okay?

Rubber duck: I'm afraid I can't help you debug this particular problem, because I'm, well, you. All I can do is attempt to unpack the issue by asking you a series of recursive questions in the style of a Rogerian psychotherapist, but that's not likely to be helpful, because I believe the first question you asked is already the terminating base case to other higher-order questions.


One big thing that bothers me when wearing a KN-95 mask is my glasses fogging up. So I bought these nose bridge clips that might help keep air from escaping through the top part of the mask.


I bought these noise reduction ear muffs for protection against the acoustic chaos that often besieges our house.

Hopefully no time-critical emergency occurs here while I'm wearing them and can't hear if someone needs help.


@mms I see what you're saying. I think the last paragraph adds information about the image that would be relevant to visually-impaired readers, though.


So I've been using Ollama and experimenting with alt-text generation with llama3.2-vision model. I must say that I am impressed with the quality.

I fed it the image below. Check the alt-text to see what was generated.

The image depicts a futuristic bar scene, with several individuals gathered around the bar and at tables. The atmosphere is dimly lit, with green lighting illuminating the space.

Bar Area

  • A long counter runs along the right side of the room.
  • Behind the counter, shelves display various bottles of alcohol.
  • Several patrons sit on stools at the bar, facing away from the camera.

Seating Areas

  • To the left and right of the bar, there are booths with red leather seats.
  • Some individuals are seated in these booths, engaged in conversation or enjoying their drinks.


  • The walls of the bar are adorned with various decorations, including neon signs and futuristic-looking artwork.
  • In the background, a large screen displays an abstract pattern of colors.

Overall, the image presents a lively and modern atmosphere, suggesting that this is a popular spot for socializing and enjoying drinks in a futuristic setting.


I think I ate too much Greek yogurt and honey.

Every once in a while I forget that I feel fuller with less food on Wegovy.

My stomach is making all kinds of weird noises. The probiotics are launching a coup.



I mean, gummy worms /are/ worms, but not in the traditional, colloquial sense. They are worms in a secret, third sense.


It makes me wanna go eat worms. But probably worms are not tasty. Unless they're gummy worms.


Why do I constantly feel like nobody likes me even though I know that some people do.


I have to laugh at how, on Truth Social, reposts/boosts are called "ReTruths" lol. That's gotta be quite the echo chamber. They have no respect for epistemic discretion.


Egh. My mom is sick, and now I'm getting chills and body aches. I hope this is just my immune system putting up a fight and that it wins.


@abcdw Hey, I know this is a fairly old post. Is there any chance you still have the config.scm file you used for getting KDE on Guix?


Ooh I love this idea. It uses a GTK UI but I want to write a tool that does the same thing but for the command line using the Rich library.


Dissociated for like 10 minutes.

I have to take a shower.


is cool. I love Ansible.


Today in Homelab:

I've decided I'm not going to use my custom-built NAS machine. I have all the data contained in an external NAS enclosure anyway. Instead of the custom-built NAS machine, I'm going to use my Orange Pi 5 Plus devices and make use of LXC clustering on it.

The reason for the switch is because I feel guilty that my custom-built NAS machine is using up electricity, and if I'm going to have my Orange Pi 5 Plus devices clustered, I might as well use those instead. They are low-energy ARM devices, they make zero noise, and they can do everything the custom-built NAS machine can do.

I'm going to see about maybe donating the custom-built NAS machine somewhere.


I think I'm going to setup an LXC cluster instead.


Honestly I feel like learning Rust is more straightforward than this.


So I spent around 4 hours yesterday and 2 hours today fiddling around with a K3s cluster. I got the cluster up and running. But, like, I have no idea wtf any of this means and I have no idea wtf I'm (supposed to be) doing.

There is so much to unpack and understand here. I feel like I need to take a deep dive course or something to have even the slightest idea what to do. This isn't as simple as running Docker containers.



Ah there ain't no Santy Claus 😠


So Stranger Things 5 is set to be released sometime in 2025. Not sure how I'm going to watch it, since I was using my brother's Netflix account, and Netflix doesn't allow that anymore now, because they're assholes.

I think my parents have a Netflix account, but it is connected to their IP address, so I'd have to connect to their LAN to use it. I could just install the Netflix app on my Windows 11 gaming PC and connect to my parents' wifi network.


Another thing about this is that I'm not directly contributing to Big Tobacco. The stuff I buy doesn't have chemicals that big tobacco companies add to keep you addicted. It's just plain natural tobacco. I would compare this to like small coffee roasting companies.


I order my tobacco from this place. I get three 16oz bags of OHM Turkish Red, each costs $14.22. Each bag amounts to about 2 cartons worth of tobacco.

I get five boxes of Top regular 100mm filter tubes, each costs $5.68. 250 filter tubes come in each box, so with five boxes it is about 6.25 cartons worth of tubes.

Shipping is usually around $15-16 for 2-8 business days.

So for $87 I get about six cartons of cigarettes.

In Cook County Illinois, which is the county I live in, a single carton of cigarettes from the gas station is upwards of $150.



I haven't been to bed yet, but I think I'm gonna take my morning meds (which includes Adderall) and pull an all-dayer today. Also coffee.



But if one's gotta go, might as well be one of the pretzels. The two pretzels taste the same anyway; it's a no-brainer.


Actually it's not really that validating, because this person's mental model of autism is probably as simplistic as this map of Europe:


In today's episode of "Ableist but unwittingly validating assholes".

Context: My first comment here was in reply to a post about having to memorize multiplication tables in elementary school.


One of my main gripes with dating apps is that most of them don't give you enough space in the profile to express yourself. Like I feel like my Fediverse/Mastodon profile gives more space to succinctly express my values and interests. And my Mastodon posts and boosts reveal more info about me that is relevant in a looking-for-significant-other/soulmate context than silly dating app questions or prompts.

Maybe this has been done already and I am out of the loop, but what if we did some sort of "Fedi-dating" thing where we use a specific hashtag, e.g. in a post that contains a blurb and basic/outline dating info/preferences/etc. We can also use hashtags for our location, like for me I would use .

I realize that there are significant privacy concerns with this with regard to posting personal and even intimate details on the public Internet. But it's just an idea, maybe we can build upon it, or discard it entirely, I dunno.


Does anyone know if there is anything like this that supports 2.5Gbps throughput speed? I've only been able to find 1Gbps ones.


Also, the OP here has quite a limited worldview to think that one has to be a child to play video games, and that there aren't adult women who play video games.


I don't think punching down on women (as a group) is a good thing, but also part of me like "Damn, what a burn against that individual."



I bought a sleep mask. Maybe it will help me get my proper beauty sleep.



One of my female OCs. I couldn't get into the Warden class -- it's just not my thing -- so I deleted this character a while back. But I still have a fondness for her.


i don't has any cheesy popped corns, but i gib u some anyway.


Babe what's wrong? You barely touched your Marlboreo cake.


It would be pretty neat if I could leverage to organize config.el tho. Like orgmode embedded in .el. Or wait, is this possible? Has anyone done this?


I guess there's no real reason for me to stop using Doom Emacs. config.el is just a monolith of what otherwise would be in modularized .el files.


I'm going to prioritize setting up the K3s cluster first.

I'm going to install Guix into a VM first before committing to replacing my Fedora KDE desktop.

I've observed that KDE Plasma 6.1.4 is available on Guix, so yay!

You didn't hear this from me, but Firefox, Firefox-ESR, and a ton of proprietary firmware and drivers are available in Non-Guix. I don't need any proprietary drivers for my machine, but Firefox might be good to have available if I need it. Librewolf is in the regular Guix channel also.

One big thing that I need and that not having would be an absolute deal-breaker is Tailscale. This Guix user has a package module for it, which I may need to refine myself. Maybe the Non-Guix maintainers would be interested in adding it to their channel.


Man, the Facebook algorithm has picked up a pattern of my liking GTA: San Andreas stuff and it's showing me more San Andreas content and it's giving me an itch to play the game. It's scary how subtly manipulative it can be.


And not just cultural differences, but also experiential differences. No two people have lived the same life. This fact influences our individual mental models of 'common sense'.


@tavi I agree, and that's an excellent proof, because art is about how it makes you feel. Not too long ago I read about how Picasso was a raging misogynist. Dalí was similarly shitty.


@spiegelmama Thanku. Ibuprofen helped a little. I can at least sit down now lol.


Also, for some reason I feel like LISP/Guile is more intuitive than the Nix language.


Homelab projects for this weekend:

- Try out Guix as a daily driver
- Take off the Doom Emacs training wheels and setup a custom Emacs config
- Setup K3s cluster on my three Orange Pi 5 Plus devices

I listened to a FOSS & Crafts podcast episode from April 2022 and it was about the 10-year anniversary of Guix. My brain is still like an impressionable 13-year-old when it comes to this stuff. 🙃


Oh man the pain is painful. Can't even fucking sit down. Good thing I have a standing desk.


Sooo, I think I'm gonna not serve digital archives publicly, but I will maintain a listing of all archived materials. If anyone wants anything from the list they are free to contact me.


But to be honest I do think people use that phrase too much in contexts when there are cultural differences in what is taken as 'common sense'.


I bet if I were a social media celebrity my OP here would have received thousands of 'likes' and people agreeing and retweeting without thinking about the logic too deeply lol. My sounding very matter-of-fact there is little but a rhetorical device.


Maybe I'm wrong tho. Maybe I'm the one who needs to check and update their model of /the set of instances in which people utter the phrase "well that's just common sense!"/.


If your response to anything is "well that's just common sense!", you probably should check and update your mental model of 'common sense'.


My dad is here now with my baby niece, and while it's good for both of them for him to play and interact with her the way he does, it's annoying and overwhelming to me and I just want quiet. I can put my noise canceling headphones on, which would help, but I can still feel all the noise. My feet are also cold. I gotta put warmer socks on. And maybe my comfy pants.


I mean, I know a lot of animals are more intelligent than most humans give them credit for, but I also feel like assuming they have cultures as complex as human culture is veering into PETA territory.


I tend to feel awkward referring to birds by their sexes "male" and "female" because I feel like I'm being an essentialist. But I think it's safe to say that birds probably don't have genders, because they don't have cultures as complex as humans, so the essentialism vs. social construct thing doesn't apply to them.

Corvids, on the other hand...I dunno, maybe I should just err on the side of gender neutral.


OK I'm getting fussy about the visual appearance of my website/blog again. Specifically regarding the readability of the monospace font. I think I want to use a sans-serif font. But I don't know if that would look good with my current Hugo theme. So I might change the theme too.

Glob help me.


Blog post: My NAS solution and other homelab projects


@Wuzzy Hi Goldie!


"And that means policing in Memphis won’t need to change. It can continue to be as demonstrably awful as it is for the foreseeable future, free from the existential threat of, I don’t know… having to act like public servants who comprehend their immense power is supposed to be tempered by an equal amount of responsibility."


@thegibson I have yet to watch Hackers.

I don't have patience to watch movies these days, tho, when there are plenty of things to do on my 'puter related to my special interests.


Me: Do you think the empty set gets lonely, even when it's with other empty sets?

Rubber duck: There are no /other/ empty sets. There is only /the/ empty set. The union of a set of empty sets is, simply, the empty set.

Me: Hmm. I feel sad for the empty set. ☹️

Rubber duck: (embraces hyperreal in a hug)


I feel like I have insomnia. I'm usually eeping by now but I am wide awake.


Ubuntu 10.10 was the last release to use the GNOME 2 desktop. 11.04 began the Unity era.


I'm /pretty/ sure the first day I tried Linux was December 10th, 2010. (Don't ask how I remember the date; I'm just weird with dates like that). A friend posted a question about Ubuntu Linux on Facebook and it piqued my interest. Some time later that day I was burning the Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat ISO to a CD and installing it on my 2006 MacBook Pro.

I was such a noob back then. I didn't know the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit computers and wasn't sure it mattered, so I mistakenly tried installing the 64-bit version of Ubuntu on my 32-bit MacBook Pro. I thought Ubuntu wasn't working because it wouldn't boot, then I learned I needed the 32-bit version. I remember enjoying the Ubuntu login jingle when the live install CD auto-logged into the GNOME 2.32 desktop.


I deleted my Apple account. Kind of forgot about it because I switched to Android three years ago. I was reminded of it because Apple sent me an email "Keep your Apple Account Safe and Secure", to which I obliged. It will take some time for Apple to process the deletion request, but soon I will be "safe and secure" from Apple, to the extent that is possible in the digital age.


I've noticed I've been getting these anxiety spells every evening lately. Like around 6 pm to midnight. It's general anxiety mixed with social anxiety.

I don't know what factors have caused this pattern to emerge. It could have something to do with my sleep schedule being shifted. It seems since around the time I moved back in with my parents in June, my sleep schedule shifted four hours later than it was. I've been going to bed around 3am-4am and waking up around 11am-12pm.


I am like an anxiety biscuit today.


@ajroach42 I hope it's having a good day.



(twitches nose)

Agh, gotta go trim my nose hairs. F***ing universe.


They must have believed in Santa as a kid.


Democracy and pluralism are fine, until the majority of a community in a pluralistic world are aggressively hostile to other communities, or oppressive, or oppressed by a powerful few.

I'm not equipped to think of a solution for this.

Gonna go eat some leftover pizza and play Skyrim until I start nodding out.


But I mean like, obviously there are times when my brain really needs such assistance, which was why I thought of this in the first place.

I...uh...think I should not think on this anymore for now. I'm confusing myself. Did I nerd-snipe myself with a mind-quack?

I'm going to have a cigarette.


My values and interests would have to be given as inputs to such a technology, and it could advise me on the best words, phrases, and social scripts to use in a given social situation, within those constraints.

For example, it would know that I like to be realistic and honest but it would also know that I care about others feelings, am a people-pleaser, and it would suggest more "emotionally intelligent" ways to express something.

Wait. At this point I'm basically wanting something to think and suggest decisions for me. Maybe I should know...let my brain do that itself? Because that's kinda what it's for?


@shaknais Thanks! That sounds like a neat idea.


Does anyone know of good resources to learn about how web servers and the HTTP protocol work? I'm curious, and I figure it would be good knowledge to have. I'm looking for something that would explain it to me like I'm a first-year undergraduate CS student.

The Mozilla Developer docs are kind of terse. The Caddy web server docs only go so far as to tersely describe /what/ things do, but I need to know /how/ things work in order to put that into context.


I ran out of clonazepam like five days ago, and thankfully I haven't needed it since then, but I need it tonight. Tonight, anxiety bad. I can't get more until Tuesday.


Tonight's supper: Pizza topped with spinach and garlic.


git dah -u origin main --fus


I haven't fact-checked this but it looks about right, or so.


I'm gonna be a little scruffly today because I don't feel like shaving.


@philip_cardella Hi, I'm just curious what the basis of this claim is:

"I'm not going to no matter how much better the experience is for anyone right now because Bluesky is a honeypot trap run by crypto nuts who are notoriously white supremacist as a whole."


Recently an older family member was so surprised when I said that I'm an atheist. I was kind of taken aback by how surprised they were, but then it occurred to me how extremely offline they are and how extremely online I am.


@ireneista @JessTheUnstill @BernieDoesIt @me I'm not sure that I agree with that. At least not entirely. It gets fuzzy when we use quantifiers in language. I would at least vouch for the fact that the number of doctors who take pleasure in such things is non-zero, and that it ought to be zero.


I mean


The assassin's smile reminds me of Solas (Dragon Age) for some reason.


"He's wearing a Carhartt jacket. He must be pretty handy."


My Nook of Apocrypha digital archive is now using Caddy's `file_server browse` setting to list the contents of archive directories.

I was previously using a JavaScript that lists the contents of MinIO S3 buckets. I've realized that it's more performant this way. MinIO S3 buckets don't offer anything useful that I can't have with regular directories. Things like syncing with a remote aren't any quicker or more efficient than with good old rsync or rclone. I don't have to sync with a remote on a regular basis, anyway.


I wanna be Chappell Roan's bf 🥺


@me In the U.S. many insurance companies won't cover the cost and won't allow the pharmacy to fill controlled substances until after 28 days have passed since the last fill. I'm not sure if there is a law that applies to the pharmacy generally, rather than the insurance company, regarding refill limits.

I got around this one time after 27 days by opting for GoodRx. GoodRx didn't have that 28 day limit because it's not part of an insurance company -- the pharmacy offers it as an option if you don't have insurance. I just had to pay $30 for a 30-day Adderall prescription, whereas with my insurance I only pay $10. $30 is still cheaper than without GoodRx or insurance.



@funkybuddha Yup, and on the left some kinda hawk-like bird or whatever they have in Skyrim lol.


Stunning Skyrim wallpaper I found on
A Khajiit caravan walks in the Skyrim snow under the northern lights surrounded by a forested landscape.


I'm afraid to look it up on Urban Dictionary.


I recently heard the phrase "man math" on a podcast and I have no idea what it means.

I'm not sure that I *want* to know what it means, to be perfectly honest with you.


@pants Thanks, I considered that but wasn't sure how it would work with Nextcloud AIO. But maybe I don't need Nextcloud AIO -- all I need is a regular vanilla Nextcloud instance. So, I'm curious how you have Nextcloud installed? Are you running it via Docker or Nextcloud AIO?


Okay, folks. What Nextcloud/Dropbox-like service do you run on your local/homelab machines and isn't public-facing? I've tried Syncthing but IME it has always been a pain in the fundament, and that hasn't changed this time around.

I want to be able to access the service through my Tailscale network.

Nextcloud and its desktop and mobile apps don't play nice if the instance isn't public-facing and doesn't have a valid SSL certificate. It's also kinda overkill for what I'd need it for -- which is just keeping a local directory synchronized with my other devices.


I have a natural flair for the impossible!


Okay, Nike, fine. But there's gonna be some huffin' and puffin' and cussin' and fussin' before I "just do it".


I'm 99% certain that Ozzy is a schizotype. He understands us all too well.


Yay, it ready for pick-up.


"Today’s leading AI systems are not only inherently unreliable because of their “stochastic” design — meaning they can produce different outputs for the same input — but they can’t even be tested in a useful way to establish exactly how unreliable they are."


Watch out for those miserable clusters of fuckery.

Don't want to get fucked cluster-wise.


I'm going to sleep. Good night.


Gonna go to the 24-hour Walgreens to get some Chex Mix. I can pick up my other prescription, too, while I'm there.

I'm thinking I might also get some gummy bears but the last time I had them I basically inhaled them and that's no way to enjoy candy.


@thestrangelet Cockroach find u


So according to Steam the last time I played was December 14, 2022. So that means I haven't played it on in my gaming PC that I got in April of 2023. For sure gonna have it on ultra-high quality video and graphics settings this time.


@stellarskylark Same. I don't know why I'm like this.


I'm wondering if serving archives would be more efficient/performant just using a regular web server directory listing, instead of using a JavaScript that lists the contents of MinIO S3 buckets. 🤔


I hope one of the pharmacies that my Invega prescription was sent to that doesn't have it in stock will get restocked by tomorrow. Tonight is my last pill.

Everything about this is stupid. I get this prescription every three months. You'd think they'd take inventory and see how many customers have the prescription and how many refills are due and place their orders based on that. Or maybe it's a supply chain issue. Either way it's stupid and I hate it.


The cold weather and time of year gives me an itch to play Skyrim. I don't recall the last time I played it -- I'd have to check Steam -- but it's been a while.


Dom-marine sandwiches. THEY eat YOU.


i gib u pumpkim pie


@spiegelmama Good night! Am glad to have online friends like you. 😊


@spiegelmama Thank you! This bit of reassurance makes a difference to me.


Am sad or lonely or whatever again.


I hope Neve and Bellara see this


Upgrade to Mastodon v4.3.2 went happily snappily.


@thedarktangent I will try this! Thanks.

This web debugging stuff is not usually obvious to me. I know there's a lot I can learn from the browser's developer console.


@thedarktangent @drwho But, while you're here, maybe you can answer this question: For the sites I'm using the Bunny Fonts version of JetBrains Mono, I initially attempted to self-host the font. The fonts were stored in a directory called webfonts, which was in the same directory as the CSS file. When I followed this Digital Ocean guide on how to use a self-hosted font, it didn't work on my website.

I know I had the CSS correct. But one thing that is different is that the CSS file I'm using is hosted in a static files directory at So the webfonts directory was The CSS I added used the relative path to the .woff2 file, so `src: url('webfonts/JetBrainsMono.woff2')`.

(Note the webfonts directory I've since removed because I'm not using it. It was there when I attempted this.)

For some reason that didn't work. To be clear, the site is a different subdomain from the site I'm using the CSS on. Could this be a Cross-Origin thing? I've also tried using the full URL, which didn't work either.


@thedarktangent @drwho I don't know. I just didn't think of it. I'm not trained as a web developer.

I'm currently using the Bunny Fonts version of JetBrains Mono with an import statement. I hope they hold true to their pledge of privacy. This is just on the sites where I have full control over the CSS. On my main website (, I use Hugo, and the theme I'm using has the JetBrains Mono font stored in the static directory, so that's always been self-hosted.


I Catppuccin'd the Jargonfile.


@jaredwhite Awesome! I didn't know about this. Thank you so much.


Someone said this series is good and has strong vibes! I also know several of the voice actor names!


@666ky Yep. I feel like the staring into space, chainsmoking is like how I withdraw/step back for a while to give my brain some breathing space before prioritizing my tasks. And this tends to happen when I have several microtasks that aren't exactly something I'd put into a todo list right away, or at least until I get a handle on the 'big picture'. But like, the anxiety involved in this experience kind of causes the 'big picture' to be fleeting.


folks (or anyone, really): you ever experience a kind of dead-lock brain thing where you have many things to do but you don't know which to do first and you feel kind of confused/disoriented/catatonic so all you end up doing is just staring into space, chainsmoking, or doomscrolling?


@drwho Thank you! This question just kind of occurred to me and I mean, it makes sense, so.


I love JetBrains Mono but I got my eyes on JuliaMono and Iosevka. 👀


Dear web developers,

If my website's CSS is using Google Fonts (e.g., JetBrains Mono) and has an "@import" statement that points to the font on \\, can Google track which websites are using said font by checking which IP address is making the request to the font API?

So basically would it be more privacy-friendly to download the fonts and place them inside the website's root directory and refer to them that way in the CSS?


I hate spiders and centipedes and all insects basically but I can listen to this song without getting my nerves in a knot. One of the lesser known Ozzy tunes.



Me: I want a dog that doesn't shed, or stink, or need to be fed, or taken to a vet. Basically a dog with zero maintenance.

Rubber duck: a stuffed animal doggo?

Me: Yes! ... Well, no. I want it to be alive and capable of having an emotional bond.

RD: Well, I don't think that set of constraints can be satisfied.


So I ordered tobacco that is made by a supposedly legitimate indigenous company. As far as I've been able to gather, the Native American branding isn't just a marketing gimmick. I hope I like it.


@kaylee Thank you!


It's shaping along quite well, I'll have you know. I'm damned proud of it.


Like I get the thirst part, that's obvious. But why is it a trap? Trap implies a zero-sum game. Like is it meant to lure in thirsty people and trap them as followers? What precisely does the thirsty person /lose/ in that situation? It seems like a win-win for both parties.


Why do we call them "thirst traps" when it's just people showing off their bodies. There's probably some history behind that phrase that I'm unaware of.


Traps of thirst


Agh, I got a zit inside my nostril. It hurts when I touch it or blow my nose.


There are people in the world who are *dying* while I'm having a mini existential crisis over a goddamned smudge on my glasses.


There's a smudge on my glasses. My lens cloth is on the other table, so I'd have to move to get it. But I am too tired and comfy to move. So I must deal with the smudge.


@ohkrll Ah! I decrypted it. "Be sure to drink your Ovaltine".


I went to the 24 hour Walgreens and got some Chex Mix.

The rye chips and the squiggle breadsticks have a special place in my heart. And in my tummy. 😌


I think I'm gonna read 2600 41-3. The hacker/infosec content tends to lift my spirits. Though, ironically, it was an article in 41-3 that I read yesterday that kind of made me feel pessimistic. It's titled The Burnout Machine, written by Bioszombie. I'm not dunking on that article or its author, though, because it's part of the reality of the tech industry, and the message needs to be heard. But like 90% of the articles I've read in 2600 have been inspiring, so.


@LexPendragon I played A Link to the Past on SNES back in the day, but otherwise I never really got into the Zelda franchise.


I think I need to take a clonazepam and chill and play a video game. I haven't played anything since I finished Dragon Age: The Veilguard. I don't know what to play tho. Kinda not itching for anything in particular at the moment. Gamer's block or something.


Does anyone know of any openings with qualification requirements very similar to this one and preferably for an organization that espouses the same values? Please boost this if you can.


I think I'd be a good fit for this job and I'm thinking I should send them an application anyway even though they state that the job is on hold and applications received after October 23, 2023 will not be considered. Maybe there's a chance they'll consider it. I don't know.


I'm angry. I think I have a migraine. I love my parents but I'm fucking sick of their toxicity. I want to get the fuck out of this house.

Why is it that every time I feel this way I suddenly lose confidence in my ability to find a job. I get pessimistic. Even if I find a job as a sysadmin/devops there's no guarantee that it will be secure and I'll work there forever and can count on a living wage. From the stories I hear, the tech industry is toxic af and they're about agile sprinting and glorifying workaholism. That kind of work ethic contributed to my mental breakdown 20 years ago at my first job and is a source of a lot of my trauma and social anxiety.

Why does everything have to be so fucked.


@roxy Yep, there are subtleties that are hard to describe that AI can't do. I think it has to do with emotion, which AI clearly doesn't have.


@joegrimer That's a load of BS word salad. Fuck off.


I don't need no stinkin' wpa_supplicant on my workstation PC. Imma disable the som'bitch. I dunno why I haven't done that already.


@joegrimer I have similar concerns. I like multiculturalism and pluralism, because in theory everyone's happy doing their own thing. I'm not a fan of paternalism -- I think communities should be self-determined, but I also think they should stay in touch with modern science and ethics and be aware of the empirically-sound benefits. Whether they decide to adopt these into their belief systems and lifestyles is up to them; it shouldn't be forced upon them.

As far as I've encountered, the left being more progressive means they are more open-minded and friendlier to multi-culturalism. Whereas the conservative Christian right wants to impose a very narrow and rigid theocracy on us. The left's positions on political issues and laws encompass multi-cultural freedom, so Christians can be Christians, Muslims can be Muslims, etc. Christians aren't harmed by pro-choice law; they are free to to think life begins at conception and not get abortions, while pro-choice people are free to choose abortion as an option. The conservative right wants to Christianize the nation, and make everyone abide by Christian-centric laws. I think this is unethical, narrow-minded, and most often founded on bigotry.

So yeah, I don't think multi-culturalism has failed, but it definitely has its work cut out for it.


The automatic negative (intrusive) thoughts I experience don't have any content that corresponds to anything in my life that I can narrate verbally. Their payload is mainly negative emotions, like loneliness, social anxiety, RSD, and sadness.


After posting this I now consider the rent to be paid in full. Am moving on now.


Sometimes I encounter the most low-quality posts in Facebook groups. Like they're not even on par with most of the shitposts I've seen. They're just plain bad and nauseating on an existential level. It invokes feelings of cynicism about the future of humanity. I am offended not by the content itself, but by the fact that it was imposed upon my conscious experience without my consent. I'm also empathically embarrassed and appalled that someone would even waste their time with such a content. Also that I'm wasting my time letting this live rent free in my li'l brain.



@s31bz It's a neat way to keep the carbonation contained.


I ordered sushi for dinner, and I also got a Ramune, which is a Japanese soda. I couldn't figure out how to open it, so I had to look it up.


Pilgrims in the 1600s came to the United States to escape government-mandated religion in Europe, and these conservative Christian gonks want to put the Ten Commandments in *public* schools. That is not the American way, as the Federal Court -- not to mention the First Ammendment -- declares.

The Louisiana governor, Jeff Landry, defended the law, saying that children who are offended by the Ten Commandments in their school should simply not look at them. The same people who say this are the same people who are "offended" by LGBTQ+ because it goes against their religious beliefs. Yet they have idiocy-fueled temper tantrums when they're told to mind their own business or to simply "don't look at it".

The First Ammendment is utterly clear on this matter: government-mandated religion is not constitutional.


The slate coasters make a satisfying 'clink' sound when I set my coffee mug on them 😊


@apex I tried Headscale, which circumvents the need for an OICD provider, but I find the that Tailscale website's UI is easier to use. There are community-created UIs for headscale but I've found them to be sub-optimal. Most things can be configured on the command line, but for the ACL and machine configuration I find Tailscale's web UI easier to use. So my choice is to eventually have Codeberg as a custom OICD provider, to reduce dependency on Big Tech corps.


@apex It is so much easier to configure than Wireguard on its own. You can have ACLs. You can basically have your own private network for your self-hosted services if you don't want them to be public-facing. Tailscale runs on almost every device, even containers and VMs. It uses Wireguard under the hood. You can invite friends into your tailnet to share your self-hosted services with them. Tailscale has a feature called MagicDNS, so you can refer to devices on your tailnet by their MagicDNS hostnames (which are whatever you name them). You can also configure your MagicDNS to use custom upstream DNS servers, like Mullvad or Quad9. You can even setup Pihole on one of your devices and use that as the MagicDNS server that all your devices' DNS will be routed to.

It's really a game-changer for self-hosting. One thing that slightly irks me is that you need to sign up with an OICD provider and the only obvious options are Google, Microsoft, GitHub (and possibly another one that I don't recall). There is a way to use a custom OICD provider, like Codeberg for example, but it's complicated to set it up. I intend to set it up for Codeberg soon - there are a few blog posts and other resources that describe how to do so - but for now I'm using GitHub. Once I set it up for Codeberg, I might write up a tutorial myself describing the nuances involved in setting it up for my use-case. The more info on it that is out there, the better.


I'm currently in the process of archiving old video games from Myrient to a MinIO instance on my local NAS.

Once I replicate my MinIO buckets from my local NAS to my remote NAS on a dedicated server on SeedHost (hosted in Amsterdam), I will make the ROMs publicly available.

What concerns me is the legal aspects. I have a general idea, but I'm pretty clueless about the legal nuances and gotchas. I think The Netherlands has more lax copyright laws than the US, and they tend to overlook downloading of copyrighted materials. SeedHost in particular is adamant about not monitoring customers' servers. On their knowledge base, they say "If we receive information that your server has [illegal] content, we will contact you about this with the steps required to fix the issue, if it exists." So I guess this means they would ask me to remove it, though, if they consider it not worth the risk to themselves. Suffice to say, data is easily replicated, even if it takes a while.


It's almost like the phantom limb phenomenon. Phantom neurons, maybe.


@risottobias Oh, sorry, you said VPS providers, not VPN.

But with Tailscale you wouldn't need a VPS unless you want the services exposed to public-facing Internet.

Sorry again, my brain is all over the place. So for VPS provider I use They are based in Germany, but have datacenters in the US as well. I find the quality of the servers are good for the money.


@risottobias If you're looking to run self-hosted services and access them conveniently and keep them closed off from the public internet (or not), you should definitely try !! It's free for up to (I think) 100 devices.


Ah man. I'm in hyperactive/impulsive/brain-is-all-over-the-place mode.

I've got to go touch grass, meditate, and ground myself.


True story: Several years ago I donated $100 to an EA charity (GiveWell, I think) to buy mosquito nets to save people from malaria. For an organization that prides itself on Bayesian reasoning, they gave me no hard evidence that the money went where I thought it would go. And this is probably my own fault.

For all I know, I contributed toward rent payment for some Silicon Valley techbro's expensive SF/Bay Area studio apartment, and this could be framed as "contributing to the greater good" because it contributes to said techbro's "utility function".


I got a message from a stranger on Facebook who said, "Tell me honestly, if I gave you a $5000 Walmart gift card, how would you spend it? I'm looking to help 10 families out this season and you are number 9."

Obviously a scam, so I immediately blocked them. But, come on, *Walmart*?

Like if you want ppl to get the most bang for their buck, try Costco. And there are more effective ways to help ppl out that don't involve suspiciously DMing them on the Internet. Or maybe buy your local Costco's stock of some essential items and physically distribute them to families in need.

(My use of the word "effective" there is because that's the best word I could find to represent the concept. I am by no means alluding to the "EA" movement.)


Uh here's my Ko-fi page if anyone's feeling generous. I'm not exactly hurting for money at this time, so by all means prioritize your donation to less fortunate people. But here it is anyway, just in case. You never know 🤷‍♂️


@mike OMG. This is such a good content.


@tavi I've had similar experiences.


CIA: Central Idiocy Agency



I played Sonic the Hedgehog 2 so much as a kid that whenever I hear the "Sega" jingle my brain immediately anticipates the Sonic 2 theme song.


"Oh no, he's capitalizing the word 'Universe' again. Is he taking his meds?"


So I no longer suffer from this malady somehow. I don't recall if SDDM received any updates on Fedora 41, but I can now login with SDDM as the display manager.

It's quite possible that it might stop working again due to some random fluctuation in chaotic forces of the Universe.


Imagine if was rewritten in 🤔

If only I was versed enough in Rust to even conceive of such a project beyond just "ArchiveBox but with performance improvements conferred by Rust".


My Nook of Apocrypha is currently under maintenance.

The Seekers are repairing things at the moment.

Please be patient.

Thank you.


I don't know why but I just find the trans catgirl thing adorable. Like if I were trans I'd be a catgirl.


@tavi If I ever see someone out in public with cat ears I would tell them that it's adorable. But I'm not sure if that would be giving them unwanted attention and make them uncomfortable, when my goal is to help them feel comfortable with it. Like if I was in line with someone with cat ears I would just be like "Hey I like your cat ears! 😊 ".


It turns out that cryptocurrencies aren't as decentralized as they are reputed to be.



I'm sad and lonely and now I want human interaction but I don't have anything to chat about.

How do people enjoy the interaction, and feel like their need for human interaction has been satisfied?


Gotta take my meds. Then I'll eat some pizza rolls.


I think I'm starting to build up a tolerance to 1 mg of clonazepam. It doesn't do much for me anymore, and I have to take two to for it to have the desired effect.

I'm not sure if this means I should ask my doc to increase the dosage to 2 mg, or if I should take a break from clonazepam for a while to reduce my tolerance.

I've been taking it almost every evening lately because I've been tense. If I take a break from it, then I'll have to deal with more vicious anxiety demons. If I increase the dose, then the anxiety demons will be in check and I'd be relieved of the visceral aspect. But then I'd also still be building up more of a tolerance and I'd continue to need a higher and higher dose, which is not good.


I'm feeling lonely at the moment, but, like, I don't want to chat with anyone.



Bluesky is an echo chamber.

Twitter is an echo chamber. is an echo chamber.

Your group of close friends is an echo chamber.

Your family is an echo chamber.

Your own head is an echo chamber (or maybe I'm typical-minding on this one, hehe).

You only care about an echo chamber when the chamber is not echoing what you want it to echo. Echo chambers are a fundamental part of our social reality. Just shut the fuck up and who cares.


I went to bed around 11 PM last night, and just woke up now at 7 AM. I slept pretty decently. Maybe my sleep schedule is back to normal now.


I'm okay but just feeling kind of down. I'm gonna continue reading 2600 41-3. I always find the articles inspiring and mood-lifting. Then I'm gonna do a sleep.

Well. I'm just gonna do a sleep now. I am tired.


I want friends, and I'd like to interact with them on a regular basis, but only online in a "free-floating" asynchronous way. I don't like having obligations and plans to do something at a certain time -- like, say, meeting up for coffee on Saturday night -- because I can't predict whether I'd have the spoons to do so at that time. I'm also bad at synchronous conversation and I have social phobia. Even having time obligations to do activities with online friends is burdensome to me. I used to be part of an Elder Scrolls Online guild where we would do group dungeons at a certain time and I'd find myself often passing on them, and then I end up disappointing the other members because they wouldn't have enough players. The "perfect" friendship to me is something like an online friend who I casually interact with, occasionally send each other memes or links to topics of interest, comment on social media posts, and all of these things are done on our own time at our own pace, with no expected hard obligations.


Just took it now. I don't want to wait any longer. I want to feel normal for the remainder of the day. Since I made the OP here I've felt distant even from myself. Like a husk. It should take ~<= an hour to fully kick in and satisfy the neurons that expected it 18 hours ago.


I can take it earlier than usual. Like 7 pm.


Invega has a 24-hour half-life.


I think I forgot to take my Invega last night. There is no Invega pill in my pill container for Saturday night, but I don't recall taking it, and I filled it last Saturday, so I would have taken the Saturday one then.

I feel tremor-y. My facial muscles are twitchy, especially my jaw. I'm somewhat irritable. Alogia, aloofness - we have family over but I've no energy or desire to talk. Other than that, I think I'm thinking rationally, for the most part. I think I can hold the line until tonight's dose.


Phishing scams have ruined web link-sharing and general information flow between people on the Internet. I sent a link about neurodiversity in a text message to my mom last week and she never read it because she wasn't sure it wasn't a phishing scam. It's good that she's vigilant about it, but Jesus Fucking Christ, it has hindered and delayed her understanding of something important to me. You can't just share links anymore, you have to add extra identifying context so that the person on the other end knows it's authentic. This isn't really /that/ big of a deal, but it should not be necessary to begin with.

If I understand correctly, I think the @VeilidNetwork team is working on something that would eliminate this problem for chat apps? I run a headless Veilid node on my server, so I'm glad to be playing a small part in helping to solve such problems.


Am just a goblin in the world, tryna to do a good. 🥺


I would nom the heck out of this blackberry grilled cheese sandwich.


For the record, this qBittorrent instance is running on a dedicated server hosted in Amsterdam. It's not in my homelab.


@phanuel It did go surprisingly well! I stayed for a "socially acceptable" amount of time. Not as many people showed up as I thought, so it wasn't too hectic.


What I had in mind was like some kind of vapor one could inhale that has an immediate effect of cleaning out bacteria or toxins or what-not. My thinking was that even people with healthy lungs might have some kind of buildup in their lungs simply from breathing air. Maybe lungs have a sort of self-cleaning mechanism that works on the tissue itself, aside from the physiological response of coughing up irritants, and so such a lung-cleaning vapor isn't really necessary. Or maybe there is no buildup simply from breathing air and so a lung-cleaning vapor is not necessary. Obviously I'm not a lung doctor so I'm just talking hypothetically and based on limited information.


Earlier today, I cross-posted this OP on Bsky, and someone there replied and said the idea of "cleaning lungs" is dumb, and then in different words said that I was dumb for even thinking of it. They interpreted my post uncharitably and then insulted me. I called them out on this, and they apologized and deleted their reply. I forgave them, because I didn't feel too offended by it at that moment. But now, several hours later, I'm in a foul mood because of it, and it's occupying a non-trivial part of my thoughtspace. Part of me got over it earlier, but a deeper part of me is still distraught about it.


To be fair, conventional liberals might see us non-voting left-libertarians as complicit in fascism.


Is there anything one can breathe that sanitizes one's lungs? Preferably something recommended by actual medical doctors and not by some crank naturopath. Or do our lungs really need to be sanitized?

I feel like decades of breathing random air might produce some kind of buildup on our lungs, and maybe this is why elderly people have smellier breath, whereas a baby's breath doesn't smell like anything (or formula, sometimes).


The critical window of shadow libraries - Anna’s Blog


I think this is a fair criticism. Complicity is not exactly the same thing as direct wrong-doing, but it's often just as harmful.
Red graffiti that reads "if you don't like graffiti look away like you do for genocide."


I made an echo chamber.


I've been enjoying this podcast lately.


@maddiefuzz It isn't?


Brain is trying to pull me down a rumination rabbit hole but I think I can escape. It doesn't feel strong enough. I've just got to start focusing on something in order to win out.


I liked a few genuine, gorgeous autumn photographs, taken by an actual meatspace human photographer, and now the Facebook algorithm is showing me obviously-"AI"-generated autumn crap. This is just stupid.


"She is super beautiful and clever and sweet."

This follows the distributive law.

super (beautiful and clever and sweet) = super beautiful and super clever and super sweet.

I just felt that writing it in its distributed form or with parentheses would have read awkwardly or confusingly.


The idea of a 'headspace' implies the existence of a 'headtime' and a 'headspace-time'. It's a four-dimensional construct.


@thegibson Setting aside the logical inconsistencies or "paradoxes" inherent in the idea of time travel, there are only a few things I'd change, too, I think. Most of them have to do with mistakes I made that cost me relationships I valued.


The Anna's Archive torrents are taking a while to download. I started them the other day, and only 5 out of 60 of them have completed downloading. Despite qBittorrent running on a 10Gbps network. Maybe the servers they are being downloaded from don't have high network throughput for uploading.


Listen, scarecrow, you are literally made of straw yourself. So yeah, you can say that I am, indeed, strawmanning, here.


@csolisr Okay, so I realize I was kind of confused with the terminology. The PDS is for communicating with Bsky. It's not an implementation of the ATProto itself, as I previously thought. I think Bsky is the only implementation of the ATProto, hence your post about hoping for an(other) implementation for self-hosting. Sorry for being wrong.

It doesn't help that the Bsky PDS repo itself lists their Discord server that I joined as "AT Protocol PDS Admins".

I don't understand the PDS code well enough to know whether it is abstracted from Bsky and can hypothetically be used for any AT Protocol implementation.


@ceresbzns Hello! You seem pretty cool!


@ceresbzns @csolisr The benefit is that you self-host your own data. It's not stored on Bsky servers. At least, that's my understanding.


The take that conventional liberals are pro-genocide doesn't feel like a correct or fair characterization to me. The root of the problem seems to be the system that enabled these candidates to be the only options. The vote was either for fascism (Trump) or for the possibility of a better life for vulnerable groups (Harris), regardless of Harris' foreign policy record. I don't blame people for choosing Harris, in this case. These candidates policies will affect them in a very non-trivial way, so it's reasonable for them to want the best possible outcome for themselves, even if they don't like Harris' foreign policy record. It's not like Trump would be any less supportive of genocide than Harris.


Domino's has been pretty aggressive with their promotional emails lately. Jesus Christ. I unsubscribed from them, but honestly I think it's time to start using Proton Mail's hide-my-email-address aliases for such accounts like Domino's and Jimmy John's and whatever other company is likely to send spam.


I disagree with this. I'm a left-libertarian, anti-genocide, and anti-colonialist, but I consider myself more pragmatic to an extent that I can't verbalize right now. It depends on whether I deem the action to be proportional to the harm, and in regard to defederating with, I don't think it is. I follow a lot of decent people on that instance whom I'd prefer not to be cut off from.

I'm uneasy about this extreme black and white thinking among far leftists. I think there is a clear and obvious difference between voting for Harris for other reasons besides foreign policy vs. being a direct supporter of genocide in the same way neo-Nazis are. Conflating those would be denying a non-trivial piece of reality. We can still promote anti-colonialism and anti-genocide without isolating ourselves from conventional liberals. Advocating to cut them off is based on a desire to punish them, and frankly I find any idea founded on a desire to punish to be scary and reminiscent of fascism.

Of course, this is the Fediverse, so it should be a decision made by individual instances.

If I see other reasons for defederating from, I will consider them. I just don't think the fact that they tend to be Biden/Harris liberals to be a good reason to do so.


I don't have to use my treadmill today because I got a good workout shoveling snow 😊


Corporations aren't individual people.

"Okay but they're run by individuals."

Let's not pretend that the power/agency of a corporation run by a filthy rich CEO and shareholders is equal to that of an ordinary person.


@csolisr Ah, I see what you mean.

My personal opinion is that the PDS requiring Bsky is fine, and if I want something more decentralized I have the Fediverse/Mastodon. I see Bsky as an incredible alternative to Twitter/X, and the fact that we can run our own PDS that communicates with Bsky is great. I've setup a PDS a while back but it was still lacking in features. Once it gets to a point where I can import all my data, including posts, followers, and following, then I would consider switching to it.


@ceresbzns @csolisr As far as I know there is only the Bsky mobile app. You can login to your PDS from it though.

EDIT: There is a Bsky mobile app and the website app. So yeah, users are currently locked into official ones.

As an alternative to Twitter/X, this is acceptable to me. For complete and independent decentralization, I think the Fediverse/ActivityPub fills that role just fine right now.


I don't want to brush my teeth atm, but I gotta get it over with, I s'ppose.

I'm reminded of a sign in my old dentist's waiting room that had a cartoon rabbit holding a tooth brush, and it said "You don't have to brush /all/ your teeth, only the ones you want to keep."

And it's like, wtf, why do you gotta play mind games like that. Like obviously everyone wants to keep all their teeth. For the first half of that sentence I thought I was off the hook, but then it's like "No haha jk you gotta brush all your teeths my dude".


@burnoutqueen Oh, I see I was completely wrong about it. This source says "she says she'll follow the rule." My mistake.


@burnoutqueen Ah I see, I wasn't sure what the context of your OP was. I'm kind of behind on uspol current news because I need to preserve my mental health. Based on the little info I had, I thought that's exactly what she was doing, so I was confused by your OP.


@csolisr Am I correct to assume that by your use of "proper" here, you are aware of the ATProto Personal Data Server and you find it to be currently subpar?

If not, then I want to just inform you that it is a self-hostable implementation of the ATProto. Though it's currently not considered production-ready. :)


@burnoutqueen What do you mean? I'm just curious, I don't intend to argue here.


Am a sad goblin. ☹️


As a left libertarian living in a conservative household, I am constantly subjected to the horrors of Fox News. I can't tell the homeowners to change the channel. They don't care how their views and attitudes affect me, because it's their house, and they have a right to be toxic assholes in their own house. As a disabled dependent, I still get medical insurance under my dad's plan, so I can't just up and leave, and I try not to burn bridges.

Often, trying not to burn bridges entails sitting stoically in the line of fire of angry bigoted vitriol toward political people and news reporters on the television whom my dad dislikes or disagrees with. He thinks he's being fair and balanced by tuning into CNN once in a while.."Yeah I like to hear both sides, I'm not biased", but this actually just amounts to him swearing and spewing vitriol at the liberals on CNN, because he never cared about "seeing both sides" in the first place.

Anyway, regarding Fox News, I just had to sit through a segment of the Greg Gutfeld show in which he mocked "wokeness" and made ad hominem attacks against the trans congresswoman Sarah McBride.

If this is how most conservatives think, then I'm legitimately scared for the future, and it reinforces my cynicism.


This is just a rough draft, not the final product - I just figure it's good to have the mirror up regardless. There are still some things I want to add to the description of the web page's contents. I want to personalize it. I'm the only one running the mirror, so using "we" doesn't make sense.

The entire site is generated statically from Go's template library, so the text that you see at the beginning of the page is hard-coded. I just have custom CSS at this time.

The code is forked from


I'm just gonna leave this here...

(My use of the above phrase doesn't actually coincide with how the phrase is typically used on social media. There is nothing particularly juicy or shocking about the link.)


BredOS looks like a cute distro for my portable desktop 'puter.


@devopscats It is, rather, an /image of/ a traffic light.


@tavi Ah, fair enough.


@tavi Dual boot?


Me: Well I suspect your intentions are less-than-noble.

Rubber Duck: Oh, no, my intentions are noble af. Trust me.





@aspensmonster Thanks! I dunno, I think this fear is a remnant of trauma of my emotions being shamed by peers who didn't vibe with me.


I posted this here earlier but then I deleted it because I thought it was cringe.

But you know what? I'm not gonna let that fear control me. So what if I'm cringe. Life is too damn short to worry about being cringe.


@andrewrk @b0rk I've never used it before, but maybe something can be done with SSH X11 forwarding and xclip or xsel. If you're not on an X11 localhost then I dunno.


Took a clonazepam. Now drinking hot chocolate.

Am comfy. 😌



I attempted to tthhhp a popcorn kernel shell into the garbage can and it landed right on the tip of my nose 🤣. I couldn't do that again if I tried.


An idea occurred to me that maybe I should create an Instagram account and join Threads. But then another, contrary idea occurred to me that I shouldn't, because I already have Facebook, Bluesky, and Mastodon, and the less Big Tech has its greasy, grubby meat-hooks on my data, the better.


The Scarlet Judge (ESO: Morrowind) 🤝 the Shadow Dragons (Dragon Age: The Veilguard)


@volpeon Thanks for this. I guess writing alt-text isn't is hard as it seemed to me. Having some sort of formula for it makes it easier.


Good luck to you, too, Chappell Roan ☺️


@cwebber So like, think of a pub, with activity.


@srfaudio If it just worked, I wouldn't be here asking about how to do it ;)

As per the other reply above, all I had to do was add my workstation PC's tailnet hostname in the KDEConnect app on my phone, by using the 'Add trusted device by IP or hostname'. This worked on my phone, and I'm now connected to my KDE desktop.

Otherwise, I don't think KDEConnect looks for devices on the Tailnet by default. Possibly there is a configuration difference on my phone such that it doesn't work by default on *my* phone.


@tendstofortytwo Awesome, that worked! Thanks!


Does anyone know if there is a way to use over ? It would be so awesome if this was possible.

I know KDEConnect uses some UDP ports, which are open on my workstation PC's tailnet firewalld zone, so they should be able to reach over my Tailscale network. I'm not sure how to tell KDEConnect to use the Tailscale network.


@thegibson That's okay.


I'm also kind of worried about having to go to a family gathering tomorrow. There will be lots of extended family. I love them, of course, but being around people is nerve-wracking. I think they know I have social phobia, so they'll understand if I leave early.

Or maybe I should take this opportunity to get some exposure therapy.


I have a sad in the general sense.


I'm archiving data from I actually started writing a Bash script with sed, awk, and grep doing a buncha string gymnastics on URLs, with a dozen regex101 and StackOverflow tabs open.

Turns out all I need is this super handy Firefox extension. ^_^


Ah, I thought Elgar'nan's voice sounded familiar.


This is still going since shortly before I made the OP here. I only did the .gov TLD, and it is now on domains beginning with W.

HTTP connections timed out for a lot of them.


Blocky is a DNS proxy and ad-blocker for the local network written in Go.


@lzg I would be OK with being represented by a stick figure.


My brain is in rumination mode. Ruminating about persecutory things. I have brief or fleeting persecutory ideas daily, but sometimes they grab me and drag me down their rabbit hole. I'm also super irritated about being stuck here at my parents' house. They are toxic af; my mom less so lately. I don't even want to verbalize the deal with my dad here because I don't want to get myself even more worked up over it. I'm just going to try to distract myself and play Dragon Age.


Goddamnit Facebook. How many times do I have to hide 'People You May Know'. I don't know who tf any of these people are.


😆 💙


This piece by Eric Franklin, from #2600 41-2, sums up exactly my thinking on "AI".


My left hand pinky now looks like the white stringy layer of an orange underneath the rind and the goblin in my brain is goddamned determined to pick it clean. It's glove time!


hyperreal's facial expression when he chooses the 'heart' dialogue options with Neve.


And with that, I bid you good night.

(Rides off into the sunset on a giant slug.)

(It takes a long time.)



Invidious devs have pushed an update that should improve support on residential IP addresses.


@tavi I had a gyro (beef and lamb) with Greek fries from this new Greek place around here, and it was awesome. I'm gonna be burpin' up the gyro flavor for like the next 24 hours.


I'm considering running an node but I'm uneasy about its adjacency to all that Web3 gobbledygook.


Your DMCA notices have no power here, mortal.


I bet Hermaeus Mora doesn't give a fuck about DMCA notices.


@jerry I think part of it has to do with what someone above mentioned about the state of technology you are born into being normal, taken for granted, etc. I also think communities like the Amish etc witnessed evil things -- like perhaps greed, profiteering, bodily harm to family/kin -- that were enabled or streamlined by electricity-based tech, and this solidified the notion that such tech is evil. So yeah I agree that there was some survival benefit and looking out for their community, and the cultural dynamics were probably more complicated than just "technology bad". And therefore I don't think they were that arbitrary, at least relative to the historical and cultural context.

My late grandfather who was a boomer and Catholic hated smartphones and the Internet, and he literally said "We should just use the regular telephone like God gave us." He saw technology as fragile and finicky and how it enabled such like phishing scams, digital crime, and large-scale harm.

This also reminds me of where we are at today with AI and such. The AI technology is being used by capitalists to exploit and enshittify society.


One of the purest MS apps has been defiled. A sad state of affairs.


I am sad now. I don't know why.

I think I'll play Dragon Age until I start nodding out.


@catsalad @jerry And pronouncing it like "gooey" is blasphemy! It's G.U.I.


Okay, so I uninstalled all the GDM crap, and I'm not using a display manager. I boot the system and it goes to a tty, from which I login to my user and run `startplasma-wayland`. It makes more sense to my goblin brain than using GDM. I think I can rest easy, for now.


This whole thing makes me uneasy and it's gnawing at my craw. Using GDM with Plasma doesn't feel right. I'm entering fussy goblin mode again.


@corbden Totally edit the shitpost. I think people who boost it would be notified, but I'm not really embarrassed by this. I was embarrassed the first time I did something like that years ago, but I just don't care about that anymore lol. It actually kinda adds to my whimsicality, which I've been trying to reframe as a fun, positive thing and not a personality flaw.


Okay GDM works, but I just gotta enter my password to unlock Kwallet upon login to Plasma.


I mean I guess I can just use GDM or LightDM. It feels wrong, but if it works...(shrug)


I might as well try COSMIC while I'm at it. `sudo dnf swap @kde-desktop-environment @cosmic-desktop-environment'


I'm currently experiencing this issue on Fedora KDE. I'm gonna have to swap KDE for Xfce for a while I guess. Ah well.


Ah that's a crock of shit



- The monitor is the portable monitor from the Orange Pi store. You can find it on their website.
- System 76 launch-configurable keyboard
- Orange Pi 5 Plus, 16G RAM, 8-core CPU

Orange Pi 5 Plus has a separate PCIe Wifi module that you can buy from their store, but I'm using a USB dongle.


I present to portable desktop 'puter!

It's an Orange Pi 5 Plus running Armbian Bookworm.


@exchgr Ah. I can relate. I had a lot of good friends on Twitter, but I deactivated my account and am now just hoping they go to the Fediverse or Bluesky.


@exchgr Pixelfed? @pixelfed


@gamingonlinux It's really an ideal flagship.


I'm currently archiving these URLs in my ArchiveBox instance.


@dija To be fair, I didn't specify what OS I was using, so I don't blame you for suggesting a Windows tool. I guess I kind of made an assumption myself, namely that people who read my OP have contextual background information about my environment. I'm sorry for being harsh in my last comment.


@stesnac Looks delicious, but there seems to be more plate than food. 🤨


@hwine I've been reading Hypermodern Python Tooling and that's how I learned about uv. There is still a lot about uv that I don't know. I didn't know embedded requirements was a thing! Thanks!


@feld Yeah that's another problem I've had with Nim. The ecosystem of libraries is not nearly as large as Python's.

Yeah, IIRC I was trying to run Nim and Nimble on my Fedora machine and at the time, Nim was using an older OpenSSL library that wasn't available on Fedora, as Fedora had already upgraded to OpenSSL 3. So any binaries I created couldn't be linked to the proper library. IIRC this problem was remedied in a later release of Nim, as they began using OpenSSL 3.


@dija Bruh, reducing dependencies as much as possible is what I've been doing. That's what any decent software developer would do. You suggesting it here assumes I haven't considered it. The dependencies I have for some scripts are fucking necessary. Please don't make these daft assumptions about my projects and development goals. Jesus Fucking Christ. If this daftness and lack of regard for my perspective continues, I will block your ass.

Containerization would work, but it's kinda overkill for small scripts, and it still depends on Docker/Podman. As I mentioned in the OP, I want something that bundles all dependencies into a single binary that I can port to other machines of the same architecture. Nim has this feature, but I'm looking for something for Python. PyOxidizer and PyInstaller were mentioned above, they seem to be the most promising for my intended use-case.


@aoristdual These look promising! PyOxidizer is written in Rust, so maybe it's "blazingly fast!"


@jonny I'm interested in this too. I agree about climate data, and probably data pertaining to underprivileged communities, are the most at risk. I don't know where to even look for such data.

If you use Lemmy and/or Reddit, I'd recommend asking in the /c/datahoarder and /r/datahoarders communities, respectively. I'd also recommend using the and hashtags in the Fediverse. In the meantime, I'll boost this and see if anyone else knows.


@dija Python is a general purpose, dynamic, interpreted programming language that can be used to write small scripts.

"any language is going to require dependencies but they are either compiled into the program or already installed on the machine." Right. That's why I'm asking if there is a static tool that solves this problem.

"most non nix environment is not going to even have python installed let alone some special modules." most non *nix environment only includes Windows in 2024. py2exe is for Windows executables. I'm not interested in Windows here.


Does anyone know if there is something for that allows one to create stand-alone dependency-free executables a la ? This would effectively solve some of the annoyance of using Python scripts that are meant to be portable.

Er...uh...should I just learn some Nim? I had considered learning Nim a while back, but was discouraged because I saw that one of the core devs was an arsehat.



This photo was from 2008, I was 20 years old. I think right now, I'm about the same size I was in 2010. So I have about two years of weight to shed in order to be the same size I was in this photo. Given the rate at which I've been losing weight on Wegovy, hopefully it won't be long.

I haven't been exercising, but pretty much every day for the past few months I've been at a consistent calorie deficit. I've been eating meals on an average of 12-hour intervals.


So, uh, I'm back to using again after about a month of LibreWolf is great, but some websites just work better in Firefox even with LibreWolf configured to use non-default settings.

I don't know how to debug this as I have no experience with web dev, but the thing that works better in Firefox is Wasabi's payment interface. On LibreWolf, after entering my info, the submit payment button was grayed out. But on Firefox, I enter my info, and the submit payment button is clickable and I can submit my payment.

Does anyone know how I might fix this in LibreWolf, like by changing some settings? Or is this more of a bug in the codebase? Like presumably LibreWolf blocks that 'Submit payment' button element somehow for some reason.


Was driving today behind a car that had a high school sticker on the back, showing the school's mascot. Even though I went to a different high school, just the idea of the "high school spirit" nonsense brought back a sharp but ephemeral feeling of coldness, emptiness, and isolation.


I'm also kind of cold, so I swapped my shorts for my warm comfy pants. My comfy pants are big on me now that I've lost weight, but somehow this has no effect on improving my mood at the moment.


I'm in fussy goblin mode again. I should probably stay away from my workstation PC and play Dragon Age.


Mood is down. Intrusive thoughts are up.


@tavi I think I have a Chicago accent. Especially around family. Like we pronounce "something" as "sump'um'". When I have to speak to, say, the teller at my bank, I pronounce words more like the standard American way.

In Illinois there is Interstate 90 (or I-90), but in the Chicago area there are segments of I-90 that are designated by dead politicians names. Like one segment is called the Kennedy, another segment that runs downtown is called the Jane Bryne. I guess it's a way of referring to an area of the interstate when reporting news or in casual conversation.



My nook of Apocrypha now contains a mirror of The Anarchist Library.



Was feeling irritable and anxious, so I was like, I better skip my usual post-dinner coffee, and I took a clonazepam instead. Now I feel calm enough to enjoy the coffee, but I don't want to add caffeine to my nervous system and mess up the clonazepam. I'll just let the clonazepam do its thang.


Tokodon, the KDE Plasma Mastodon client, is pretty neat. I'm going to try our mastodon.el too and see if I can get used to it.


So I have a new name for the abominations that take over the skin on my tailbone area: blight boils.


@nytpu :hugs:


At 36 years old, I haven't really noticed any significant slowing of my reflexes. But given that gaming is one of my hobbies and will be for the rest of my life, I'm concerned that games will get harder to play when I'm, say, 75 or 85 years old. This hasn't been considered yet because the vast majority of gamers are millennials or younger, but I wonder if they will eventually have to start making games with a "senior mode" that accommodates slower reflexes and cognitive decline.

Another thing that occurred to me is that maybe the time we spend playing video games will mean our reflexes and cognitive decline will be, on average, better than generations that didn't grow up playing video games.


"¿Por qué no los dos?"

Because this is a goddamn EXCLUSIVE OR OPERATION, bruh.


My skepticism/cynicism about voting being effective is largely from the article linked below. By participating in US elections, we're perpetuating colonialism and dehumanizing indigenous people.

However, there are still underprivileged communities that we would certainly help, at least in the short-run, by voting against Trump.

I don't like that this boils down to "whose rights should we care more about?"


I'm conflicted about voting. On the one hand, there is this. On the other hand, I'm not sure if voting actually does anything substantial besides elect another straw figurehead, while the rest of the government is still ideologically variegated, the Supreme Court is largely conservative until they die, and the entire system remains at roughly the same stagnant equilibrium between two opposing ideologies.

I'm not sure that Kamala being elected would be the victory against fascism that we want to think it would be. We thought fascism was defeated when Obama was elected for two terms, but then Trump became President and reversed any progress we made. I feel like taking two steps forward and three steps backward isn't going to get us anywhere. Maybe those two steps forward are still better than six steps backward, at least for the duration of a non-fascist term, and so in the grand scheme of things an ephemeral period of progress is better than none. Maybe I'm just too cynical and pessimistic, and my opinion here likewise doesn't coincide with /how progress actually works/.



Egh, the pain is flaring up again. I'm trying to play Dragon Age, and in order to be comfortable doing that I have to sit down on my 'puter chair, but it HURTS to sit down. Mother of gall and pox. Maybe a few magical Ibuprofen beans will help. They specialize in inflammation, after all.


So, at Walgreen's Pharmacy drive thru, there are two lanes. People tend to queue in the first lane, because that's just the inclination. But the pharmacy technicians will always alternate between lanes after each customer. So even if there are two or three cars queued in the first lane, if someone pulls up to the second lane, that person gets helped when the current first lane person is done.

Yesterday, I picked up my prescription, and there were three cars queued in the first lane. I pulled up to the second lane, and when the current first lane person was done, the pharmacy tech went to me, probably to the consternation of the next first lane person (I didn't turn my head to see their reaction).

I could have told the pharmacy technician to help the next first lane person. By all right, they were there before me, and should have been helped next.

On the one hand, I feel bad that I wronged them by basically cutting in line. On the other hand, I feel like the pharmacy tech should have been aware of the presence of the other cars in the first lane and helped them next. I feel like Walgreen's might have a policy that the pharmacy tech must alternate between lanes, no matter how many cars are queued in each lane, because this has always been the case for as long as I've been getting prescriptions from Walgreens. So maybe the onus of responsibility is still on me, and I did an anti-courtesy to the first lane person.

On the third hand, it's just a prescription pick-up, not a life-or-death situation, and it's not like the other people had to wait long for me--it took about a total of one minute to complete my order and leave. But...I still did sort of a selfish thing. I should have been more courteous. I will be more courteous in the future, should I find myself in the same situation. And for the record, this isn't the first time I've done this. I've also actually told the pharmacy technician to help the other person first before, but yesterday I decided to be selfish, because I just wanted to get home asap.


So I'm doing a quest with Neve, and I keep hearing this "clink clink clink" sound. I'm like wtf is that. Then I realized it's her Dwarven-crafted prosthetic metal leg 😆


Today I found myself in the unfortunate circumstance of having to listen to Mark Levin using insurrection-inciting language and emotion on his Fox News program. Complete unhinged whack-job. He also promoted misinformation about America being founded on the Bible, which is quite unambiguously debunked by the First Amendment itself.


For the record, this post won't be the intro to my autobiography.


I just realized I lived in Chicago for half my childhood and Palatine for the other half. We moved to Palatine when I was 9 years old. I think growing up half in the city and half in the suburbs had some effect on my general outlook on life. Or something like that. I dunno.

I had a pretty good childhood, though. Like, in general. The adolescent phase of childhood was when things started to get weird.


"Sleep now, or forever hold your peace."

Uh...can't I just do both?


It has been N days since I've made this post, for N >= 0.


The right-wing libertarians/ancaps think we'd be better off relying on the good graces of corporations/CEOs to behave fairly and act like responsible adults. Below is just one example of how inane that argument is. PharmaBro gets butthurt and his response is to have a temper tantrum and make an extreme impulsive decision to teach the people who screwed him a lesson.


Am in love with Neve. I might occasionally simp-post about her. I don't care if it annoys anyone. I'm that much of a simp for Neve.


@4censord You can do that here too with a physical piece of paper, but you can also have the doc send it to your pharmacy electronically. Since the beginning of the pandemic I've been communicating with my doctor remotely via phone, so it saves me from having to go to the office and pick up physical paper prescriptions.

But even so, paper prescriptions wouldn't make a difference if the pharmacy doesn't have it in stock. The pharmacy has it on file in their system and in my account on their website I can choose which location to send it to to have it filled. The one I sent it to is supposed to receive a new stock today, so I should be able to get it today, unless the pharmacy technician I spoke to on the phone was lying or misinformed about when they're getting new stock.


@nytpu 😆


"YoU jUsT gOtTa WaiT fOr ThE mArKeT tO rEaCh eQuIliBrIuM"

Bro this has been going on for well over a year. If It takes that long (or longer) for the market to reach some kind of optimum then this system is not as efficient as you think it is.

"BuT iTs ThE rEgUlAtIoNs ThAt GeT iN tHe WaY"

I've never seen, read about, nor heard of any economic system that has zero regulations and can attribute its success and efficiency specifically to that. It's a bit of a stretch to rely on the good graces of corporations to behave fairly in a context of competition and profit-seeking.


Started playing the new . Oh my glob, this game is amazing. I am overwhelmed by my enthusiasm so these are the only words I can muster at the moment. Like I am stimming, rocking, and tapping so much right now. There is simply too much awesome to describe concisely with due justice here.


Opening up anxiety vectors on a day I ought to be relaxing is peak me.


Here's my internet archive.


My doc sent a prescription to one pharmacy, but that pharmacy was out of stock. They have it on back order with their supplier, and they have no definite date for when they'll receive a new shipment.

Called my doc to have him send it to another pharmacy. That pharmacy is out of stock. Now I have to call various locations to see if any of them have it in stock.

Isn't capitalism supposed to be an efficient resource allocator? The Invisible Hand needs to stop jerking off and give me my goddamned prescription.


This screenshot is from 2013. I think I was using CrunchBang Linux at the time. It was a cute Debian-based distro in its day.


: The is currently downloading on my gaming PC!

We're having company here for Halloween so I won't get around to playing it until later.


There is this archiving community Discord server that is so toxic, where its members are always so facetious and ironic that all meaning has completely evaporated from any discussion, and nobody can take anything with even a modicum of seriousness. I asked a simple question about the size a *public* archive and the response was "Bait used to be believable". What the fuck is even that.


Am a land-locked goblim


And I mean, for all intents and purposes, it was in fact going beyond expectations, since the expectations were based on traditional gender roles. But I don't think this in itself warrants extra praise/attention.


I feel like when I was a caretaker for my grandpa, I got more praise and attention for it among family members because of my gender. I feel like if I were a woman, it would have been more "expected" of me and it would be less...Idk...salient? As a man, it was perceived as going "beyond expectations".


@siosm Hello! I'm curious about how you use Kinoite. One of the snags I run into when using Fedora Atomic lately has been terminal integration with toolbox/distrobox containers. Do you have a dotfiles repo or other configuration stored in git that I could look at for some ideas?


@siosm I see. I misunderstood whether my question was part of the goals of bootable containers. I see now that the main issue you are solving concerns updates.


@alxlg Ah. I thought this was already possible with ostree native containers IIRC. I might have my facts wrong. Or maybe the bootable containers is a development on that concept?


@siosm My question concerns the userspace aspect of the bootable container. What I have in mind is if I want to run Kinoite, but have a mostly mutable userspace similar to regular Fedora KDE. Kind of like having bootable toolboxes, but with graphical desktop components. I see that one of the features includes bootable containers having their own kernel and systemd functionality.


I'm interested in the bootable containers concept. If I have the gist right, does this mean it would be possible to use a bootable Fedora container as a regular non-Atomic desktop on top of an Atomic system?


Note: This has nothing to do with Raspberry Pis per se, but I used the hashtag because I figure people with Raspberry Pis might have some ideas about how to accomplish this.

I'm looking into making one of my Orange Pi 5 Plus devices into a laptop-like portable device. One idea I have is to use this portable monitor (linked below) and attach an Orange Pi 5 Plus to the back of it somehow.

The only problem with this is that it still requires the power source to be portable. As far as I know, there is no battery module for the Orange Pi 5 Plus. It can still work as long as I have a power source nearby to plug the power cord into, but this is not quite optimal for my intended use case. I would also need portable power source for the monitor.

An idea I have is to find some kind of external battery that I can attach to the back of the portable monitor, plug the Orange Pi 5 Plus power cord into it, plug the portable monitor power cord into it, and have them use the battery storage as a power source. Then I would just have to charge the external battery. The external battery would have to be sufficiently powerful.


I have a massive headache. Someone please give me a lobotomy.


Fuck off, summer. 🖕


Nobody wants to hire a crazy person.


I want to move out but I have nowhere to go and no income.


I'm not in a good place mentally right now. I'm scared about the future.


I have a general sad.


I got a green detox smoothie from that Tropical Smoothie place and man, my entire body feels...satiated. Like I don't know how else to describe this feeling of general physical well-being. I probably needed it. I think I'll make it a thing to get this smoothie like once a week.


North American territories that were once controlled by France.


Time to upgrade to 41!


I really, deeply resent people who don't see their behavior as toxic, or think they're entitled to be toxic because they own the house you live in and pay the bills, and when you say anything about it they deny, rationalize, and loudly double down on their toxicity because /how dare anyone think they're toxic/. It makes me super irritated.


How much would it cost to have a 20x20 foot extension built attached to my bedroom, has excellent air flow, ventilation, and is separate from the rest of the house, so that I can smoke without having to listen to anyone talk about politics, or be stuck listening to political news media on the TV, or inhaling second-hand cannabis smoke. It doesn't even need to have heating, but AC would be nice in the summer.

It would probably be better if I just move into a place of my own, but that is still expensive, and I'd have to find a stable and sufficient source of income. And I'm very scared and pessimistic about my chances of being hired by anyone.


@nytpu Lol that's so weird


I've only used "we" in a sort of second-person singular manner when writing a tutorial, to convey a sense of "we're doing this activity together". For some reason at the time I wrote it, using "you" felt presumptuously personal. Also, maybe I was just a little lonely at the time.

In hindsight now, "we" seems just presumptuously inclusive in the second-person singular.

I don't think I've ever used "we" in an ideologically self-serving manner that amounts to typical-minding.


I think "guys", "man", "bro", and "dude" are often used in a gender-neutral way. But like, they are quite obviously masculine-coded, and I don't think non-binary, or (trans)femme folk appreciate being referred to with masculine-coded words. Like some of them may not mind it all that much and may even use them themselves, but in general it's probably best to err on the side of caution and use gender-neutral words.

I tend to use "man", in the sense of "Oh man", to express mild or intense astonishment or dismay, but not to refer to a person.


Am kinda cuckoo. Not for Coco Puffs, tho.


Here are a few documentation gems I'm hosting at my domain if anyone's interested.

- A mirror of the Bash Hacker's Wiki
- Zsh manual as an mdbook
- Zsh guide as an mdbook


@fionen Did you receive an .mbox file in your Google Takeout archive?


@catsalad I don't have a cat, but this still resonates, somehow.


@rk I think our system of checks and balances, and one president signing an executive order (yay, progress!) and the next president reversing it and doing more damage, enables a sort of stagnation, and I have kind of lost faith in it.


A treasure trove of and data visualizations!


It's wild that much of peoples' political convictions are fueled by confirmation bias, and denial of being influenced by confirmation bias. Many don't even know what it is, nor have the meta-cognitive skill to observe its effect.


@20000lbs_of_Cheese That makes sense. I've never been confronted about it. I just have this feeling that people keep it a secret among themselves. Which I guess seems more like paranoia.


I don't know if I'm being self-aware or if my brain is being mean to me. I'm not exactly okay with this uncertainty, but I'm used to it in the back of my mind, just blinking like cursor block with a menacing vibe that nags me to fill in the answer.

Clippy: Hey, I see you're trying to answer an impossible question. I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that. Just remember to take your meds.


I just took a nice shower. Man, since I started hang-drying my plaid shirt-jackets, they've been drying really nice. I used to just throw them in the dryer with the rest of my laundry, but I found that they shrink and come out all wrinkly. Before hanging them, I make sure the pockets are straight so they don't dry all bunched up. I fasten the top button and straighten out the collar while they hang. Now it feels like they've been starched and pressed, the collar is nice and stiff. It's also great that I fit in them much better these days.


Now that I recall, I've only heard "the smell of the ocean salt" in either a video game or book, so it was likely just a literary device or something.



I've never smelled the salt of the ocean / seas before. People say you can smell it and it's nice. I've only ever smelled the fishy algae of freshwater lakes.


I try to think about how awesome next week is going to be but I just don't have that enthusiasm in me at the moment.


Intrusive thoughts are bad right now.


@tavi nah


I creep people out and that's why I don't have any friends or lasting friendships. I don't want to creep people out. But there is something wrong with my brain that prevents me from seeing the relevant blind spots. I don't feel like I chose to be this way. I don't know how to be any other way.


@sqrtminusone What do you mean by eshell + Alacritty? I know Alacritty is a terminal emulator. I'm curious how it works with eshell.


It's my lifeblood.



Today I'm going to finish reading the #2600 Hacker Quarterly 41-2 and get started on 41-3.


@BryanBennett Your mileage, and others' mileages, may vary, but that's just from what I've experienced using Eat. I'm like 70% confident that my experience generalizes to everyone using those zsh plugins and


It's interesting to see how the shapes of the land masses aren't arbitrary. Or at least not any more arbitrary than their respective plates.



The best terminal experience I've had so far has been with Vterm.

The Eat package seems limited in its functionality, and does not play nicely with zsh-autosuggestions, zsh-syntax-highlighting, and


@riyaco Buon giorno


Next week is gonna be epic.

Tuesday, 10-29: 41 release day!

Thursday, 10-31: Halloween, and the release of : The !


I've successfully migrated my tailnet to a headnet using , the open source version of the Tailscale backend.


I think it's been about 30 days since I deactivated my Twitter account, or it will be 30 days soon. This means my account will become permanently inaccessible. I feel sad that I might never see my Twitter friends again unless they come here or Bsky.


I use this python-qbittorrent package a lot and it looks like it could use some help writing tests.


The universe sees it.


(hunger pangs)

I guess it's time for supper now. It's been, what (checks watch), 13 hours since I last ate?


@jxself That's beautiful


Someone seems to have an axe to grind with me and I have no idea why. Like I don't think I have wronged them in any way. It's possible I did or said something that wronged them -- people don't have axes to grind for no reason. I just don't know what it is that I said or did, and this person in particular doesn't seem to have values/beliefs that are different enough from mine that they'd have an axe to grind with me. It could also be subconscious envy that motivates them, but I feel it would be too self-serving of me to accept that as the only explanation, and there are plenty of things about me and my life that are unenviable.

Anyway, I gotta fold and put away towels now and then run some errands.


@PixDeVl Thanks! I'm also curious why it requires a subscription though. Once you request that your data be removed from these sites, doesn't it stay removed/they legally can't use your data anymore? Or is it a matter of new data sites popping up so they have keep up with them? Like at some point there's gotta be diminishing returns on the subscription value.


It's Friday, and I'm gonna have sushi for supper.

Not because I am a proper Christian. I'm not even an improper, blasphemous Christian.

I just like sushi, and it just happens to be Friday, is all.


This is interesting, but I have a few questions:

- Why does it cost money?
- Is the 'tool' they use open source?
- What kind of thing is this 'tool'? Is it software?
- Can the average person, or even a sufficiently skilled software developer, do these data removal tasks themself? Or is there a hard reason why something like Incogni is necessary to remove one's data?


@tavi I just respond in the most automatic way possible. Maybe they'll pick up on the non-verbal automaticity and be like "yeah this is weird I won't ask him that anymore". NTs only take hints from other NTs tho.


git pull (my finger)


I'm gonna try to pull an all-dayer. Maybe that will nudge my sleep schedule back into sync with the normal folk.


I wanna write a exporter in but I don't know what to write one for. I think all the services I run already have Prometheus exporters.


I think Italians generally are more prideful of their regional origins, so that tended to be a salient aspect of our generational culture, whereas the Germans didn't talk about it much.


I don't know where in Germany any of my German ancestors were from, but I know where all my Italian ancestors were from in Italy.


Dear writers, I am begging you, please stop using the "loner with intrusive thoughts goes on a killing spree" trope. It's tired. It's a harmful stereotype. Find something better for your stories.


@famfo @domi @dns I don't have time right now but I'm bookmarking this. It looks interesting!


Okay, here it is. For now.


@mms Yeah I've tried it, but I find it's not necessary. I just put the org files into the content directory as per the Hugo directory structure and it renders them as-is into HTML. ox-hugo converts the org files to markdown, but you don't need that extra org-to-markdown step.


Egh, I'm fussing about over my blog and website again. Ah well. I'll figure something out eventually.

All I know is: an org-mode static blog is kinda a pain to maintain. I want tags and RSS without having to write a bunch of hacky Emacs Lisp. Hugo static site generator supports org-mode as a markup language, so I don't need to convert everything to markdown, which is good. The main thing I'm fussing about is the theme selection. In the grand scheme of things, most people who would read it don't care too much about the aesthetics, as long as it's readable.

There is another thread going through my mind that makes me tempted to just proxy my Gemini capsule to HTTP and be done with it. Write a Python script that generates an RSS feed. I want the feed to contain the entire post, so that people using feed readers don't have to leave their feed reader and open a browser. I can put tutorial posts into my Techne site. My Techne site is now just a git repo on Codeberg, because it supports org-mode files, generates a table of contents, and has excellent syntax highlighting support.


How did Q reasonably expect James Bond to return the gadgets in "pristine order". Like do you not know the kinda shit Bond consistently got himself into?


I'm not into country/western but this Jelly Roll seems like a pretty stand-up guy.


When I say "brush my teeth", I mean brush my teeth, floss, and rinse with mouthwash. But it doesn't sit right with me. A more accurate phrase would be "clean my mouth", but that feels kinda awkward too.


On LibreWolf, I use the Container Tabs extension for Facebook, Amazon, Google, YouTube, and Microsoft.

In other news, my spam folder on my Proton Mail account only gets like two or three spams a week since I have deleted my Gmail/Google account.


I was mentally and neurologically prepared to go return Amazon items to the UPS store but for some stupid reason the Amazon app and website doesn't show return options for these particular items. Motherfuckers. I'm on the verge of goblin mode. I'd take a clonazepam but I feel like I should be okay in an hour or so.


Rubber duck: Bro you just nerd-sniped yourself.

Me: No, *you* nerd-sniped me. 🤨

Rubber duck: (sigh) Do I *really* have to explain this to you, again?



Remember when autumn was autumn, winter was winter, spring was spring, and summer was summer? Those were the days, eh?

Or am I making this up? Was that ever really a thing? If you live in a deciduous region, does that coincide with your experience?



Am a real grumpy/irritable goblin at the moment. 😖


I bought these to wear when I'm in public or around a sizeable group of people. I'm reclusive and social/agoraphobic so I only go out if it's necessary, like to get groceries or my meds.


Whenever anyone comments on my stuff, my default reaction is that they are trolling, pranking, or using double language. I've been like this for a long time, and in general it hasn't increased or decreased with changes in my meds. I've learned over the years to give people the benefit of the doubt. Prior to that, I had to learn that there is a good reason to even doubt my perceptions in the first place.

Giving people the benefit of the doubt in these situations means I have to give myself time, come back to it later, and respond in a way as if the person is being genuine, ignoring whatever paranoid assumptions my brain wants to make about their state of mind. I haven't been perfect with this. I believe this visceral hypervigilance isn't something I can change. After almost 20 years, all I've learned is that I can control my responding behavior, not the thoughts/perceptions/suspicions.



My skin-picking is real bad today so I gotta put rubber gloves on.

It's weird, because the skin-picking is partly a stim, so I'm procrastinating putting the gloves on. I like the sensation under my finger nails of picking at the skin imperfections. But it's damaging my skin, and I really shouldn't be walking around with open sores like this.


Was gonna go to Hobby Lobby to get a rubbermaid bin but I forgot they are closed on Sundays because they're a buncha God-fearing arsehats.

Onward to the next horrible corporation I guess.


It seems to be in active development, but some bugs haven't been fixed in a few years since their initial reports. Showing the same person after disliking them was initially reported in 2022. It's a work-in-progress, but I think it's far from being competitive with more popular dating apps at this time. I think it's a good effort, and there is definitely a need for a dating app without dark patterns and creepy algorithms, but it doesn't have the funding for anyone but volunteer coders, so I think it will take a while for it to become viable.

Unfortunately, I'm kind of running short on time. I'm just about into the dawn of my silverfox years, and I've been kind of robbed of experience in my prime years by mental illness and medication side effects. I really don't know how to meet people, how to talk to people. There is no "hey we have the same interests and values so let's be friends and/or lovers". There are a lot of trials and errors.

Since adolescent trauma, there has been this hardened shell over me that has prevented me from growing socially and emotionally as far as relationships are concerned. Today, I feel like that shell is becoming more brittle with age, and I've realized I've been harboring these simplistic, narrow, trauma-rooted beliefs about relationships. Still, when it comes to actually physically socializing with people, the trauma takes over my nervous system and emotions.

The only way I can envision how a relationship or friendship would begin for me is by meeting people online, like maybe on social media, who share my interests and values, and after interacting with each other for a while we've built a mutual trust, respect, and possibly attraction. For friendships, I'm fine with having online friends, but for dating I want to have physical intimacy, so I'd want to meet in person. My situation is such that I need people to get to know me online first, because social phobia/trauma, and mental illness prevent me from opening up enough in person when meeting people. This is why I try to be as authentic as I can online.


"That sounds rather...painful?"

I mean, it kinda is, like there is a subtle inkling of sadness, but it's part of a deeply felt wistfulness that is weirdly pleasant.


I'm glad someone uploaded this to the Internet. The low-chaos epilogue and music hits me real hard in the feels and carves a -shaped hole in my heart.


I've noped out of hosting a NewsBlur instance. The dependencies are a shit-show. The UI is outdated -- it still lists Google+ as a share service. Despite being self-hostable, the developer(s) don't really cater to self-hosting, as I've had to edit the docker-compose.yml file to make it work on Debian, otherwise it assumes the admin is hosting it on a macOS server (wtf?). I anticipate that maintaining it when there are updates to the codebase will be a shit-show. I wouldn't want users to place their trust in something this convoluted to maintain consistently. Nor is it worth the expense of hosting it on a dedicated VPS.

I've decided to host a instance instead. It should be up and running very soon. I will make a pinned post later with links to the public services I'm running that accept sign-ups. 🙂 💙 :dance_cool_doge:


@morenonatural I mean, I would just continue to use Neovim on the remote host with a minimal config before doing what you describe. I thought SSHFS development was discontinued or something? That might work better for development purposes but I'm mostly doing configuration and sysadmin stuff on remote hosts, so a basic Neovim config is fine for me. It would be nice to use Emacs for everything though.


@viq Elasticsearch I can at least plan for somewhat. I know it initially allocates half of the available RAM. I can also adjust this by configuring the JVM options.


I think the best solution here is what @mekeor suggested. Start an Emacs daemon on the remote server, put my configuration on the remote server, and use the EAT package for multiplexing.


Yeah, uh, signed up for an account. The app is kinda broken. I click the X for some of them to see who's next and it shows the same person. Also, the user base is not much different from what I tend to get in other dating apps. Not sure why I expected it would be a buncha open source nerds. Wishful thinking, probably.

The account was free but my experience on it makes me feel like I'm some lonely baby boomer dude who was duped into some shitty spammy dating app. I want to delete my account and remove all traces of my having been on it.


@mekeor Ah that was poorly worded on my part. Can't think straight right now but I'm sure there is a better way to express the idea. I guess my first mention of "possible" was referring to something different than my last mention of "possible". Describing what that 'something' is eludes me at the moment.

Anyway, thanks for the explanation in the post you linked to. The Emacs server daemon doesn't bind to a port, but rather to a socket on the machine running it, so an Emacsclient can only connect to and draw frames on the machine with that socket. So it's not possible in that sense, given its current feature state.

But hypothetically I feel like the ability to connect a local Emacsclient to a remote Emacs daemon could be implemented in a similar way to how X11 Forwarding works with SSH. I don't know, though. And of course, that would open up an attack vector.


Intrusive thoughts are bad rn



Well it seems like the same issues happen with VSCodium and the Remote SSH extension. No easy way to edit with sudo without starting a new session.


Fellow , , and people: If you use emacs -nw or emacs-nox11 in a remote SSH session, how do you deal with keybinding interference with terminal multiplexers? The only reason I use (Neo)vim in remote SSH sessions is because Emacs keybindings would interfere with my local Zellij instance and sometimes the remote Byobu/tmux session.

One possible solution is to change the Zellij keybindings. Another possible solution is just to connect to the remote systems via Emacs' tramp session and edit files that way, but IME that has been buggy and doesn't have a native feel. Plus if I have to use sudo to edit a file, it has to start a whole new tramp session. Another possible solution that may or may not be doable is starting an Emacs server on the remote host and connecting to it locally, but I'm not sure if this is possible yet.

I've tried more lightweight members of the Emacs family, like mg or zile, but those still have most of the same keybindings as regular Emacs and they are lacking in terms of configurability. I'd also like to have at least some basic syntax highlighting, nothing fancy.

Of course, VSCode has these features builtin with their Remote SSH Explorer, and even has a nice UI that allows one to select different SSH hosts. I feel like Emacs can be made to do exactly this, but tramp mode just feels... idk... clunky.


@benda It would only serve that purpose for the subset of people who are actively looking for someone to date. That's not usually what people want when they use that hashtag.


There is a FOSS dating app that might be more promising for me in terms of finding someone with shared interests, but I can't recall the name of it. The only word that comes to mind is "alveolar", which I know is not the name of the app, but I just feel like the name looks or sounds like that. So much for implicit memory.


My blog is an org-mode static blog. Maybe I should take a look at ox-rss:


My blog's RSS feed doesn't contain the contents of each post in the description tag, but I'm going to write a Python script that creates an entire XML entry for each post and updates the feed.

I'll start here:


I'm wondering when the hell did I acquire this sort of "entrepreneurial spirit". I don't even like taking financial risks. (The impulse purchases I make have no bearing on this.)


@viq Yeah, that's what I mean. It would be more feasible to have a dedicated VPS for it.


I'm wondering if this is a matter of "if you build it, they will come". If I deploy the VPS with Vultr it would be super easy to scale the resources according to need. Self-hosted instances have 100% of the premium features. It's $99/year for those features on the official Newsblur app. $36/month to run a Vultr VPS with decent resources, but depending on the number of users I get I might have to scale that upward. I would of course charge users less than the official Newsblur app does, otherwise there would be little point in using my instance. But I might also put a limit on the number of users. And how I would go about charging users to sign up is another matter that I have zero experience with. I mean what comes to mind is like a mandatory donation on Ko-fi before their sign-up is approved, or something.


@viq @ketmorco Yes, by public-facing, I mean accepting sign-ups and accessible from the public Internet.


Does anyone here run a self-hosted Newsblur server that is public-facing? If so, how many users do you have? What is the resource usage like?

I'm trying to see if hosting a Newsblur server would be worth it. Even with docker-compose, the dependencies make it infeasible to run on my main VPS because of port bindings. It would take a while for me to set it up so that is integrates with the database stuff that is already running on my VPS. The web server is another matter, as the docker-compose script uses Nginx and haproxy, so it would be complicated to make the other dependencies work with the Caddy server I'm already running. It would be more feasible to deploy another VPS that is dedicated to Newsblur, but with the cost per month I'm not sure it would be worth it. Unless I charge users a small amount of monies each month...but these users have to, like, exist, first, before I can plan anything lol.


Who needs a blog when you can just have an RSS feed.


I am going to sleep now. It's 6 AM.

Good night to any friends I might have here. Good night to my Twitter friends too, even though they can't see this.

I'm gonna keep my feet tucked in my blanket, in case the boogey man comes through.

The bed bugs won't bite, because there ain't any bed bugs here. And even if there were, I'd be asleep, so I couldn't possibly not let them bite me. Bed bugs is gonna do what bed bugs do, which is bite people while they're asleep. But not me. But good night to bed bugs too I guess; they can't help themselves.


Have any server admins noticed has sometimes been kinda choppy since the update to 4.3.0? It's likely the issue is on my end somewhere, but I'm just curious about others' experiences.


It's like a combination of different feelings that I can't really verbalize.


Sometimes I don't know how to describe my feelings other than "bad". If anyone asks why I feel bad, I don't know how to respond. I try to search within me for an answer, but come up short. This is how I'm feeling right now. Bad.


Just finished all four volumes of The Missing! Omg I love Neve 🤩


"But the Ring camera is nice so I can see who's coming and going to my house."

You can have a camera installed that shows only your entryway.

"But it's good to have so we can keep an eye on the neighborhood. Neighborhood watch, and all that."

That would be fine if you got explicit consent from every neighbor whose house will be visible in the Ring network. Which you probably didn't, because Amazon markets the Ring camera in a way that would be most convenient for you. It promotes the false notion that it's okay and socially acceptable, so you weren't inclined to think it through, and now the grave privacy concerns are an after-thought. And because it's so convenient, it's gonna be hard to give it up, so you'll rationalize your under-informed decision to buy it.


It's spooky season so maybe I can have some fun with the neighbors. Put a black garbage bag over me and run around crouched down with my arms spread out. That ought to look horrifying on a Ring camera in the middle of the night. Would serve them right for being complicit in a surveillance economy. Good cardio exercise for me, too.


The neighborhood Ring camera network may not stop skunks from spraying me, but they'll capture it on camera, so we'd at least know who the culprit is.

The wage-slaves over at Amazon Megacorp who monitor these Ring cameras remotely ought to have a good laugh.


It's 1:35 AM. It's dark. The neighborhood is peaceful. It's 36 degrees Fahrenheit. This is perfect sensory conditions for an autisitc agora-/social phobic to enjoy a peaceful walk outside. But there are skunks lurking about at this time of the night, which would turn my little sensory dream walk into a sensory nightmare in an instant. And I don't have any Pokemon to protect me.


@nytpu If I saw "FPGA" out of context then I would assume it's a professional golf association for furries.


I was gonna do a selfie but I am very sad because I am not photogenic at the moment. I look like a goblin. It makes me very sad.


"Fresh squeezed" my ass! This is that powdered Country Time shit.


Lemons are kinda cute hehe 🤭


I received my stickers. There are five of them.

I'll put one on my car. Another on my laptop. I'm not sure where to put the other three, though.


In Angof the Gravesinger's Reachman accent: You will see, beast! You will see!

(Note: I can't do Angof's Reachman accent IRL. But I can do it online in text.)


For what it's worth, maybe my seeing this as a serious issue that endangers FOSS has made me sensitive to things that potentially further endanger FOSS and so I have taken some things more seriously than they were intended.


Re: Orange Pi 5 Plus: Looks like it's not quite at a stable enough build for me to use it as a router/firewall.


I'm considering doing this if I can find a way to get Server onto an Orange Pi 5 Plus.


Apologies to those who tend to identify people on the fediverse by glancing at their profile pictures and are confused by my current one. After the U.S. election I will change it back to the coffee cup.


RMS is a poison to the FOSS community.

The antidote is not "RMS makes me want to use proprietary software." Let's be realistic and reasonable.


You wouldn't give up your values and ideals to become a fascist just because a prominent leftist turns out to be an apologist for sex offenders.


@thomholwerda Oh gawd don't let RMS spoil it for you lol. RMS != FOSS


@governorkeagan Honestly that would be super convenient. I'm surprised there isn't a keyboard shortcut for that already. And if there is, I'm surprised it's not widely known. Maybe there is an extension for Firefox tho?


To those of us goblins who prefer to type out our RSS and Atom feed XML by hand:

I see you. You matter.

2024-10-14T15:31:36Z My site has RSS for both the blog and the recipes section now.


At far as tangible objects are concerned.


Apples are one of the best things to ever exist. In the history of existence.


Oughf, the pain is painful.


@PixDeVl The link displayed on the email is also malformed. If you just complete the final word to "unsubscribe" you'll get the right endpoint.

There is some validation though, because I received two confirmation codes in my inbox and it said "If you did not initiate this you can safely ignore this message." The last confirmation code I received is d33znUtz.


This made me literally laugh out loud 😆


Dinner: falafel and Mediterranean rice


Blog post: Home networking and preventing DNS leaks


- I'm using systemd-networkd now and it is configured to not use the DNS from my DHCP connection. For good measure, I added my tailnet's DNS as a static DNS server in my systemd-networkd configuration.

- `resolvectl status` shows that I'm only using the DNS from my Tailscale tailnet. On the Tailscale web console, I have DNS configured to use Mullvad's public DNS for ad-blocking and malware-blocking, so that is where the DNS requests from each device on my tailnet are being sent to.

- I also have IPv6 disabled by adding a kernel parameter to the GRUB bootloader configuration. On Fedora 40, the command to do this is `sudo grubby --args=ipv6.disable=1 --update-kernel=ALL`.

- On the Mullvad website, their connection checker shows that I'm not leaking DNS.

- In most cases this is disabled by default in Firefox (I'm using Librewolf so it's the same thing), but I made sure that the browser's network configuration is set to use the system DNS resolver, rather than the options that are available from Firefox/Librewolf settings.


I'm thinking of getting my OPNsense device back up again. At my previous place of residence, I had AT&T internet, and AT&T had all sorts of configurable options in their modem that played well with my OPNsense device. At my current place of residence, I have Xfinity Comcast, and the only option I can configure on their modem that would allow me to use my OPNsense device is "Enable/disable bridge mode". When I first moved in here, I tried doing that, but for some reason the IPv4 gateway on my OPNsense device wasn't picking up anything. I believe I had everything configured correctly, the Xfinity modem was in Bridge mode, and the OPNsense router was assigned the public IP address from my Xfinity account. This was four months ago, and it's entirely possible I missed something in the configuration. It can't hurt to try again. The worst-case scenario is that I reset my Xfinity modem to factory defaults and continue to use that. But it would sure be nice if I could have more control over that portion of my Internet.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to prevent my Linux desktop from leaking DNS to Xfinity. My Linux desktop is part of a tailscale network that uses Mullvad's ad-blocking and malware blocking public DNS, but I still have DNS leaks because my main network interface is using the Comcast DNS servers from the DHCP connection. This StackOverflow answer seems promising. I would have to disable Network Manager and just use systemd-networkd.

As a minor convenience, I can look for a KDE Plasma taskbar applet that shows network connection info, because if I disable NetworkManager and use systemd-networkd, the only way of checking the network status is through the command line. It would be convenient to have something I could quickly glance at in the taskbar.


Oughf, nausea. I must sit here and wait for it to pass.


@lindsays Hi! I noticed you liked some of my posts, so I went to your profile and I thought you seemed interesting to follow. We seem to have some interests in common.


My dank internet archive stash. Mostly old computer and gaming magazines at this time.


@caffinepwrd Okay I just ordered a 3 pack of the solid stick Fresh Alpine scent. The ingredients look promising. Thanks!


@caffinepwrd I haven't! I'm looking it up right now.


Does there exist a deodorant that doesn't effing burn my armpits? Even the Native brand burns. Good god almighty I swear deodorant is the work of the devil.


So I'm curious: what does look like? I haven't been able to find any screenshots.


Am a feeling-okay goblin today.


Me: Badges? Badges? We don't need no stinking badges!

Rubber duck: Uh, actually, you kinda do.

Me: Oh.


Since I’ve been on a lower dose of Invega, I’ve noticed that I’ve had more spoons for maintaining my hygiene. This may be coincidental, or it may be causative.

In retrospect, during my adult years, my poor hygiene correlates with increases in my Invega dose. 2011-2019 were probably the most unhygienic years for me, and that coincides with being on 9-12 mg of Invega. Invega causes me to be fatigued and drowsy during the day, which means I have less spoons for maintaining my hygiene. Also, it’s one thing to not have energy for maintaining my hygiene, but it’s another to simply not care about it. Whatever Invega does to my brain chemistry that reduces positive symptoms of psychosis somehow also makes me care less about my hygiene. Barring other possible reasons, if it is the case that Invega causes me to care less about hygiene, then I would expect to get my “normal” pre-Invega hygiene habits back if I were weened off completely. It’s almost like Invega decreased positive symptoms of psychosis and traded them off for an increase in negative symptoms.

Before Invega, I cared a lot about my hygiene, sometimes even irrationally so. 2003-2006 me would never let me go a day without showering or cleaning my teeth. But, maybe this reflects more my values regarding hygiene back then compared to my values from 2011-2019. And the uptick in hygiene-consciousness today could be related to my general mental health improvement, which in turn could be related to natural changes in my brain as I’ve aged. Another possibility is that my reclusiveness could affect whether I consider taking care of my hygiene to be worth it. But if that were the case, then it wouldn’t explain why I’m more hygiene-conscious today, because I’m still just as reclusive. I want to be and feel clean for my own comfort and peace of mind.

I haven’t noticed any significant uptick in positive symptoms of psychosis since I’ve been on 4.5 mg of Invega (since early September). My general anxiety and social anxiety have remained about the same, with better and worse days, as usual. I’ve been more talkative, more energy to vocally and verbally express what’s on my mind. In fact, I feel like I’ve had more “content” available on my mind to express. The relation between energy levels, verbal/vocal expression/articulation, and thought content is not clear to me. Paranoia-related intrusive thoughts are not as prominent today, or they are more easily dispelled by reason.

Someone on Twitter a while back asked if I’ve ever been hospitalized. I never really needed to be. My personality made me more withdrawn and wanting to isolate. I’ve had times of paranoia-influenced quarrelsome behavior with other people, but it was never to the point of being a danger to myself or others. I also had other more intense moments, but if I describe those here then I would be airing my dirty laundry, so I won’t do that. For the most part, I’ve felt in control of my behavior. To qualify the previous statement: I’m more outspoken and comfortable expressing my thoughts and feelings in text on the Internet, so my social inhibitions are lower for what I consider appropriate to express verbally. If I feel paranoid and suspicious of people on the Internet, I’m more likely to express it verbally and confront them, whereas in person I’m more likely to escape, withdraw, and avoid confrontation.


The middle of the night is actually nice because it's the only time our house is quiet and I can focus without background noise or other distractions. My bedroom on the lower level has its perks, but it also has its drawbacks, namely that I hear and feel people walking upstairs. If I'm in an irritable mood (which is like 30% of the time), I am liable to have a meltdown from the noise.


I'm predicta-guessing Wendy's is gonna hit the jackpot with their SpongeBob collab.


If I migrate to another fediverse instance software and put my Mastodon posts into a static web page for posterity, this OP would really put the "post" in "posterity".


Man my asshole is being an asshole. It hurts like fucking hell. Like I'm sitting on a flaming knife. I gotta put this hemorrhoid cream on it that my doc prescribed. How tf is it supposed to heal if I have to use it every day during bowel movements? Motherfucker.

At least I haven't been talking out of it. That often has undesirable consequences of its own.


@defrisselle Or I'm also looking at IceShrimp, which has things like Pages and Galleries. Unlike its predecessor Firefish, there is active development. The current stable implementation is iceshrimp-JS, but they are putting most of their development efforts into iceshrimp.NET, and there will be a way to migrate directly from the former to the latter. I've used Firefish before and really enjoyed the UI experience.


@defrisselle Another idea that just occurred to me is that maybe I can export my Mastodon posts and put them into a static web page for posterity purposes. But first I have to see if I'd be comfortable using Pixelfed as my primary way of interacting the with fediverse.


@defrisselle Right, I know that. What I like about Pixelfed is that I can have things like photo albums and such. But if I have a Pixelfed instance that is federated, and it can do everything that Mastodon does and then some, it would be redundant to have both Mastodon and Pixelfed. If I do install Pixelfed, it would become my primary way of interacting with the fediverse. It would be great if I can somehow import my Mastodon data (posts, media, etc) into Pixelfed. Then I can just do away with Mastodon.


There are only a few things (maybe only two that I can think of at the moment) that slightly irk me on KDE.

One is that the emojis in KDE apps are not colorful; they are monochrome for some reason. Maybe there is a way to configure this?

Another is that for some apps that I use, I would really like to have notification badges in the taskbar.

These two things seem like something KDE should already have enabled by default. I mean, some apps (such as NeoChat) do have notification badges in the taskbar. I don't know if this is something that each individual KDE app has to implement in its own code, but it seems like this should be part of a common interface design that individual apps automatically plug into and it just works across the board.


@CiscoJunkie I recall having a similar issue with the Firefox flatpak on Fedora Silverblue a while back. Yeah, the issue is probably something to do with permissions. There was a way to make it work but sadly I don't recall what it was, nor whether the same would apply the Snap packages and AppArmor.


Aside from its aesthetic appeal, the ability to mold the desktop to my preferences -- rather than adapting to unchangeable predefined settings as in GNOME -- is the reason I like as well.


I had a dream that I made an impulsive purchase of a MacBook Pro lol.


It's cool enough that we don't need the AC on, but it's warm enough inside that I have my window open. One of our neighbors has got their fireplace going, and it smells so nice.


So if I set up , and it can basically do the same thing Mastodon does and it can access everything in the , what would be the point, then, of having a instance? I mean, I would keep my Mastodon instance up anyway, but I feel like having two such fediverse instances is kinda redundant. Does that make sense?


I finished Tevinter Nights. My reading list includes the following:

- Dragon Age: The Missing, by George Mann
- 2600 The Hacker Quarterly 41-1 (I'm 75% finished with it)
- 2600 The Hacker Quarterly 41-2
- Hacker Culture from A to Z, by Kim Crawley
- Hypermodern Python Tooling, by Claudio Jolowicz.

That last book I read every day in a more concentrated fashion, while the others I read more leisurely.


Man I'm fucking tired today. Coffee ain't doing jack shit.


I guess I've just committed myself to the task of rehearsing a concise social script for this. So that I don't come across as rambling disorganized idiot when people ask me about it.



Going to sleep now. At 4 AM. Like I have been for the past two months or so. Am a night goblin now, I guess.



The world makes me sad. Why is even anything.


I showered earlier. I just took a clonazepam. I am going put my laundry away, shave, brush my teeth. Then I will chill here in delightful tranquility, all nice and clean and with a smooth baby face.

I will read Tevinter Nights. I have two short stories left in the collection.


I mean, I'm scared of things too. But not for stupid conservative reasons. I mean like, bugs and stuff. Not immigrants and stuff.


@epiceneVivant Eek! I hate that.


Do you ever just be like "I wonder what Carrie-Ann Moss was doing on my 6th birthday on March 15th, 1994 🤔 "


Rubber duck: You know what your problem is? You have no flavor, man.

Me: Psh! What the hell are you talking about? I am BURSTING with flavor.


Updated for Mastodon v4.3.0

Blog post: Change default character limit on


@nightjar What does milked mean tho?


@btp I second newsboat if you like TUIs and Elfeed if you're into Emacs.

If you're on GNOME I would say Liferea, if you haven't tried it already.

On KDE there are a few using the KDE GUI toolkit. Akregator is one.

Nowadays I run my own Miniflux instance and prefer to read the feeds in my web browser. A lot of the time the feeds I subscribe to don't get parsed correctly in a separate feed reader app.


@spiegelmama I'm not a dream theorist, nor do I have any formal training in psychology, but I feel like the second paragraph in the text on this map over-interprets the reason for the dreams. I feel like dreams are more literal than that, but not precisely literal. I could also be typical-minding here in some way.

As an example: I sometimes have dreams where I get pulled over by the police, or miss a deadline, or forgot something important. My understanding of this is that it's part of my perfectionistic, "anxious", or "fussy" personality. I haven't gotten a ticket or pulled over by the police in over a decade, and I value having a clean driving record (and clean records in general), so the prospect of messing it up kind of lives in my head.


@spiegelmama Yes. I also find it interesting how most of the countries that are considered part of the "developed world" have "teeth falling out". I guess when dental care is something you are able to take for granted, and your society places a high value on dental hygiene or physical appearance, the prospect of losing your teeth can really live it up in your head. The snake countries seem to be ones considered "less developed", or they are just in a climate where deadly snakes are an every day threat.


@hacks4pancakes i offer to gib u hug 🥺


For the record, these "weird desires" do not coincide with any particular phases of the moon.

But maybe quantum mechanics has an answer.



@nightjar I mean, what other way is there to take it? 😆 You can't possibly get 'bred', because you're already born!

Or I dunno unless you're some kinda eldritch apparition that is yearning to manifest in the depth, height, and breadth of corporeal form.

2024-10-07T06:12:50Z Ah, no worries. Yeah, I change my mind about a lot of things too, but this feels like something I'm pretty resolute about.

2024-10-07T05:35:01Z Yeah it's real. I deleted my Google account earlier today, and I had my Gmail forwarded to my Proton Mail inbox, so Proton sent me an email informing me that the automatic forwarding was interrupted. There's nothing out of the ordinary about this situation that would warrant the question "how's that even possible". Maybe you just needed more context though.

2024-10-07T04:51:22Z What?


Oh, has it, now? You don't say?


I want some kind of snack. Not popped corns. Not chips of potatoes. Not iced cream. Like maybe some flaming hot Cheetos, or salsa verde Dorritos, or honey mustard & onion pretzels.


A while ago I read about how flies and other insects survive the cold winter. They die when it gets too cold, but the eggs they've left freeze. In the spring, the eggs thaw out and hatch, and the flies resume their normal breeding habits until the next winter. They don't even plan any of this. It just happens, as if led by an invisible hand. From an intellectual standpoint, it's really quite amazing how that works. From a visceral standpoint, I wish it didn't.


I think I should get a haircut now.


Since I've been on Wegovy, I've also noticed a decrease in another appetite that would require a content warning if I were to go into detail. Suffice to say, and euphemistically speaking, I feel noticeably less of a need for self-care in that department. I still do have the desire, and I still do self-care, but not nearly as frequently as I used to. I am not especially concerned about this, though.

It does make me curious what exactly Wegovy does to my body, how it affects my hormones, and how much of my food appetite and over-eating was actually a hormone-influenced compensation for my lack of fulfillment in that other department.


I have a lonely-sad again. I also miss my Twitter friends. Still not going back, though.


I did it. I deleted my Google account.


🎶 Come on, dance -- love the things around you! 🎶


EDIT: I realize the context of this may be a little fuzzy. This Halloween decoration is poking fun at anti-vaxxers who say stuff like "Do your own research, sheeple!" while denying actual scientific consensus on COVID and vaccines.


My brother and I had these back in the '90s.


@dbug13 Hello, fellow Linux user and Emacs enthusiast!


I searched for "Dragon Age" and "RPG" on Bluesky. Found a lot of really awesome and cute people. I followed some of them, and maybe I can interact with them there if I have anything possibly valuable to add to their posts, but it also makes me sad that it's so hard for me to socialize and meet people IRL.


I've been wearing Old Spice deodorant since I started needing deodorant as a teen, and I've been loyal to the brand. Unfortunately, the huge red areas under my armpits that burn upon applying the deodorant probably mean I shouldn't be wearing it.

Today, I decided that I should give my armpits some time to recover, so I applied some aloe vera gel to the affected areas instead of deodorant.

Unfortunately, this also means I might be a little stenchy.


@anderslund Yes, another person on here who had the issue reported it to their bugzilla.


I cannot for the life of me understand what possesses the minds of people like this "Christian Dogwalker" to say shit like this.

Like I guess maybe it's a simple as that they are just stupid and haven't grown out of their shit-eating adolescent antagonistic tendencies.


I've been using my own instance of SearXNG as my search engine for a couple months now, and not once have I had trouble finding anything I've attempted to search for. I rarely, if ever, need to go beyond the first page of results. This is good enough for me for the kinds of things I tend to search for.


I drink my coffee black, but every once in a while I have this weird desire to put a splash of almond milk or dairy creamer in it, and every time I do, I end up being like "yeah, no more of that, that doesn't taste right". I don't know why I do this.


@vwbusguy @andyy Have you all heard about the Obtainium app store? It lets you install and update Android apps directly from their Git(Hub|Lab) releases. I'm going to try that for KDEConnect. I'd rather avoid Google Play as much as possible. It's sandboxed on GrapheneOS, but still.

EDIT: Eh, never mind. The GitLab doesn't have release binaries that Obtainium can obtain. Guess I gotta use the Play Store or just wait for F-Droid to catch up.


@vwbusguy @andyy Weird, I was on 1.32.4 earlier but now it says 1.32.3 and it's working. I got it from FDroid, maybe they rolled back the package. There aren't any updates to 1.32.5 yet from FDroid. I also just went to the GitLab and 1.32.4 is not listed in the release tags.


KDEConnect v1.32.4 is currently broken on Android. It's impossible to use it at all as it immediately crashes upon opening. I hope the devs can push a fix soon.

UPDATE: There is currently a fix (v1.32.5) available in the Google Play Store.


@ginsterbusch Same. I'm on GrapheneOS. It makes me sad.

To be more optimistic, though, I'd imagine some KDE devs also use KDEConnect on Android, so I would estimate a fix to happen sooner than "ages".


This is the clock we have in our garage. At the top of every hour, we hear an 8-bit rendering of a different bird song.

6 o'clock is cuckoo hour.


I just bought Hacker Culture A to Z ebook, written by @crowgirl I'm eager to get started on it!


@SJohnRoss I wish Arkane Studios would create more content from the Dishonored universe.


It's happening.


My anxiety is bad today and I'm out of clonazepam. I forgot to request a refill from the doc this week, so I have to wait until Monday.


Okay, hear me out: ...wasabi ice cream.

That would be one cataclysmic brain freeze.


@funnelfiasco Survey time!


@funnelfiasco I don't think this is on the same level of intellectual depth as a topic for a PhD dissertation.


Random idle musings:

I'm probably not the first to notice a parallel between permissive BSD licenses with right-wing libertarianism and copyleft GPL licenses with democratic socialism.

But does this generally correlate with the political views of their proponents?

If it doesn't coincide and there are, for example, libertarians who promote the GPL, or democratic socialists who promote permissive BSD licenses, I'm not sure whether that's hypocritical.

In some sense it feels like it would be hypocritical. But then, almost nobody has consistent meta-principles, so it's the specifics and contexts that matter more than the general principles.


Like, when the universe designed me, I don't think it anticipated that I would have to exist alongside other humans and such. Kinda short-sighted, if you ask me. But what do I know. 🤷‍♂️


I just had some grapes. They were extraordinary.


I've been using Fedora KDE as my daily driver for a couple days now and I'm being normal and sane about it.

Idk, sometimes having to run updates and reboot gets on my nerves because I'd be in the middle of some task and the notification will be nagging me.

What I have been coming around to accept is that (1) it's okay if I don't update until I'm ready to do so, (2) I can turn off the notifications if they feel naggy, and (3) any security-critical bugs that are fixed with said updates /probably/ won't affect my personal system at home that is behind a NAT, so there is really no huge rush to run the updates.

I feel like I owe society and myself an apology for being such a basket case about this <-- but I intellectually understand that THAT right there is actually me still being a basket case. So, sorry not sorry, I guess.


I'm running a Lemmy instance now! Registration is open if anyone is interested in joining. :fediverse: :dance_cool_doge:


I'm actually eager to read this. I'm already somewhat skilled with and the book is written for the kind of professional job I'm looking for, so the contents are interesting and seem pretty smoothly digestible.

My goal is to read it from cover to cover, one chapter every two days.


We gotta save the informations for longevity.


Oh, I forgot to mention: I met Neve in that story and she's pretty cool!

I think I'm gonna have fried fish (and shrimp) for supper tomorrow. From this shrimp place near me.


Don't use Telegram if you're an activist looking for privacy.

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov says, "Telegram was built to protect activists and ordinary people from corrupt governments and corporations — we do not allow criminals to abuse our platform or evade justice."

What an inane statement.

Bruh. A *corrupt* government or corporation is gonna use their power to deem activists protesting against them to be criminals. This ... this is precisely how government and corporate corruption *works*.


Whoa. TIL Bitwarden has their own authenticator app now! Time to switch to it and spend the next 30 minutes reauthenticating all my accounts.


"This helps protect our monopoly."


Yesterday, I read the the short story The Streets of Minrathous, by Brianne Battye. It's from the universe and is a precursor to the upcoming game Dragon Age: The Veilguard. The short story was part of a collection called Tevinter Nights. They've all been really good so far.


Everything is all good now. On Fedora KDE with normal sane healthy dotfiles not being version controlled. Backups are working. It took about 10-15 minutes and three reboots to get my desktop in order. I might just rest easy now. 😌


My solution for now is regular Fedora KDE without using Nix home-manager. I'll just use Nix + DevEnv for development stuff.


I am losing my mind over my distro decision. (That means I'm in mental debt.) I still haven't found a goldilocks distro. This isn't normal. It can't be. I should be satisfied with something by now. I'm broken. Goldilocks was lucky she even had an option that was "just right". That old fable doesn't take into account situations in which there ain't even a linear spectrum of rightness. There's all kindsa dimensions and nooks and crannies involved here and not one solution exists within my constraints.

I'm just gonna take a clonazepam and install Debian. To hell with Plasma 6 for now.

Egh, uh, maybe I should wait like an hour or so before deleting my Kinoite installation. Maybe I can make this work. The problem I am having at the moment that started this li'l episode was that my Nix/home-manager profile was conflicting with the toolbox environnent. Maybe after I've calmed down a bit I can just uninstall home-manager and setup my home directory the normal sane healthy way with GNU Stow. Maybe I shouldn't even keep my dotfiles version controlled to begin with. I have backups going back months and never once have I needed to revert to old git commits.


I feel smad when other people are mean to me. Sometimes these other people are highly-esteemed, so I feel like /I'm/ the one who was out of line. A lot of the time I don't understand what was out of line about something I said or did. Did they misunderstand? Did I say something dumb/weird unwittingly and they wanted to poke fun at a dumb person on the Internet?


@xgranade Nice! I'll bookmark your Gemini capsule. 🙂


Blog post: Rubber duck helps me debug my daily driver issues


I feel like "purchase" usually implies a transaction involving money in exchange for a good or service. This is what customers are doing, even if they're only purchasing a license (not the entire product itself). So maybe banning the use of "purchase" in advertising unless it's accompanied by more context about the nature of the transaction, like "purchase a license for $X", with further information disclosed about what the license entails.


So the Twitter algorithm apparently thinks I have a thing for red-heads. Probably because I liked a bunch of thirst trap photos that just happened to be red-heads. I also just happen to interact with several red-heads in some fandoms/communities.

I mean, red-heads are beautiful and everything, but I don't like have a *particular* preference for red-heads, specifically.

Twitter algorithm: "But the data never lies, hyperreal."

Okay but the heuristics you've gathered from that data are flawed because they are based on something arbitrary and circumstantial, over which I had no preferential control to begin with.

It's by coincidence that the people whose photos I liked were red-heads. And all the Twitter algorithm does is "Ohp, that's another increase in the strength of hyperreal's ANN connection for red-heads. He definitely, absolutely has a thing for red-heads. Flood his timeline with more red-heads."


Aside from LibreWolf, GNU IceCat is a pretty good privacy-friendly alternative to Firefox.


I took a gamble and ordered a burrito from Chipotle. Hope it's good this time. 🤞🤞


Aw snap, I bumped into the my desk that holds my gaming PC which caused the mouse to move so it got knocked out of suspend mode. There goes a few bucks worth of electricity. It should go back to sleep in 15 minutes, tho.


My given surname: Serio
My Halloween surname: Scary-o

But like, the Halloween name is a play on the standard Italian pronunciation of my surname. My family pronounces it the Sicilian way, which is as if it were spelled "Sirio" (it rhymes with "cereal").


An idea occurred to me to look up how timezones work, how the scientists decided on them, to what extent are they arbitrary and to what extent are they based on something concrete, but I have other priorities at the moment so am shelving this for now.



magic-tape: a command line YouTube client that supports fuzzy searching.


I am obviously a plant. Please water me.


I went to bed at 2:30 AM and got some decent sleep. It's now 9:45 AM. Maybe my sleep schedule is back to some kind of normal.


I haven't encountered a single anarcho-primitivist that wasn't a complete unhinged whack-job.



@annaymone I mean I guess it's anarchism and still relevant to the bookfair but the ones I've encountered on the Internet were complete whack-jobs. Not surprised they have Kaczyinski's books there.


I have a sad of sorts.


It's weird because like I can read the source code and get a general idea what it's doing but there are so many nuances of the language that learning/being able to produce code in it is a totally different species.


Looking at the source code for and I acquired another itch to learn Rust. One of these days the itch will be strong enough to scratch.


Disclaimer: I'm kinda a idiot and am human so am prone to flawed reasoning myself. I'm not entirely confident that I know what I'm talking about.

But at least I'm self-aware, which makes me somewhat less insufferable I think.


I, a leftist, have to resist the urge to comment on what I consider to be flawed, hypocritical, one-sided reasoning of another leftist on Twitter, so that I don't get dogpiled onto and accused of defending the bigot they are QRTing.


I have associated the feeling of fullness with overeating, so it kind of invokes guilt, but given the amount that I ate and the time since I last ate, I didn't technically over-eat today.


I kinda over-ate pizza for dinner today.

But it's okay. Since I feel full faster, my threshold for over-eating is much, much lower than it used to be. And I hadn't eaten since 17 hours prior to dinner, so.


I'm going to bookmark the KDE, Fedora, Rocky Linux, and AlmaLinux Discourse communities on my Dashy instance. I'd like to spend more time there and contribute to discussions.


My baby niece was here yesterday and we had kid's shows like Bluey on TV. There was this like 10 minute Mickey Mouse show that played. The animation, sound effects, plot style, and voice acting reminded me of Ren & Stimpy. It was an interesting presentation of the classic Disney characters lol.


Whenever I put my phone in my front shirt pocket, there is a risk that it might boob-dial someone. So far that's never happened, to my knowledge.


Cory Doctorow: Academic economists get big payouts when they help monopolists beat antitrust


@Tionisla God I haven't heard that song in a while.


I̶ ̶a̶m̶ ̶l̶o̶n̶e̶l̶y̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶t̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶w̶i̶t̶h̶ ̶s̶o̶m̶e̶o̶n̶e̶...No, I don't have anything to talk about that would be of mutual interest, so it would be awkward and I'd probably end up saying something random and weird that they wouldn't know how to respond to.

Idk, I think I just want reassuring virtual hugs and/or virtual head pats. 😕 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I just bought a t-shirt from

I guess this means I must now watch the movie Hackers (1995), if I can muster up the spoons to sit still and focus for an entire movie in which I may or may not become engaged and want to finish.

I believe in taking the Internet back from big corps, though, and I actively do and support things toward that end. I think that's enough qualification to wear the t-shirt.


@da_667 How are you using a monospace font? 🤨




Man I gotta work on my posture or by the time I'm 70 years old I'll look like a question mark.



Me: (jumps)
Me: Oh, it's just a plume of smoke from the cigarette I'm smoking.


Man resilvering a 54 TB ZFS pool takes for-fucking-ever.


@tavi Somewhat tangential, but I have sentimental attachments to objects from my childhood as well. My mom was recently cleaning out some stuff we had in storage and she found an old Big Bird spoon I used as a kid and ironically as a teen. I felt sad at the thought of her throwing it out, so I kept it and put it in my box of Items of Sentimental Value.


I'm being an unreasonable fussy goblin about stupid shit again 😖


My sister's dog, Beaux, gets protective and growls at strangers who approach my baby niece. I know dogs are pack animals. Does Beaux consider my niece, as a baby, a vulnerable member of their nuclear pack and so he has to do a protecc?


Anyone use on or any ?


Fuck Google.

At least folks are still able to run a working Invidious instance on their home networks.

I very much appreciate the time and effort the Invidious devs put into making watching YouTube videos a less creepy user experience.


@pleia2 That's nice!


Anyway I got my Wegovy. I had to go to another pharmacy in another zip code to get it. But I got it.


Why does everything have to be a goddamn system of interdependent parts.


I'm rather sad atm. About various states of affairs.

The universe really effed up when it made itself a system of interdependent parts. Stupid.



Like sure, maybe the reason they got into them was because their friends drink it, or because "it's the thing to drink in the autumn". But I don't think anyone I know who drinks pumpkin spiced lattes would go out of their way to drink something they don't actually like, *just* for the sake of being trendy.


I never understood why people status signal and shame others for pumpkin spiced lattes. Like why tf does it even matter to you what someone else likes?

What that looks like, to me: "Pfft, what a dork! She eats *pizza*! How trendy."


Tech update:

I'm not going to migrate my server to FreeBSD. Everything is working just fine on the Debian server and I'd rather not mess with that.

I'm considering hosting a Lemmy instance.

Re: Invidious: I'll leave my instance running, in the event that the devs find a more permanent fix. Though my estimate of the probability of that happening is waning.

I'm not going to bother with Nostr. I don't see it discussed too much in this part of the fediverse, nor anywhere else for that matter.

Happy first day of autumn! 🍁 🎃


I'm social/agoraphobic and paranoid around people. Yet I still feel fomo when I see people posting about social events that I *would* be interested in if I didn't have social/agoraphobia and paranoia.

I don't like meeting new people in person, even. I avoid social events where I'm obligated to stay and socialize for hours, and where there are cultural norms that prevent me from immediately escaping, but which I must observe in order to avoid further alienation. I'm not, in any meaningful way, a people person.

Yet, for some reason that is beyond all comprehension, the universe decided that I should not be asocial. What the fuck is even that.


OH: "They type whole paragraphs of shit in Facebook comments. Who does that?"


So there's a shortage of Wegovy from the manufacturer. My pharmacy doesn't have it in stock but it's on back order indefinitely until the manufacturer increases its supply. It's also less likely that any other pharmacy around here will have it. I asked my doc to send a new prescription to a different pharmacy who may or may not have it.

I took my last injection this past Monday. It's a weekly injection, so it's not like I can ration what's already in my system. I guess I gotta brace myself for the return of the cravings. Motherfucker.


I've been feeling a need to make my bed lately.

Since I sleep on a recliner to help with sleep apnea, making my bed entails just folding my blanket real nice and setting my pillow on top real nice. 😊


"Something is not quite right. We don't know what the fuck it is, but we'll get back to you when we find out. In the meantime, here is a seemingly random string of alphanumeric characters that shall live in your head, rent free, for the next three years."


Blog post: I want to tell Google to eff off


I shall have sushi for supper.

- Salmon and avocado roll
- Smoked salmon nigiri
- Tamago (egg) nigiri

2024-09-20T23:29:01Z Thank you!!


My brain is all over the place today. I must regain focus, prioritize, and take things a step at a time.


Hi. I request virtual hugs. Please.




Description: "Launch TUI commands in an external terminal asynchronously, seamlessly integrating callbacks within Emacs."


I think this is an interesting project




See this issue on the Invidious GitHub repo for more information on what's going on with it. Every time there is a fix, a new problem pops up that breaks Invidious instances. The last comment on the GitHub issue was the last straw for me. Previous fixes require using and depending on a bunch of hacky tools from the developers that aren't guaranteed to be long-term solutions. I very much appreciate the time the devs have put into the project. I really, really hate Google's unrelenting mission to break the fixes in order to maintain their monopoly on video content. YouTube is just too popular to fail at this point, and Google will never let it fail. The only way forward that I can see from here is just to promote PeerTube in the fediverse or other FOSS video hosting alternatives.


I've been more talkative lately. In person and online. Maybe being on a lower dose of Invega and a higher dose of Adderall, my cognition isn't as slow/encumbered. I've also been somewhat more impulsive with what I think is worth saying out loud. I also find that I am able to complete sentences/thoughts while speaking in person better than before. I'm not as hesitant.

If Invega is the reason for this, then I hope after a while my cognition will return to a homeostasis where I can talk a normal amount but in a less impulsive manner.

While at the grocery store these past few days, I've noticed I'm less obsessed about other people perceiving me. I started noticing this even before the Invega decrease. I still feel social anxiety when I have to speak.

I think I should take into account the natural changes that have occurred in my brain as I've gotten older (I'm 36), compared to when I was a teen or in my 20s. I've read that many people diagnosed with schizo- disorders experience a gradual lessening of symptoms in accordance with natural age-related brain changes.


@Saupreiss When I ran a FreeBSD server years ago, I had a very basic pf.conf that allowed SSH and nothing else. So it wasn't that brave of an undertaking for me, but it was still kind of confusing. These days, I have more complex firewall rules, so there's much I have to get used to with PF.


@winterschon Re: documentation and handbook: I concur. The most popular reference materia that come close to some sort of unified thing are the Arch Linux wiki and the docs. Fedora/Red Hat and Debian have good docs but a lot of the time I've come across stub articles that aren't complete. For Red Hat documentation, much of it is for paid subscribers.

I would describe Void Linux and maybe Gentoo as probably the most BSD style Linux distros.


@Saupreiss Yep, I'm sure there are many more folks who feel the same. This just means it's something I have to get used to. I hadn't heard of pfctl though! It's been a while since I used PF. I'll take a look at the man page for pfctl.


@winterschon This section in the FreeBSD Handbook seems to describe what I want. I guess there's only one way to find out if the results are to my satisfaction.


@winterschon And just to be clear, I'm not against configuring things myself. My question--how do BSD users deal with this sort of thing?--was about whether the BSDs even have a way to configure fonts to look nice. Void Linux for example has bitmap fonts enabled by default, and the way to make fonts look nice is to disable the bitmap fonts, as mentioned in the handbook article I linked to below. When I tried FreeBSD on the desktop years ago, I wasn't aware that the fonts can be configured to look nice, which was a dealbreaker for me.


I’ve always admired the family of operating systems even though I mostly use Linux. I currently run a Debian Linux server that hosts a bunch of alternative services like PrivateBin, Invidious, RedLib, etc. Most of these require the use of Docker and/or systemd. Docker doesn’t seem to be a hard requirement, though, because inside the Dockerfile there has got to be a Unixy way to setup and run the services. So I’m planning on spinning up a temporary VPS on Vultr and experimenting with getting those services running without Docker. If all goes well, I will convert my main Debian server to FreeBSD. One thing I would miss, however, is FirewallD. BSD’s PF (Packet Filter) firewall doesn’t have a command-line interface to interact with firewall policies. As far as I know everything goes into a /etc/pf.conf configuration file. I’d have to look into PF configuration options that are effectively the same as the ones I use with FirewallD.

Re: Invidious, it’s currently broken on my instance because of Google blocking the use of the API to by-pass the ads. From what I understand, it’s a bit of an arms race between the Invidious developers circumventing the Google blocks and Google catching on and imposing restrictions. I’m not sure about the future of the project. Hosting an Invidious instance, and keeping in line with the requirements to remain an official instance recommended by the project in their instances list, heavily relies on Docker workflows, so it might not be feasible for me to get it running on FreeBSD and continue to satisfy those requirements. I don’t think it’s worth running an instance until a more permanent solution to the Google blocking problem is found, anyway.


@winterschon Hello! I hope you don't mind me DMing you. If you do, then feel free to yell at me and I sincerely apologize.

I just want to tell you that I think you're really interesting and awesome! I subscribed to the RSS feed on your prose blog.

I recently migrated my NAS from TrueNAS SCALE to a Raspberry Pi 400 running FreeBSD, with an Orico HDD enclosure connected via USB. The machine on which I ran TrueNAS was kind of a big energy hog, so I scaled down a bit to save money on the energy bill.

I've always admired the BSD family of operating systems even though I mostly use Linux. I currently run a Debian Linux server that hosts a bunch of alternative services like PrivateBin, Invidious, RedLib, etc. Most of these require the use of Docker and/or systemd. Docker doesn't seem to be a hard requirement, tho, because inside the Dockerfile there has got to be a Unixy way to run the services. So I'm planning on spinning up a FreeBSD VPS on Vultr and experimenting with getting those services running without Docker. If all goes well, I will convert my Debian server to FreeBSD.

^ I'm gonna post my last paragraph on Mastodon, so don't be alarmed if you see it there.

Anyway, I hope you have a good day. 🙂


@winterschon my apologies, I just realized I wasn't clear in my OP. I wasn't talking about the fonts themselves, but how fontconfig is configured. There is, or was, a clear perceptible difference in how Liberation fonts are rendered on BSD vs. Fedora and Ubuntu. The fonts themselves aren't the issue.


@winterschon I know how to install fonts. When I tried FreeBSD on the desktop a few years ago the fonts were irksome. I don't know the exact patches that are available in Ubuntu and Fedora, but I know that fontconfig was tweaked by those distro maintainers.

In Void Linux, the user has to configure it to disable bitmap fonts.

Maybe nowadays on FreeBSD you have to disable bitmap fonts?

Anyway I wasn't trying to dis *BSD. I had a slight itch to try it out as a daily driver on desktop and remembered that the fonts were a deal-breaker for me, so I wondered if anything has changed on that front since then. 💙


You know what would be great? If showering, shaving, and cleaning my teeth were as frictionlessly executable as making coffee.


I think I'll wear my socks with the circuit board design on them today.



@slackline Holy crap that is AWESOME



@thindil I mean, it could just be my monitor. Or maybe you just aren't as fussy about fonts as me lol.


I'm not in the mood for the level of sensory stimulation of gaming this evening. I'm just going to read Tevinter Nights.


@parvXtl I think what makes them look better on Ubuntu and Fedora is patches for fontconfig, which maybe FreeBSD doesn't have, or they aren't enabled by default.


One of the dealbreakers I had trying on the desktop a few years ago was the fonts on web pages and apps looking all janky compared to Ubuntu's and Fedora's defaults.

How do FreeBSD desktop users deal with this sort of thing?


I'm beautiful in the body positivity sense. Maybe some day I can even be attractive again.


Sometimes I wish insects were li'l networked devices. It would be so much easier to keep them the fuck out of my LAN.


Has anyone invented a way to trap spiders and other disgusting insects from distance and release them from a distance? Like remotely. Or if that's not feasible, some kind of trap attached to like a 6ft pole would suffice.


Judy Alvarez has quite the setup at her apartment.


This random pedestrian in Cyberpunk 2077 is balling for some reason. I hope they feel better soon.


What is the cure for clinginess? My social insecurity also means I'm a people pleaser so I hate that my clinginess is annoying to other people. I just want to be secure and unbothered by social phobia and RSD.


I've been feeling weird, insecure, antsy--like I need to do something and don't remember what. But there is actually nothing I need to do, it just vaguely feels like there is. My brain is kind of foggy. I think it's from Invega withdrawal. Nothing else has changed besides that. It's hard to concentrate on anything at the moment. I'm playing Cyberpunk 2077 but I keep taking cigarette breaks and getting distracted.


I'm going to the Eurofresh store to get stuff for my dad to make pasta tomorrow 😊 🇮🇹


Since I'm running FreeBSD on my RPi 400 to use as a dedicated NAS, I now feel comfortable joining the freebsd and freebsd-social channels on Libera. Otherwise, if I'm not using FreeBSD, then I'd feel like I'm loitering some place I don't belong. Yes, I know there is no IRC loitering police, but my social phobia is fussy about this /ad insaniam/.


I thought I had some critical error messages in Loki but I think I was dreaming lol.


@libreleah Nothing tbh. It just a silhouette of a duck. Inside a white triangle with a red border.


Cyberpunk 2077 or Dishonored or Baldur's Gate 3 🤔



I feel like people don't like me. I suspect that's only partially true, but it feels absolutely true.


Man I'm probably gonna have some delayed-onset muscle soreness tomorrow. My muscles ain't used to movin' around like that.


I got my MAGNUS Pro desk all set up. It's awesome.

Now I'm gonna eat some extra firm tofu, cut up into rectangular pieces, topped with Divina fig spread.





I successfully booted 14.1-RELEASE on my Raspberry Pi 400. The image resized and everything seemed to work fine. There are some tweaks I need to make in /etc/rc.conf to set the CPU frequency.

At the moment, my Raspberry Pi is at a location that is too far to reach my ethernet switch, and wifi is not supported on Raspberry Pi 4/400 in FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE, so it can't get an internet connection until I get my new desk setup that would be closer to my ethernet switch.

My Raspberry Pi 400 is currently running Ubuntu Server LTS 24.04. My NAS enclosure contains three 22 TB enterprise HDDs which comprise a pool. Installing ZFS on Ubuntu and importing the pool was pretty seamless, so I've been able to keep my backups working during this transitional phase of setting up my new desk and rearranging my machines. Once I get everything properly arranged and my RPi 400 closer to my ethernet switch, I will put FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE back on the microSD card.

I ordered the MAGNUS Pro desk from Secretlab, and most of it was delivered the other day, but there is still one piece left that is out for delivery today. I've already unboxed the other pieces and they are ready to be put together when the final piece arrives.

Something I find interesting about Secretlab is that they don't provide a terse instruction manual in six different languages. Instead, they have a link to a professionally-made video on YouTube that *shows* how to setup the desk. I think this is a much more accessible way to provide instructions.


@lovisix This is the one I have. I bought it around December 2021. It actually holds four HDDs, not five.


I feel tired enough that I might go to sleep at a reasonable time and maybe my sleep schedule will become more like a normal person's.

I will take my meds, have a light snack, and read Tevinter Nights until I start nodding out.


It's obvious I want to get rid of these devices, because they are excessive and unnecessary. But for the record I am not going lower than the stated prices. That's not negotiable. I think those prices are even a little too generous on my part.


I think this pseudo-randomly-generated Zellij instance name is a decent omen. Maybe if we took care of the pigeons instead of letting them eat garbage off the street, they wouldn't be so disease-ridden. They deserve to have a dignified place in society.


Oh! I would also be willing to donate the OPNsense device and the custom-built NAS machine to a FOSS organization or any non-profit that serves the FOSS community.


Yeah, so, I think I got a little too indulgent with technology over the past half-year. I didn't think about how much energy it would be using, and whether I genuinely, truly need certain things.

The OPNsense DEC740 device I got was fun while I was able to use it, but now that I'm living back with my parents and using an ISP that doesn't give their customers much freedom of choice, it is redundant.

The NAS machine I built from components is an energy hog, and I already have a smaller, less energy-hungry Orico device that can hold up to five 3.5in HDDs. The Orico device doesn't have a CPU, RAM, or other components of a full motherboard, but it plugs into a power outlet and connects to a PC via USB. I would save a significant amount of energy just connecting it to an SBC which I would then use as a dedicated NAS.

I sort of even regret buying two Thelio Majors, one of which is for Windows 11 and gaming and the other is a workstation. I could have just gotten the gaming one, and maybe a mini PC or similar form-factor device to use as a workstation.

I now ask myself, what I could do to improve this situation. What comes to mind is that I can sell these devices. I don't know if anyone would be interested in buying the OPNsense device. I received it back in March and used it for three months. I don't know what the markets look like for used and custom-built computers.

I would be willing to sell the OPNsense device for $300 -- about 40% of what I paid. I can provide the receipt and paperwork. I would be willing to sell the NAS machine for $500 -- I bought the components via Amazon back in April, so I can provide links and proof of purchase for each of them. I would of course reset the OPNsense device to its factory defaults. The NAS machine won't come with any hard drives. I would be willing to sell the workstation Thelio Major for $1200. I paid almost $3000 for it. I can provide paperwork and proof of purchase. I am willing to pay for shipping on all devices.

If anyone is interested in any of these, please PM me and I'll provide more details and specs. Boosts would be appreciated!


@Ryanteck Huh, I see. I think Ubuntu might have better ZFS support as well.


@Ryanteck Debian stable is fine with me, it receives the same security updates that Ubuntu would for the same base packages. In some ways it's more stable than Ubuntu. Debian has a two year release cycle as does Ubuntu LTS. There are also backported packages if I need. I'm not sure if there are any major differences between vanilla Debian and Raspberry Pi OS. I think the latter is just maintained by Raspberry Pi devs and optimized for Raspberry Pis. So RPi OS minimal edition should suffice for me.


@Ryanteck why Ubuntu?


I'm going to use a Orico NAS enclosure for my three 22 TB enterprise HDDs and just connect it to my Raspberry Pi 400. The reason is to save energy by not using the NAS PC I built that runs TrueNAS SCALE.

I'm thinking the least problematic OS to use would be Raspberry Pi OS minimal edition. It's based on Debian stable and is well-supported. But I'm also considering because it has support for out of the box and is pretty stable.

Does anyone have experience running FreeBSD on a Raspberry Pi 4/400? According to this wiki, there are a few issues with the bootloader. I don't need wifi so that being unsupported is fine.


I am a weird cookie 😳


My PowerShell script downloads a Fedora container from this repo, which no longer has containers available. I can prob just change the URL to point to an official image, but not having to pay $10 to install the Fedora Remix for WSL from the Microsoft Store renders it pointless.


My installFedoraWSL PowerShell script no longer works for some reason. I shall investigate at some point. But I also just realized I don't have to pay $10 to get the Fedora Remix for WSL from whitewaterfoundry.

`winget install whitewaterfoundry.fedora-remix-for-wsl`. It works.


@sheogorath Do you mean like tutorials on the web?

I noticed for some reason on Debian systems the file /var/log/auth.log isn't created due to permission error so the user has to create it manually with sudo touch /var/log/auth.log.


Good morning ☕️


I ordered the MAGNUS Pro desk from Secretlab. It was just delivered today. But man, I don't have the spoons to set it up. 😮‍💨 I took apart my old table to make room for the new desk, and this sapped like 75% of my physical energy battery. I'll probably get more energy after I eat dinner and have a coffee but I'd rather use it for other endeavors.

On my old table I had my main workstation PC, which is unplugged and sitting in the corner at the moment. I am using Windows 11 on my gaming PC until I get the energy to setup the new desk. I'll probably be here for a while, so I might as well make myself at home and install Fedora, Nix, and Emacs in WSL.

I selected the Cyberpunk 2077 decal for my MAGNUS Pro desk.


To be fair, there are definitely aspects of my life where I am privileged, which have, in no small way, contributed to my ability to have an excellent credit score.


The past participle of "reboot" is, or ought to be, "rebooten".

Ex. I haven't rebooten in 36 days, 14 hours, 22 minutes, and 3 seconds


I have to vacuum once a month because otherwise there would be like 6ft snow drifts against the wall behind my desk from using compressed air.


(high fives Credit Karma)


^ That's a deliberate spelling. I'm pronouncing it that way. It's pronounced similar to rosacea.




My parents are watching the debate so they are being edgy and belligerent and between that and my Invega withdrawal it has perturbed my snow globe of a nervous system and I cannot focus on anything. Time for a clonazepam and maybe a hot shower.


Another Invega withdrawal effect I've noticed since I've been on 4.5 mg is that I get dizzy for a few seconds upon standing up.


@tavi Pssst, hey, you wanna buy some....(opens trenchcoat)...indulgences!


If you're a woman on the Internet, and I have said or done something that would make you say, sarcastically, "I love being a woman on the Internet"...then I am sorry. 🥺


One, two, 🌲.


@mms FreeBSD jails are cool.


@mms Do you use Tailscale?



I lied down to go to sleep. Had an explosive sneeze that made me get up to grab kleenex. Now I'm wide awake. Ah well.


I've been keeping it real. For the most part, anyway.


Something I've always tended to struggle with while reading fiction is knowing who's speaking in the dialogue and when a switch between characters has occurred. IME authors don't seem to follow a formula for this--obviously because dialogue isn't supposed to be formulaic. Nevertheless though, this makes following dialogue harder for me because I can't predict or "guess" who is talking, and I don't know until the author writes ",so and so murmured" after the dialogue. This means I sometimes have to go back and re-read the dialogue so that I can reprocess it from the given character's perspective.

I don't know if this is because I'm autistic. The turn-taking isn't as transparent to me as it would be if I were watching and listening to people speak. Maybe it's because I'm not as "emotionally tuned into" the characters. I do find that it gets easier as I get to know the characters more, and when I'm more engulfed in the story after reading for quite a while. After taking a break from the story and picking it up again, it takes extra time to sort of "go back into" the characters.


Autumn is gonna be here soon.


How tf does a database administrator of a healthcare company not know they should keep this data locked and secured.


It's funny in a language-is-weird sort of way that my brain kinda nudges me toward using "boughten" as the past participle of "buy".


It's funny how tobacco marketing is either Atlantic coast US/colonial branded or Native American branded. I'm sure half or even all of the Native American brands are just gimmicks and have nothing whatsoever to do with Native Americans.

It would be nice, however, to find an /actual/ Native American brand. If my tobacco habit could benefit an underprivileged community, that would be great.


Fatphobia keeps people up at night catastrophizing.

How are we supposed to fight that level of influence it has on peoples' psyches?


I've been using the default Breeze Dark theme for UI elements on KDE Plasma for a while now and haven't had anything crash on me. I suspect using the Catppuccin theme was at least part of what caused apps like Element, Firefox, and KDE Connect to crash. It's also possible some bugs were fixed in recent updates since then. But I guess it makes sense that things work best when using the UI theme that KDE apps were designed for. The Breeze theme is kind of implicitly endorsed by the developers for an optimal KDE experience.

It got me thinking that this is probably one reason why proprietary OSes like Windows and macOS don't give users free reign over theming UI elements. It adds non-determinism and complexity to debugging and QA support. IIRC Windows 11 only lets you change the colors of the taskbar, window borders, and accents, which seems more of a surface-level cosmetic change. As far as I know macOS only lets you switch between light and dark themes and select an accent color.


I've seen people with the feminine names Autumn and Summer, but I don't recall ever seeing anyone named Spring or Winter.


My mistake: Vivienne is a loyalist, not an aequitarian.


- Varric, Dorian, Cassandra, and Solas were my best friends in this playthrough.
- My inquisitor was a libertarian mage who favored spirits and mage causes.
- I sided with the mages in Redcliffe.
- I let Cole become more spirit-like instead of more human-like.
- I completed Dorian's, Cassandra's, and Solas' loyalty quests in their favor.
- I sacrificed Bull's Charger's in Iron Bull's loyalty quest, which caused Iron Bull to turn on me during Trespasser.
- Cassandra became Divine Victoria.
- I chose the Rift Mage specialization.
- I found all the Circle of Magi tomes that Vivienne requested and completed her loyalty quest in her favor, but my relationship with her was kind of strained because she's an aequitarian and I made more libertarian choices.
- I completed all quests that I encountered except for the map ones where you have to find an object at the location drawn on the map.
- I love Sera's humor and personality but she tended to disfavor mage freedom and favor more selfish choices.


What some folks mean when they say they're open-minded might be that they are open to trying new things, and maybe they pick out instances in their past where they tried something new and were rewarded by it. They might find themselves to be open-minded when it comes to trying /brand new/ things, but less open-minded in instances when trying new things clashes with pre-existing beliefs or attitudes.


I mean, I guess there can be open-mindedness regarding ideas, or regarding food, or video games, and these by themselves don't necessarily imply open-mindedness about /everything/.


It's weird being an actually open-minded person and seeing people claim to be open-minded, yet it is evident from their thought processes that they are still encumbered by prejudices and assumptions they never thought to question.


This is the best apple cider I've ever had. No added sugar. 100% apple juice. We got it from Costco.


I'm now running a middle relay.


'Nothing bagels' never get any love. It's very sad.


am gonna have some celeries and peanut butter. i can gib u some if u want.


@lzg Oh? Well in that case I ain't gonna go to sleep 🤨


@hacks4pancakes That's in Chicago! Nice.


@yam655 That' interesting calendar 🤔


I finished Dragon Age: Inquisition tonight. This is the first time I did complete playthroughs of all DLCs. I can begin reading Tevinter Nights and The Missing. I also have to find out if there are going to be any other novels released that are a prelude to The Veilguard.

The Veilguard will be released on October 31. Aside from reading the above, my gaming tasks for the remainder of September and the month of October might include my yearly autumn playthrough of the Dishonored series, but I'm not sure yet. At the moment I'm not /quite/ feeling it. I might finish Baldur's Gate 3 -- or, rather, start a whole new playthrough, because there were some things I missed in Act 1. I also kind of have an itch for a Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough.

So, yeah.


@20000lbs_of_Cheese Ah, yeah, pretty much anything that is decentralized is gonna attract cryptobros.


I'm going to get started on setting up Nostr as soon as I clean up various other things. I was listening to a LINUX Unplugged podcast episode where they talked about it and I am eager to set it up.

This is the sort of thing that gives me nerdgasms, man.


@yam655 It's even better when still-summer feels autumn-like. 🙂


I'm sitting outside on the deck with my laptop and a coffee, enjoying this beautiful autumn-like weather. 😊


Uh yeah I should probably setup Keyoxide so that people can verify my online identity. Until that is done, let it be known that this is my official fediverse/Mastodon account. My contact info on my website (link in bio) is also accurate. Anything or anyone else is an impostor.

If ever in doubt when encountering a suspected impostor, the account with the most number of posts, followers, and personally-identifiable content is probably my true account.


I felt light-headed and weak when I woke up today, and I feel kind of nauseous right now, but it's not incapacitating. These are the only Invega withdrawal effects I've had so far. Going from 6 mg to 4.5 mg shouldn't be too rough. The first week will probably be the worst of it.


✅Defeat Corypheus
✅Celebrate with the Inquisition
✅Make love to Josephine



(puts the empty almond milk carton back into the fridgerator)


Cloaked in song and shadow.


I've realized I dislike web sites where information is displayed all over the page in a spatially-arrayed manner. I prefer information to be presented in a more sequential manner, where it's trivial to find what I'm looking for and where to start reading the content. I don't like having to scan the page, dig through drop-down menus, or click through those damned carousel things. I attribute this to my monotropic brain. I also think this is part of what makes the Gemini protocol appealing to me.


i gib u treasures and potions


Yeah so NixOS is just too unfamiliar for me. Going back to Fedora KDE. Yes, I know I'm kinda a chaotic goblin with regard to this. If other people were affected by my decisions here they'd probably be super annoyed at me. So I apologize hypothetically.


My nervous vocal tics aren't going to change, at least not any time soon. I'll still be repeating words like "okay, alright" and "uh yeah", nodding my head a lot, and stuttering. So I ask myself what would it take for me to not do that, and the answer is that I have to be comfortable with pauses from alogia and slow processing. Why am I not comfortable with these? Because I feel like the person I'm talking to would think I'm weird if I don't say anything or acknowledge what they're saying. Social fatigue (running out of spoons) also contributes to this. The thing is that some people do think it is weird, and sometimes they even call it out, which makes me more anxious. I was at a gathering a few months ago where someone was asking me a question, it took me a while to process what they were asking, and they got impatient with me and were condescending about it. Other instances in the past, people have said things like "Any day now, Jeff", or have mocked my stuttering. It's hard not to be anxious when I'm expecting people to do that.


I talked to my psychiatrist today. He made some changes to my medication:

- Adderall, increase from 10 to 15 mg
- Invega, decrease from 6 to 4.5 mg

He says this should help me regulate my sleep-wake cycle. The Invega also contributes to issues with sleep quality and makes me drowsy during the day, so hopefully 4.5 mg will prove to be an optimal dose.

He also wants me to walk outside, during daylight hours, to get both exercise and to help my social anxiety. I think this is a good idea, even though I'm not looking forward to it. At some point I just gotta push myself through the discomfort.

For a while I had resigned myself to just being a reclusive goblin and not wanting to improve, but I've realized that's not going to help me live my best life. I can't keep doing this and expect to be unscathed by it.

There are some contributing factors to my social anxiety that are probably not going to change, namely my alogia, speech articulation issues, and slow processing speed. But I think my ability to feel comfortable around other people *can* change, and I think that would involve accepting that my social interactions are not always--maybe even not mostly--going to be smooth and graceful.


I've been on-board the KDE train and it's likely I will stay here for a while, but Hyprland is effing gorgeous. With my fussiness and particularities it would take me an inordinate amount of time to set it up, tho, and tiling window managers have never really been my thing.


Autumn is gonna be here soon.


I'm trying to be unbothered by every little thing. It's not working. Am in hypervigilant mode. I'll take a clonazepam and try to make sure I don't do anything that would cause people to reject me.


So for NixOS, hypothetically my due diligence would involve keeping my configuration version-controlled, which means I have to push to git and maybe reboot whenever I change it.


So I think I'm like 95% over COVID. I still have a bit of a cough and my nose is still a bit of a clown car for snots. But otherwise I'm like, normal.


"Hey I got somethin' I wanna show you. Just scan this QR code."


Out with the old, in with the used.


Where can I find important historical documents? I wanna archive them.


If the Element logo could stop looking like ChatGPT, that would be great.


The apps in the toolbar, from left to right: system settings, LibreWolf, Emacs, Discord, Element (Matrix client), KDE Connect SMS, Lagrange (Gemini browser), kcalc.


Today is the first day of my five favorite months of the year. I am happy about that.


Greetings from on an encrypted root, running


I was gonna do a selfie but I don't like my face at the moment. 😞


Egh, dad had this Sunday Catholic mass show on TV and now I got a dumb church song in my head.

I know an appropriate remedy for this.


What happened to all the meowls? Are they extinct?


Yo, this is like, an A and B conversation, pal. So you kinda need to C your way out of it. 🤨


I've got the midnight scaries again. Why does this always happen.


My deodorant policy is thus:

Aluminum-free, paraben-free, dye-free deodorant in the autumn, winter, and early spring. I've found the Old Spice Gentleman's Blend to be suitable for this. And in the late spring and summer I will wear Old Spice Swagger.

The less shit that goes into my body, the better.


Friends don't try to minimize your dignity.


Sad. Scared. Not sure who my friends are at the moment.


I think I'm too much of a bayesian and have been traumatized enough by recklessness that I'm averse to speculative gossip. I tend to shut down when someone around me is engaging in it, or if it's especially ridiculous and I have the spoons to translate my thoughts into words, I would question the person's epistemic awareness and judgment. It tends to be a domain in which projection is rampant.


My mood kind of crashed. I feel like going to sleep but then I would wake up in 3-4 hours. It's 7:14 PM now, so if I can hold out for a few more hours then maybe I can start getting my sleep schedule back in order. I need to be less of a chaotic narcoleptic goblin.


Since I'm not in a condition to leave the house today, and since I have a craving for a Chipotle burrito, I'm gonna pay extra to have one delivered via private taxi.


@nytpu Not for sale. Not even hypothetically. 😔



Today, my head feels hazy, I have a headache, my sinuses are a mess, and my nervous system is wonky, but my brain still works tolerably enough, somehow. I took a few Ibuprofen and a clonazepam.


I guess simply doing this would be fine. I don't know if this is technically plagiarism but I haven't heard of the Dragon Age fandom wiki getting DMCA warnings for it or anything.

I'm not sure if this would be considered a video game source or if the source material should be from some other thing, like the Dragon Age writers or something.


So TIL that my "CDN" is not technically a CDN because it's not distributed. It's just a file server on a single machine.

So I have some options.

(1) I can make it distributed.

(2) I can claim that the N stands for "node" and not "network", even though that's not how most people think of the CDN acronym.

(3) I can just call it a file server and change the DNS entry to There are a few things in my infrastructure that use the cdn. subdomain which I would have to change, but this wouldn't be a huge deal; a few finely-crafted Ansible ad-hoc commands ought to do it.


If I were to put a Dragon Age codex entry on the web, how would I properly cite the source?


Was blowing my nose and it was like my nose was producing more snot as I was blowing it. Literally standing there for 10 minutes blowing. When I was finally done, my nose made a series of weird clicks and squeaks that I thought some kind of snot demon was gonna pop out. Bizarre.


People are probably sick of me complaining about it. I wouldn't blame them. I guess it won't kill me to stop.


I gotta take my meds, brush my teeth, and clip my nails.

I must first smoke a cigarette and sulk in existential angst about having to do these tasks.


Oh you like the "Oh you like" meme?

Exhaust all possible variations on that meme.


Eavesdropping on the Orlesian nobles at the Winter Palace. I can be pretty subtle.

Literally everyone here besides my fellow Inquisition members, the elven servants, and the three dwarves from the Merchant's Guild, are wearing masquerades.

These Orlesian nobles and their damned Grand Game of intrigue and political machinations.


I think academics ought to do a study on the subtle and not-so-subtle ways in which we feel compelled to be not-ourselves in social contexts.


@nytpu Imagine, if you will (Twilight Zone music)


I've been kind of burnt out on tech stuff lately, so I think I'm going to avail myself of an enforced obligation to it. For a few days, or at least until I'm over COVID.


My internet is real fast.


@adriantepes Awesome! Thank you. Yeah I knew it had something to do with the weather and barometric pressure. My mom put it in here. I tend to be sensitive to barometric changes so this could be useful. I have to learn how to read it.


This strange device has been in my room for a while and I have no idea how to read it. It was here when I moved back in. What does it mean? I can't look it up because I don't even know what it's called.


I've decided on Fedora KDE. I'm going to try just using the default Breeze Dark theme--what KDE Plasma is designed to work well with--instead of Catppuccin'ing everything. The Catppuccin theme could very well have been the cause of the instability that I became frustrated with a few weeks ago that pushed me to Debian.

I have to disable SELinux in order to use Nix, which is fine because I don't really need it that badly on my workstation machine. But I wonder if I can just put it in Permissive mode instead of disabling it entirely. I think as long as is doesn't prevent Nix from building things it should be fine. And then maybe I can check the audit logs and see what SELinux policies I can create to allow Nix.


(sigh) I installed NixOS with KDE Plasma 6. Some things were weird, and I didn't have the spoons to make them unweird. I didn't have the spoons to decide if I should use home-manager as a NixOS module to keep things all in one place, or use it the regular way. I was frustrated with the lack of organization in my configuration.nix and started modularizing various components but didn't have the spoons to finish.

Now I can't decide if I should install Fedora KDE or Debian KDE. I've been on the sad side lately so maybe I should wait until the next mood upswing.

I saw a post about "glimmers", which are the opposite of triggers, and they occur when things in our environment spark joy, curiosity, motivation, etc. Maybe I need to find some glimmers.

Currently, I'm hanging out on Windows 11 on my gaming PC, in some weird limbo purgatory state, waiting for some FOSS glimmers. I guess I'll play Dragon Age: Inquisition for now.




Ask yourself, "Does this spark joy?" If the answer is no, then get the fuck out!


Something that might be a sign of weight loss is when I'm sleepy and sitting at my computer, I use my arm to prop my head up against my fist. Before, there seemed to be enough fat in my cheeks that it was soft, and my fist didn't hurt my face. Now, it's getting uncomfortable because there is less fat in my cheeks. 😃


Emotional status: border of numb and sad.


I've been at the store smelling deodorant sticks for the past 20 minutes. I want a natural one that isn't made with a bunch of shit. I like cedarwood or lavender scents.


Eh I guess I should go get a haircut now even though I don't really want my equilibrium to be perturbed at the moment.


Dashy is quite dashing!


@tavi I did for a while but now I use zsh.


I forgot I took this screenshot of the Cherry Blossom Market in


@ben I'm not like this now, but I've experienced that before.


All these fuckin' aristocrats cluttering up the place, trying to brown nose the Inquisition. Don't you people have lives? Go home!


Good morning. I hope you all have a pleasant day. Full of pleasantries.


Yeah so I might end up installing NixOS on my main workstation but I kinda don't wanna disturb this equilibrium I've reached at the moment. We'll see.


+ -shell + direnv = 💙


@benda I don't know if they (whomever "they" refers to) engineered the virus. Sounds conspiracy-theoretic to me. I'm open to evidence though.

But yeah, this COVID pandemic has been really something.


I'm feeling like 85% better. It's pretty likely I had COVID. I haven't been sick in over four years. This would be the first time I've had COVID, and I guess I'm fortunate that the symptoms were comparatively mild.


One of my pet peeves as a very misophonic person is when someone's reminder alarm is going off and they get the reminder but they fucking *knowingly* ignore the alarm.



I had a lengthy and enlightening conversation with Dorion Pavus about his homeland of Tevinter. They do things very differently there. It has made me excited for The Veilguard.


I have to rewrite or refactor this. I don't expect anyone besides me to use it, but it's probably a good idea to add some way to test it without it making changes to the filesystem state. Suggestions are welcome but I don't expect them.


Tonight's dinner: vegetable ramen with spicy chicken broth 😌


wget, wget, does whatever a wget does
can it swing, from a web?
no it can't, but it can download significant parts of it.


"Oh you're a web archivist? Pfft! Okay, sPiDeRmAn."


Well this is a rather curious state of affairs 🤨

There was a note attached to the little pyramid thing that read "DO NOT TOUCH MY PYRAMID".

This is why you need to read the documentation, folks.


This could have been a Prometheus exporter and Grafana dashboard, but nooooooooo. The universe makes it near impossible.


It would be interesting to see time-series analytics about my emotions, but not interesting enough for me to diligently record my emotions throughout the day every day.


Egh, I gotta go to the 24 hour Walgreen's to get cough syrup and cough drops. I'll wear a mask so that I reduce the risk of infecting anyone. I don't know if I have COVID, but it doesn't matter. I'm just treating the symptoms and a mask helps in any case.


This "MrOllie" editor is a real piece of work. Such behavior is antithetical to the purpose of Wikipedia. Too bogged down in rules to see the big picture.



@Linux_in_a_Bit They deprecated Python2 I thought.

I just found a package called "python-dev-is-python3" and the description is "symlinks /usr/bin/python-config to python3-config". There's also a package "python-is-python3", which symlinks /usr/bin/python to /usr/bin/python3. I guess they don't symlink it by default yet possibly to keep compatibility with some Python2 packages.


Is there a reason why /usr/bin/python is not a symlink to /usr/bin/python3 in Debian?


"So why is this suddenly relevant? SBAT was developed collaboratively between the Linux community and Microsoft, and Microsoft chose to push a Windows update that told systems not to trust versions of grub with a security generation below a certain level. This was because those versions of grub had genuine security vulnerabilities that would allow an attacker to compromise the Windows secure boot chain, and we've seen real world examples of malware wanting to do that (Black Lotus did so using a vulnerability in the Windows bootloader, but a vulnerability in grub would be just as viable for this). Viewed purely from a security perspective, this was a legitimate thing to want to do."



I've always thought SecureBoot was an anti-competitive practice since the beginning. While it may close an attack surface on devices only intended to run Windows, it's been a bane to folks running other OSes.


I'm glad I don't dual-boot anymore. It was a pain in the fundament to reboot when I wanted to do gaming, and I have other more technical reasons for keeping my main Linux workstation PC's uptime consistent.


I may joke around a lot but, am actually a real serious person 😐


I have chills, body aches, headache, fever, cough, sore throat. I hope it's not the flu. I did get my flu shot earlier this year.


Fuck cloud syncing services. I think I can get by on good ol' rsync -aAXP .

98% of the time I'm on my main workstation at home. If I need to send a file to/from my phone I'll use KDE Connect or Tailscale's Taildrop.


@tavi Have you tried Nushell?


I'm starting a caffeine detox today. I had two cups of coffee this morning and that will be it until tomorrow morning. I've got to get my sleep hygiene back in order.


I am basically a sloth today. Like literally I'm bradykinetic and moving like a sloth. This will probably wear off in a few hours as my blood starts flowing and I wake up more.


I took clonazepam before bed last night. Was able to sleep for a few hours. I noticed that as I was lying there I wasn't shaking my legs as I usually do. Usually the leg shaking stops just before I cross the threshold into sleep land. But this time the clonazepam seems to have stifled it. I woke up this morning with a sore mouth and a massive headache. So I guess my bruxism was active as I slept.


@tek_dmn No worries! Thanks for clarifying.


@tek_dmn I'm getting some weird vibes from you here. If you don't like me, I'd prefer that you not comment on my posts. If I continue to get weird vibes I will use the mute or block button.


@tek_dmn That sounds like a non-car.


@tek_dmn Sadly true.

Open source cars when. <--I don't have to spoons at the moment to think about the feasibility of that.


I've become frustrated constantly switching through our local radio stations to find something I want to listen to while driving, especially when more than one of those stations plays ads for like 10 minutes between songs. For a while I had been just turning off the radio and driving in silence, or with whatever entertainment or chaotic discontent my brain afforded to me.

I solved this problem by buying a USB-C to 3.5 audio aux jack so that I can connect my Google Pixel 6 (running GrapheneOS) to the aux port in my car. This enables me to listen to podcasts or run a music playlist on my phone through the car's speakers when I drive.

The podcasts I've been enjoying lately include the Self-Hosted Show and LINUX Unplugged, both from Jupiter Broadcasting. It's so refreshing to listen to stuff I want to listen to and not what radio stations impose on me. Driving is now somewhat more tolerable.

I look forward to the day when I can afford a car that is capable of running an open source operating system where I can install a podcast app. Like GrapheneOS for auto-mobile devices, or something.


Me: I showered, went to the store for mom, and got some things done in my homelab. Can I brush my teeth, put laundry away, and shave tonight?

Executive functioning: Sorry. Best I can do is brush teeth.



I'm afraid that if I try my parents' very Conservative coffee I will acquire an urge to tune into Fox News and start owning the libs.


Ah, happy belated birthday, 31 years!

1993-08-16: I was 5 years old and just heading into kindergarten, completely oblivious to all this tech coolness.


Solas is suspiciously quiet near the Fen'Harel shrine🧐

Photo taken in the Crow Fens, Exalted Plains.


Honestly I'm feeling slightly burnt out on tech stuff. Maybe I just need to give my tech muscles a rest for a day or two. At least I have something else to focus on in the meanwhile, namely Dragon Age.



Complete this sentence:

Someone needs to tell hyperreal that...


I love the adversarial banter between Dorian and Solas when you have them both in your party 😅



You can't fix me. Fyi.


And here I am fussing about my website's colorscheme again. Ah well.


@sheogorath I'm looking at installing something like Talos Linux on my three Orange Pi 5 Plus's.


@sheogorath so like, what I want is roughly this:

Network namespace:
- Grafana
- Prometheus
- container 1 with port mapping 17871:17871
- container 2 with port mapping 17872:17871
- container 3 with port mapping 17873:17871

Prometheus should be able to scrape metrics from those containers at those ports.

I can set this up on a regular machine. My original intention of using my already existing TrueNAS SCALE server doesn't work because its app/container method doesn't let me do those port mappings, so i thought having a separate network namespace for those ports + grafana as a kind of entry/exit node to/from the host network might work. There is no obvious way to configure this in the UI.

For added context: TrueNAS SCALE allows you to install apps/containers in a sort of K3s cluster-like setup, and it uses Kubernetes and Podman in the backend, but it's not a full-featured K3s cluster, it only has what TrueNAS SCALE developers have allowed users to configure in the TrueNAS UI.


@sheogorath Nope. I want multiple containers sharing a network namespace. TrueNAS doesn't seem to have that capability builtin to its UI. I can certainly set that up on a regular machine with Podman. Of course, a K3s cluster isn't necessary for such a setup, but it could be useful for one.


I have Prometheus and Grafana running as apps on my machine. TrueNAS apps are just containers. I have three of what TrueNAS considers custom apps, which are basically just containers built by configuring them in the custom app menu.

Is there a way to configure TrueNAS to use a separate but shared network namespace for all of the above containers? I don't see any options for that in the custom apps menu. The only thing I can do is set them to use the host's network namespace, but that's not appropriate for my use-case.

Is this where having an actual cluster makes more sense than relying on TrueNAS's imitation of one?


@somecat Whatcha thinkin' about?


@LinuxAndYarn I was running grafana-server, prometheus, five podman containers, librewolf, firefox-esr, on top of plasmashell (KDE) + everything else running, all at once. The oom was probably a group effort. I think I'm going to move prometheus, grafana, and the associated containers to another homelab machine.


@LinuxAndYarn I found this in the systemd journal, which is exactly the time that oom file was created.

The libpod bit suggests it has to do with Podman.


Am sad this afternoon. I feel that the mood change usually comes first, and whatever I perceive to be wrong or lacking about my life becomes the objects of the sadness.

Drinking delicious coffee now and getting ready to play Dragon Age: Inquisition. 😌


I recently realized I can't do cereal anymore. The fiber really messes with my digestive system and literally makes me feel miserable and malaise until it passes through. Possibly an indication of some kind of allergy idk.


@ArtifexUmbra @thegibson ^ I second this!


@tavi I can relate.


@joepie91 Thank you! That helps me put it into context. 🙂


@joepie91 Can you give an example of such a technology?


For the past couple days, I've been running:

- stable
- Nix with home-manager
- KDE Plasma 5.27

The stability is refreshing. Even some Flatpaks that kept crashing on Fedora 40 are not crashing on Debian 12, at least for the moment.

Crashes were automatically reported with the ABRT utility. I suspect the issues were primarily from the interaction of not-quite-stable desktop environment stuff with my unique hardware. Such bugs aren't going to be fixed instantaneously, and my activity flow is broken until they are fixed. I'm not throwing blame at the developers here; they work hard and many of them are volunteers.

Honestly there aren't any Plasma 6 features that are critical to my activity flow. My desire to have Plasma 6 was purely based on my desire to just have the latest shit. Nix with home-manager allows me to use the latest versions of various command line tools and have reproducible nix-shell environments for testing. This is especially useful on Debian stable, which tends to lag a little behind on programing language versions. It's also useful for testing Python programs, among a myriad of other things.


Corvids: super intelligent spirits from the Astral Plane disguised as birds

Pigeons: Actual birds

All other birds: gub'ment spies 🤨


Hey what about that Brother Genitivi fellow? What's he up to these days? Seems like this is something he might be able to help with.


Wam bam clonazepam


I added two new services:

- Nerds For Nerds (alt for Geeks For Geeks)
- MeMe (alt for Know Your Meme)


Yeah now I'm kinda 'spicious about this. 🧐 What if that was their goal all along, to increase the potential for selling premium features by taking advantage of people wanting to clap back at them?


Me: Blegh, nausea. The things I put myself through just to lose weight.

Rubber Duck: Yeah, right, the things you put yourself through. Everything besides exercising.


I desire the comfort of a slice of pizza, right now. 😌


I would like some virtual hugs, please. 🥺


I love how X shows promotions for their premium features in ways that are easy to clap back at.

"Go ad free" Go fuck yourself!

"Get verified" Get fucked!


@screwtape Yeah so Void Linux installation didn't go well. Installing Debian now.


Is there something that would check for how long a text message on my phone has been unread and sends me an email? Or like a feature of Android that can announce "You have unread text messages" periodically until I read them?


@screwtape okay so I thought sharpsign BSD was a kind of BSD flavor and I did a web search and realized you probably meant to use an emoji lol.

But yeah. I'm installing Void Linux with full-disk encryption as I type this. I was going to use Debian stable but I want Plasma 6 and generally newer packages. Void has everything I want for my activity flow in its repositories. I might also use Nix as a package manager and nix-shell for self-contained and reproducible stuff. So we'll see how this fares for a while. If I don't like it I'll just deal with Plasma 5.27 in Debian and also use Nix. There's also KDE Neon, which looks like it has the latest KDE software on top of Ubuntu LTS.


I'm really tired of buggy desktop environment stuff. I kinda just want things to work. I'm also really tired of containerized everything.


I wrote a cute script to calculate the size of an rsync mirror.


Good morning/afternoon/evening, ya' bunch o' fancypantses.


An alternative front-end for Hacker News, now hosted at my domain.




Some days my brain just doesn't. For the past couple hours, today has been one of those days.

I managed to shower, fold towels, and make a few decisions that take care of future me. Now I'm going to eat something and play Dragon Age: Inquisition.

I actually really like Dragon Age: Inquisition now. The grinding aspect is not bad. The last time I played it, the computer I had couldn't handle the graphics as well as my current machine, and it affected the gameplay in a way that was not obvious to me at the time. Combat felt more overwhelming to my monotropic brain, especially the fade rifts. A lot of the game felt like a chore. But I'm really enjoying it now.


Egh, my mood kind of crashed. I'm okay though. I just wish I had friends who care about me. Maybe I do, and my brain is hiding that fact from me at the moment. I don't have anyone who would, for example, want me to be a member of their wedding party, in theory.


The donation I received was more of a gift of gratitude from my grandfather for being there for him for three years. It was still very generous and way more than I would have expected.

I'm not going to host any distro mirrors. The 144TiB seedbox and my dedicated server total to about $389/month, and my intention is not to go over $400/month. This will be sustainable for quite a while, but hopefully I can find a remote-only tech job soon.



Catppuccin for Grafana when 😅


I'm thinking of adding 'digital archivist' to my bio. I mean, that's been my main special interest for the past few months, so I think it's part of my identity now.


@vedang Ah, yeah I wouldn't have expected an HTML exporter to parse it as TeX. These looks like global exporter options though, and I guess TeX-like syntax for sub- and superscripts is just a default feature. Thanks!


I run an org static blog. For some reason the HTML exporter interprets the underscore in snake_cased words as a subscript. In the screenshot below, it should say "node_exporter", but "exporter" is interpreted as a subscript.

Does anyone else have this problem and is there a way to fix it?


A PoC is having a mental health crisis and calls 911. The dispatcher sends the nearest beat cop, whose qualifications include being a white male with a six month certificate and a handgun fetish. The PoC is killed because said cop feared for his life when he perceived the slightest hint of belligerence and non-compliance.

Sending a bull to a china shop is never going to end well.

"But the PoC should have cooperated and they'd be alive right now." What part of MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS do you need me to explain to you?


Oh, hi, hunger pangs. My cravings are so quiet I forgot eating was even a thing. I should go tend to these hunger pangs now.


I just sprayed my keyboard and desk with compressed air after not having done it in a few days, and man, between my dandruff, eczema, and compulsive skin-picking it was like a winter wonderland in here. Probably better off using my li'l dust buster vacuum next time.


@asciinema It puts the 'cute' in "execute".


@lzg "So, tell me about yourself."



I'm a li'l cray-cray.

That's okay I think. It's valid.



Forget single or double spaces after full-stops.

Every sentence ought to be padded by newlines.


Today I discovered the magical world of @asciinema


I asked myself, "Popped corns, or iced cream? 🤔"

I decided on popped corns.


I finished Dragon Age 2. Now moving on to Inquisition.

Josephine doesn't know it yet, but she is in danger of having her hair brushed behind her ear and kissed on the forehead 🥹


Could be an amusing name for a bidet model.




Prometheus + Grafana is pretty neat!


@dramypsyd Back at ya!

Nice to see you in the Fediverse!


A brewery in the western Chicago suburbs is getting a lot of shit for serving cicada-infused Malort shots 🤢


I'm planning on attending a BSides event in Chicago in November, so.


defcon fomo

Even though if I *were* there, I'd be hiding in an agoraphobia-friendly alcove or something.

I just see all these really cool people having fun and it makes me feel joy for them but also envy.


"Don't say sorry to us. Say sorry to yourself. You're the one who looks like an idiot."


Since I'm using NetworkManager on my Fedora KDE Plasma workstation, I've set my interface connection to use the "Automatic (Only addresses)" method for IPv4 and IPv6, and left the DNS servers field blank. This stops DNS leaks and ensures I'm only using the DNS from my tailnet.


I've configured Tailscale to use Mullvad's public DNS, which provides encrypted DNS for TLS and HTTPS, ad-blocking, and malware-blocking. The ones I used are for
- 2a07:e340::4

With this plus uBlock Origin and Privacy Badger, I should be good enough.


I gotta brush my teeth and y'know, am kinda ticked off about that 😠. The universe just demands all this upkeep w/o our consent. And we can't even protest this without harming ourselves. It's a fucking tyrannical dictatorship.


@tavi 'tis the 'tism!


i was wrong on the Internet. 😬

i sorry


Gah why do tech problems seem to always occur when I have to task-switch. Motherfucker.


With how many times I reboot Emacs, it's pointless to use ERC. With how infrequently I use IRC and the fact that I almost never use it on anything other than my main workstation PC, I don't really need a bouncer.

Konversation on has been pretty neat.



It's nice to see distros embracing the Gemini protocol!





@nytpu I was reading about the development of the original Silent Hill (PSOne). The fogginess and short draw distance was actually a bug at first. Play-testers thought it added to the game's survival-horror feel because it made enemies hard to see until they got close. It went on to become one of the game's most defining features. I'll never forget playing it back in 5th grade (1999) and being creeped out when I got to the abandoned school building.


Some days, just showering and shaving feels like a victory.


One more cup of coffee and the sleep should be out of me. Then it will be time to execute some tasks.


These rage demons are kinda funny. They materialize out of the ground, roaring and pissed off and ready to tear everything apart. According to the lore, they aren't angry at anything in particular; they are the spiritual manifestation of /rage/. So in some sense it may be said that they are angry at both everything and nothing.


Email from Apple Developer program: "Hello Developer: August 2024"

Me: 😒 (moves it to spam)

Bro I just joined your developer program so that I could get beta releases of macOS way back when I had a MacBook Pro.


Ugh, nauseous again.


I send me vibes of reassurance. Through the loopback interface.


At around 2 PM, I got a massive headache and felt nauseous. I took Ibuprofen and drank some Propel. I took a 1.5 hour nap, woke up still with massive headache and nausea. I started feeling better about an hour ago (6 PM), but my head still feels kind of hazy.


I decided to skip Dragon Age: Origins. I've been playing Dragon Age 2 as mage Hawke. I'm just about finished with Act II, which I should finish tonight.

I also decided I'm going to play through Dragon Age: Inquisition. I've only played through it once. It seems that every time I play through a game it is a near certainty I will acquire some new insight about the characters or story or discover something I missed in the previous play-throughs.

After Inquisition, I'll read Tevinter Nights and The Missing. I should be ready for The Veilguard by autumn.

(By the way, I think the word "play-through" ought to be added to the English dictionary.)


My favorite coffee from Aldi. It's so very delicious.


@tavi 🥺


Pi-hole is really not taking liberally to Facebook content. Maybe that says more about Facebook than it does about Pi-hole. 🤨

I'm using Quad9 for the upstream DNS, so maybe it's on their end. I don't see anything from Facebook in the Pi-hole query logs.


I'm sad and scared but I think it's gonna be okay.

I ordered pad thai with tofu for dinner. I think I'll feel better when my body takes in that nutrition.


@LexPendragon Egh, sorry for getting my messy mind matter all over the place, here. 😞


@LexPendragon Yeah, I figured that's how you knew. I always assume that information is available to anyone who knows my server's IP address.


@LexPendragon Yup, that's me.

Glad to see my contribution to a greater good in action.


@thomholwerda I've realized that the easier problem to solve is to have regular backups and not distro hop and have to customize/setup everything again lol.


Since I've cut back on storage capacity for my seedbox to save money, I now only have 36TiB, down from 72TiB.

On my remote seedbox, I'm downloading and seeding Sci Hub torrents that have less than or equal to 3 seeders. This amounts to about 5.72TiB, which leaves 31TiB.

I'm gonna write a Python script that takes a maximum size as an input (say, 25TiB), iterates through the Sci Hub torrent health checker stats to gather the sizes of each torrent, and sort of solves the knapsack problem. 😃


So I've decided to start using Dashy instead of having two dozen pinned Firefox tabs.



Low-contrast color schemes are good.

Thank you.


I feel like I'm thinking soundly again.


The @LinuxUnplugged
podcast is great! I had a one-hour round-trip drive yesterday and listened to the fairly recent episode on Plasma 6. They kept my interest the whole time.


I brushed them, after quite the internal battle. Why am I like this.


Headache is back 😖


I need to go to bed but I have to brush my teeth first and I don't want to do that. Am deadlocked.


The intrusive thoughts I've been getting for the past few hours aren't really fear-inducing. They're like circus brain but slower tempo.


Oh yay, my headache is fading. 😌


I wonder if whether one benefits from such like stoicism depends on one's attachment disposition.


My Mastodon instance is gonna use local filesystem storage until I figure out how to configure Caddy for CORS.

Thank you
--hyperreal, Pigeon in Chief


@tavi Oh no 😔


I just want to show my appreciation for Quad9. Though I'm not sure about its sponsorship by IBM.

"Quad9 is a free service that replaces your default ISP or enterprise Domain Name Server (DNS) configuration. When your computer performs any Internet transaction that uses the DNS (and most transactions do), Quad9 blocks lookups of malicious host names from an up-to-the-minute list of threats. This blocking action protects your computer, mobile device, or IoT systems against a wide range of threats such as malware, phishing, spyware, and botnets, and it can improve performance in addition to guaranteeing privacy. The Quad9 DNS service is operated by the Swiss-based Quad9 Foundation, whose mission is to provide a safer and more robust Internet for everyone."


@freakazoid Interesting. When using Tusky, the MinIO console only shows GET requests when I tap on the avatar and copy the link in the browser. But when I'm using my web browser on my PC, I refresh the page and there are tons of GETs.


So, it seems that since I've been on Wegovy, I've had narcolepsy-like symptoms. Notably fatigue, excessive daytime sleepiness, and poor regulation of sleep/wake cycles. I attributed this to the current weather conditions, barometric pressure, etc., but I think these symptoms are a combination of semaglutide and weather. I guess time and seasonal weather changes will help control for the effects of semaglutide.

I've been fatigued lately and it has impacted my ability to use my treadmill. I'm only consuming like 30%-40% of the calories per 24 hours I consumed before Wegovy, though.


@GrapheneOS @ljrk Yep, thanks. My contacts have synced now, I just needed to allow it the permissions.


Apps like Tusky do not show avatars and other media when connected to my instance. I noticed this started when I began using S3 object storage. The media loads fine when using a web browser. I'm not sure if this is a bug in Tusky or a configuration issue on my end. I've tried another mobile app (Husky) with the same result. I'm using the latest versions of these apps. Does anyone know how I might resolve this?


It's a long but worthwhile read. The comments are interesting too.


So I installed @GrapheneOS on my phone! It works well.

One problem I ran into was that Authy didn't work because the "device does not meet integrity requirement". One user in the GrapheneOS forum posted that they now use Aegis instead of Authy. Honestly good riddance to Authy.

Another thing that is a minor inconvenience is that my contacts and such don't sync over from my Google account. This is fine -- I'm a reclusive loner so I only had like a dozen phone numbers in my contacts, 90% of which were family lol.



I suddenly get this wave of intrusive thoughts that things are very wrong.


Wyverns are great, terrible beasts 😔


Idea for a daily driver workstation OS with a rock-solid base that isn't partially immutable nor relies on toolbox containers: Debian stable (with or without backports) and @homebrew .


I'm out of Propel. I can order through Amazon to be delivered tomorrow. Or I can haul my fatigued carcass over to Mariano's and get it tonight.

I happen to need some shaving butter and lavender Castile soap, and I'd rather have these items sooner than later, so Mariano's it is.


This goddamn weather. I slept for 13 of the last 24 hours and my brain feels like overcooked pasta. This is ridiculous. I want it to be autumn soon.


i don't think

u understand

the gravity

of the situation.

"Oh I'm *quite* sure that I do."


@halva Both are asynchronous. RT combat system would be something that is usually synchronous like an in-person debate.


Meh it's one of those days when coffee doesn't do shit and I need more coffee until it does something.


@cypnk Lol. Can't do anything else until that's done!


Questions and Answers by Jesse Smith: Can problems like CrowdStrike bring down Linux systems?


Do you think ICANN would accept an application for a .schizo top-level domain?


Egh, my unmentionable ailment has flared up again. Hurts like fucking hell.


(wild-eyed) The DNS is propagatin' -- I can feel it coursin' through me, boss. I AM ONE WITH THE INTERNET.

2024-07-28T14:41:45Z Interesting. I wonder what caused it to be flagged as a Tor server. Maybe your company checks for a certain condition, and Syncthing happens to have said condition in common with the Tor network, thereby producing a false positive?


Idea: Headscale, SyncThing or Nextcloud, Mail-in-a-Box, and KeepassXC.

Also, how would @VeilidNetwork fit into this?


If you use KeepassXC, how do you keep your passwords synced to mobile?


Proton is using ML and Bitcoin now. Sad.

I'm thinking about this, as one user who commented on the blog post suggested:


Why do you think humans like to have opinions on things they aren't properly informed on?


I submitted the bug. Hopefully we can get this resolved soon. I'm using VSCode for coding projects for the time being. Emacs is still my bae when it comes to most other kinds of text-editing and org-mode.


@yam655 Yeah honestly I think I'm going to continue shaving. I made the OP after just waking up, but now I have spoons, so I'm not as tired about the prospect of shaving.


Egh, I've decided to go for a little while. I'll just say hi to everyone, have an Italian coffee, and do an Irish good-bye.

This way I can see people who want to see me and my mom won't be pissed.


I'm considering just letting my beard grow. My face feels better when it's clean shaven, and I think I look better clean shaven, but I'm tired of having to shave every other day.


I'm not going.

I've decided that dealing with my mom being pissed at me is easier than dealing with being around a lot of people today.


I have to go to a family reunion party tomorrow where there will be a lot of extended family. I'm super nervous about being perceived by so many people.




@yam655 Oh god, I'm going to delete this post. I had no idea the developer was a misogynist.

2024-07-26T18:54:46Z Oh geez. I don't know who they are or what their views are. I just thought it sounded like a promising alternative to the popular enshittified corporate-controlled web browsers.



So my shell history contains "sssssssssssssssssssssss" because I was nodding out and had my hands on the keyboard.


My sleep schedule has been shifted several hours, at least for the past couple weeks. I'm not sure if this is something I need to fix or if I should just roll with it.


I had considered running my own tilde, but like...

1. It's a lot of work for one person. Having to manage /other/ users adds an order of complexity to the administration load. I think I'm fine hosting various web services and privacy front-ends.

2. There are already plenty of great tildes out there. It would be better if I just contribute to those.

I've been out-sourcing my RSS aggregation to (previously) and (now) offers TinyTinyRSS, and I find the UI/UX rather cumbersome and annoying. offers FreshRSS and Miniflux. I've come to prefer the minimalism of Miniflux. It has just what I want and nothing more. I can also use it with elfeed on Emacs. I signed up to use's Soju IRC bouncer. I'm currently running my own instance of The Lounge, but I like Soju's features, and the senpai IRC client seems to suck less than the other options.


It hasn't crashed again yet, but when using Go LSP it sometimes hangs when finding module functions after entering the dot as in `strconv.ParseBool`.

I'm using VSCode for the time being. Really hope we can get to the bottom of this soon. I feel bad sort of abandoning Emacs.


Time to set everything aside and play Dragon Age 2.


@tavi I know. I have bouts of fleeting existential confusion-mindquack. When this happens, my brain feels like it ought to explode at the inherent meaninglessness of existence and why tf there is something rather than nothing, and what and why tf is even existence.


Okay, so I was writing some Go code in Emacs with LSP enabled, and it crashed again. So it's not specific to Python's LSP, but the LSP package itself. This bug seems to be related, but it was mysteriously closed by the maintainer.


Egh, my brain is all over the place today. Sorry about that. Clean-up on aisle 64.


"Why are you talking like grandpa having a senior moment"


Meow. Am system cat.


@freakazoid It looks like they offer a $64/month package with 21.7 TB. The locations are grayed out though.


@freakazoid My upload throughput is only like 150-200 Mbps, so I don't think using my TrueNAS storage would be practical anyway.

My intention now is to find a seedbox host that offers 10Gbps both ways and has at least 42 TiB of storage. I guess shared or dedicated app hosting package would be fine. But $173/month is expensive. I'll try to find a better deal somewhere else. That is looking better as a candidate now.


@freakazoid SyncThing would work for data that already exists on the remote. My intention is to have it store on my TrueNAS to begin with, for example by mounting an NFS dataset and setting that to be the default save path for completed torrents. Ideally I'd want 10Gbps on the remote, but my connection at home is 2Gbps, so there would be a bottle neck going from the remote to my TrueNAS via NFS.

I don't know. I need time to figure something out lol.


@freakazoid That is to say, with the full access to a VPS, I can configure things like NFS.


@freakazoid Yeah I'd need more of a VPS. I have 55 TiB of storage space on my homelab TrueNAS machine and I'd rather use that than pay extra for storage. I have to figure out a way to mount a dataset as an NFS mount on the remote VPS. I think I tried using Tailscale before but for some reason it didn't work. If I understand correctly all or most ports are open in the tailnet and they use some kind of magical NAT traversal technique.


@freakazoid Thanks, I haven't heard of them. I'll add it to the list of candidates lol.


I think it's best if I cancel the $170/month seedbox and hold off until I figure this out. I need time to research this. I should probably also wait until I have a steady income.

My brain is a circus today. Self-care emergency management: clonazepam, lasagna, Dragon Age 2.


I found another seedbox company that offers 10Gbps for $33/month. In contrast to SeedHost, it is a full VPS rather than a shared app-hosting package. The storage is 2.2T, but I think I can use Tailscale/Headscale somehow to mount my local storage via NFS, and have the qBittorrent save directory there.

I wish I would have done this research first before committing to something. The fuck is wrong with me. Am stupid and impulsive. 😟



I gotta shower, shave, brush my teeth, work out on my treadmill for 20 minutes, and go to the bank.

I need to ration my spoons. I'll just shower, brush teeth, and go to bank.


I'm kind of meh about what is the point of anything today





@s31bz I'm curious how DNA would compare to actual data in bits. Like how many bytes are in the human genome? Is it on the order of TiB, or PiB?


@roxy Not lately, but yes. I'm sorry you feel that way, though. 🥺


Me: (sees that my Mastodon feed is only showing posts from 21+ hours ago)
Me: Oh no, has my instance been defederated?!
Me: (Refreshes the page 500 times in an RSD-induced frenzy)
Me: (gets distracted by something else for like an hour)
Me: (returns to Mastodon tab and see's post from seconds ago)
Me: Oh, phew. People still like me, or at the very least are okay with me. Thank glob.

2024-07-25T03:16:22Z Are you using Windows 2000 or is it something more modern but with a Windows 2000 theme? XD


🎵 Their hot sauce brings hyperreal to the yard 🎵

(hyperreal goes to the yard)

hyperreal: Oh no, a trap!



Headscale/Tailscale is really great


Whoa, huge nazi spam in the Podman Matrix channel. Looks like multiple accounts are involved.


Fig and olive crisps from Trader Joe's, with ricotta cheese. 😌


My head is also heavy, so my habitual head tilt is more pronounced today.


I'm sleep-deprived, but I'm okay. I just a little space-prone.


@lzg "Sleep", you say? Never heard of that server...


I just think it's fun to think of my servers as little realms of Oblivion. ^_^


Omglob I have the best hostname/subdomain for a server that hosts distro mirrors: mirrormoor.


Good morning.

Pink camouflage clothing is valid, even though Candy Land isn't real and there is no reason to expect one to hide there.

Thank you.


Can't help but think about how much faster my cognitive processing speed would be without Invega.

Trying to remember what it was like pre-Invega, and it doesn't seem *that* much different, as far as I can recall.


I don't usually talk about politics, but my pedantry got the better of me, this time.

It's KAMala Harris. Not KamALa Harris. The emphasis is on the first A.

The *correct* way to refer to someone is by what they want to be called.



Perhaps when I can afford another 72 TiB remote dedicated server I can start hosting distro mirrors again.

Ideally, I'd choose a datacenter in a location where there is need of more mirrors.


The reason for the latter may be because it's an assertion of power/control.


Sometimes it's just obvious when people are trying to compensate for their perceived short-comings. Their posts tend to have a bitter flavor and they contain implied or overt digs at others, even at people who've never wronged them but are deemed to be easy pickings.


Finally got object storage working on my Mastodon instance!


Sometimes I'll get intrusive thoughts, and my inclination is to ignore them, like "Nope. Not my circus, not my monkeys."

But then I realize that like, it kinda *is* my circus. And like, they kinda *are* my monkeys. 😳


@nytpu Flying down the street

Oh, now you gotta adapt the entire lyrics of the Roy Orbison song to wyverns lol


It turns out using the Python settings for Doom Emacs is fine on its own. I have LSP disabled, so no LSP features are in use, yet the current config has everything I usually expect/want out of a Python development environment. I guess I don't really need the language server as I had previously believed.


I removed some other Python dev things in my Emacs configuration, as the language server already has those features anyway. It's been a couple hours that I've had a Python source code file open with the language server active, and it hasn't crashed yet. It would usually crash immediately or after like 2-3 minutes.


So Emacs crashes whenever I use any Python language server. I haven't tried using other language servers. I'm still not sure where the root of the issue lies, but I'll report a bug to the Emacs mailing list.

In the meantime I'm using VSCode and enjoying the experience. Everything /just works/. I'm even questioning why I should still use Emacs when the grass is clearly greener on this side. The only thing keeping me anchored to Emacs is org-mode.


@tavi i gib u food


I guess now's a good time to switch to LibreWolf permanently. I've also got my eyes on Qutebrowser and Nyxt.


@simplycorbett Nah. When I right-click on the file and select open in new tab, I get the XML AcessDenied error. I can't view anything from the bucket.


Has anyone running their own instance been able to setup S3 object storage properly? I've tried using Wasabi but I get S3 XML AccessDenied errors when attempting to view resources. I've found various guides on the Internet, but they are either unhelpful or outdated.


There aren't many gaming/computer chair companies that I'm aware of, but Secret Lab is the only one I trust to make a high quality chair and have excellent customer service. If you spend a lot of time at your PC, you should invest in your comfort, and Secret Lab beats any bargain-basement chair you might get from an office supply store.

I've had my Secret Lab chair since spring of 2020. The arm rest broke in autumn of 2021. They sent me a replacement arm rest at no charge.

I wanted to try something different last year, so I bought this EWin Racing chair, which had good ratings apparently. It was terrible. The head rest stuck out too much and made my neck sore. The seat was like one of those dunk-tank seats if you lean even slightly forward. I fell forward to the floor numerous times. Eventually I got disgusted with it, so I went back to using my Secret Lab chair.


I'm not boring. Am just differently interesting, is all.


Today I

- worked out on my treadmill for 20 minutes
- showered
- shaved
- folded and put away laundry

Who's a good boy? Me ☺️




I don't like the number 7. Never have, come to think of it. Something about it just doesn't sit right with me. I can't quite put my finger on it. But when I do, you'll be the first to know.


@annaymone @tavi @yujiri Sorry to insert myself into this conversation but I'm curious...what game is scary?


Why is my brain so averse to reading stuff 😖 It acts like it has to walk over hot coals.


Doom segfaults only when I'm using `(python +lsp +pyright)`. This is the backtrace. I'm not sure what the error means, or where to report it if it is a bug. Is it a bug with Emacs proper, or with lsp-pyright? It looks to have something to do with that subr file.


Good morning

May your coffee be delicious and your day be productive and fulfilling.


But there is no cloud, only someone else's 'puter 🙁


Some might say that my preference for non-boring sandwiches is a compensation for my boring personality. 🤷‍♂️


@CiscoJunkie Oh, for sure. I think a lot of the contention is that they're rejecting science as an /authority/, rather than rejecting its general usefulness.


To be specific: A cold-cut turkey breast sandwich on whole grain bread, with lacey Swiss cheese, dijon mustard, spicy muffuletta-style olive spread, and cracked black pepper. With some grapes on the side.


I feel like my brooding/ruminating energy is the same energy I subconsciously use for skin-picking and bruxism, such that a solution for one would be a solution for the others.

But I don't know how much of this cognitive-behavior is fundamental to who I am. I mean, I don't identify as a bruxist or dermatillomaniac, but like I feel that my actual identity is inextricably tied to it in a disjointed manner, on some fundamental level.


I'll be eating breakfast at around noon. By which I mean I'll be literally /breaking/ my (effortless) 12-hour /fast/. I'll be eating "lunch food", though, not "breakfast food".


I've seen people poke fun at scientists for "believing in objectivity". I'm curious how anyone can /not/ believe there is an objective reality, to the point where there is such tribal conflict around that viewpoint.

Is it that they disagree about humans' ability to /know/ an objective reality, or that an objective reality does not exist, period?

Note: I'm open to other perspectives, but I consider myself science-minded, so it's not obvious to me how anyone could think objectivity or even approximate knowledge of an external reality is ridicule-worthy. I feel like the fact that we can predict, e.g., Earth's seasons and moon phases indicates that there is something out there that exists regardless of our belief or understanding of it.


The CSS on my websites is a little broken, as I am fussing about with it, so I feel compelled to announce this so that people don't think I have terrible taste in web design.



Since I have a $60/month dedicated hosting seedbox on SeedHost now, which is strictly for qBittorrent, I think I can cut back the $30/month SeedHost one and get something cheaper on Linode. I'm using Atop to monitor various metrics for a few days so that I can decide what kind of Linode I need.

UPDATE: Eh, I think I'll just stay where I'm at. I'll be adding more services, like Invidious, SearXNG, LibreMDB, LibMedium, BloatFE, hckrnws, MeMe, and some other alternative front-ends. So I'll have need of the server resources.


Good morning to all insects. Thank you for your services to the ecosystem.


Oh good, I can use the noise cancelling feature of my headphones now that I don't have to be on call for my grandpa. My parents are watching the Republican National Convention on TV right now.

One good thing about this house is that my bedroom is the coldest room when we have the AC on. It's on the same level as the furnace, so there is less distance the air has to travel. It's like being in a refrigerator.

I wanna chill and play ESO: Gold Road. We're getting tornado warnings here now, tho, so hopefully we don't lose power or anything. Glob help me if I have to sit in this humid jungle-ass weather with no AC, PC, or Internet.


My TrueNAS shirt fits me now, with room to spare. I'm glad I held onto it.


I had to get new walking shoes for my treadmill. These are what the actually cool people wear. 59% off limited deal.

Laces are for people with too much time on their hands. And also people who are adept at tying shoes (I've never been).


Does anyone know if there is some type of software that can monitor, say, a qBittorrent instance, and record time-series data?

It would be nice if there exists precisely the thing I want, but I'm also kind of hoping to get to use pandas and cobble up some custom Python scripts to get the data I want.


This is similar to my experience. I don't hear them as distinct, audible voices. For me, they are intrusive thoughts that feel convincingly like they were said/thought by someone else.


@ajroach42 I crave, and seek, pizza.


They have neither a beginning, nor an end. They just *are*.


Pigeons aren't really *birds*. They have their own, separate existence. Beasts unto themselves.


:bash: :bitwarden: :codeberg: :copyleft: :debian: :duckduckgo: :emacs: :fediverse: :fedora: :firefoxnew: :GeminiProtocol: :git: :gitea: :gnu: :go: :GrapheneOS: :librewolf: :mastodon: :matrix: :neovim: :opensource: :orgmode: :podman: :python: :system76: :veilid: :xfce: :zsh:


Sci Hub torrents are coming along. This is taking place on my dedicated VPS at SeedHost. I have 5TiB of storage there, which only covers like 6% of the current total Sci Hub collection.

Eventually I'm going to need to use some of my 50TiB homelab NAS storage. I'm trying to figure out if it would be efficient to mount a dataset via NFS and set it as the save directory for qBittorrent on SeedHost. Another--and, as far as I know, the only feasible--alternative is to run qBittorrent under a VPN in a virtual machine on TrueNAS in my homelab, and just NFS mount the dataset there.


Meh, my mood kind of crashed. I should play ESO but I don't feel like it. I'm not sure what I feel like doing. Is this boredom? Can't remember the last time I felt legitimately bored. But like, I have things to do, and I meta-want to do them. I just don't feel like it, right now.


I got about 2.5 hours of poor-quality sleep. I am grumpy and disturbed by sounds.


@adamw Thanks


40 ships with wget2 instead of wget. I realized this when I got "Unknown option 'warc-file'". I'm curious why wget2 was shipped despite it not being stable or production-ready. The wget2 developers think it was a bad idea.


@s31bz Sup!


I started using a bidet, and omg, how is this not the default in every U.S. bathroom?!

I gotta feeling that answer to that question is somehow "Capitalism".


Pigeons is based


I played for a little while. Talked to Leramil, then ran around Skingrad and talked to various NPCs, accepted a few quests.

Pain started flaring up earlier this evening so it's hard to sit still and relax.



Egh, I gotta wait like 30 minutes for my Bluetooth headphones to charge. This is why I made it a habit to charge them as soon as I'm done using them, so that they are fully charged when I want to use them. One of the rare times I forgot to charge them.


I'm starting ESO: Gold Road tonight. It was released over a month ago and I am now prepared to process it.


Watch out everybody, we got a *diplomat* over here, tryin' to be all peaceable-like with the bigots 😠

^Don't mind me. I just like to read myself write that every once in a while. Please, carry on (gestures)


I came. I saw. I went back home. 😌



I haven't eaten since 2:30 PM. It is now 10:40 PM. I'm gonna run to Walgreen's and get some Skinny Pop.


I have a sad right now but I think I made people mad when I called humans a bunch of docile dim-witted sheep and now I have nobody but myself to reassure me and that increments my sad because am not self-sufficient like that. I must now deal with these consequences. (sulks)


Do any of my friends here have any torrents they would like me to help seed?

I've got 50 TiB to spare ;-)


@quixote @freakazoid I found this article from 6 days ago. My current carrier is T-Mobile, and currently they unlock phones after the installment plans are paid off, which explains why my phone is unlocked now.

If this new FCC rule is passed, carriers will be forced to unlock phones after 60 days.


@freakazoid That's good to know. Thanks.


@matchboxbananasynergy Awesome! Yeah OEM unlocking is available on my phone. Thanks!

For some reason it was greyed out when I first got the phone two years ago. I have the same carrier. I wonder what changed.


@lzg I hope you can enjoy a migraine-free vacation in peace, soon. 🥺


I'd like to install @GrapheneOS on my Pixel 6. I wanted to do it a couple years ago, but the phone needed to be carrier unlocked. I'm not sure if that's still a requirement with newer developments in


Sort-of-ironic, sort-of-irritated, sort-of-cynical meta-political rant:

CNN: the same, monotonic, bland slightly liberal political nonsense 24/7
Fox News: the same, monotonic, bland conservative political nonsense 24/7

People tune into these channels, are mildly entertained by them, believe they're doing their civic duty by paying attention to politics, and take away zero /actually new/ information from them.

Why are humans such a bunch of fucking docile dim-witted sheep.


The morning is beautiful. Coffee is beautiful. You are beautiful. I bid you a pleasant day. 😌


Circus brain + sleepiness is such an inappropriate combination.


I have the midnight scaries and it's only 11:44 PM.

(I actually posted this on Twitter at 10:40 PM and meant to cross-post it here but got distracted by other things and now it's 11:44 PM).



@stellarskylark First I've heard of and I find the idea fascinating and relatable!


If I don't finish my Python qBittorrent script tonight, I will finish it tomorrow, and then work on Packet Tracer activities.

The Python script is coming along well I think. Python is a much better choice for the task of adding distro torrents to a qBittorrent instance. It's cleaner and there is much less precarity of string gymnastics than Bash.


I am so cringe yet somehow I haven't managed to say the Most Ridiculous Thing in the World.

Makes me wonder about myself. 🤔


@onelson Anycorn


I want coffee but it's already 9 PM. I think I'll let my central nervous system take a breather for a bit. I'll have coffee again in the morning.


There are just contexts in which one is more relevant than the other.


A literal, actual pigeon came and told me I need to clarify something:

"I've been taking meds since 2006" = I was first prescribed meds and generally started a regimen in 2006.

"I've been taking meds consistently since 2007" = I've been taking them every day, as prescribed, since 2007. When they were first prescribed to me, I was initially skeptical and really didn't comprehend the gravity of the situation at the time. I took them reluctantly at first, and kind of went back and forth between "what I wanna do" and "what I ought to do". I later realized I needed them to get better, so "what I ought to do" became "what I wanna do".


My CSS is coming along nicely. I feel like it's "done" now. I'm using my VPS web server as a sort of CDN.


I'm going to implement some of my shell scripts in Python and use shell scripts sparingly. If I just need a command runner I could use a justfile.


@s31bz What OS/distro do you run on it?



Do we still need to write "email AT address DOT com" to circumvent spambots from harvesting our email addresses? Haven't the spambots evolved to match that expression nowadays?



Idk why but I'm amused by this datapad I found while playing the Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC.


Does anyone need head pats?

I have a strong desire to gib head pats at the moment.


@cas :headpats:


Gotta brush my teeths now because I am a civilized person.


Hey folks,

I have an static blog. I'm using the content below as a SETUPFILE org template. I want the TITLE variable in this org template to expand to the value of the TITLE variable from the front matter of each post when the blog is exported. Is this possible?


Uh I guess I'm wide awake at 2:44 AM. I've been up since 9 AM yesterday.

Not complaining or anything. It just is, is all.

I think I'll make some coffee.


For the record, I'm still confused, just about more advanced things.

I figure that if lots of other people "get it", then it must be a thing that could be "gotten", and therefore it's at least possible for myself to "get it".


I remember when I was a complete newb I was confused about what the term "server" meant. Tech people in blog posts used the term to refer to both a physical machine running in a data center and a system service (e.g. Apache) running as a process on a PC. I wasn't aware of the difference, so it was hard to put things into context. Tech writers didn't seem to think it was appropriate to explicitly disambiguate between the two meanings and probably just assumed readers would know what they meant, which most interested readers probably did.



@minekpo1 :headpats:


Request for recommendations for and podcasts!


I'll be kicking ass and NOT taking names. You know, to respect privacy and all that.


@DesRoin lmao wut


Idk why but it tickles me when I see someone use the phrase "you're gonna have a bad time".


Taco Tuesday!

This is my favorite Mexican restaurant in my town. salsastreetmexicanrestaurant.c


@c0debabe Omg I love this lol


I've been emotionally numb/flat for the past couple days. I don't know why this happens. It's probably a mood symptom of schizoaffective disorder.



Good morning, fancypantses


One of these days I will (consensually) touch a booty, and it will be /experientia maximum gluteum/.


Today's dinner:

- Tuna salad on toasted organic whole-grain bread. Garnished with cracked black pepper and yellow mustard.
- A handful of organic corn tortilla chips with two dollops of spicy guacamole.
- An 8oz glass of Pepsi.

It was delightful and satiating.

I'm so grateful that modern science and medical technology have developed a potion that enables us cursed folk to enter the portal to the Hidden World of Dietary Moderation.


Me: I had an idea that I should maybe try to reverse engineer this to create an RPM package for Fedora and host it on COPR. But that's tangential to my original task.

Rubber duck: But it would be good experience in building RPM packages.

Me: Yeah, that's true...wait. No. I must not allow myself to digress!


Went to download Cisco Packet Tracer and they only had versions for Mac, Windows, and a Debian package. I want to use it on Fedora, which is my daily driver. Special thanks to the author of this bash script!


Today's agenda:
- Shower
- Shave
- Put dishes away
- Get started with the free content on GNS3 Academy


I used to think that "If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best" quote was lame and cliche, and I still do, but honestly I totally get the underlying sentiment.


@tavi Same


@yam655 Thanks, and well-said!


I totally get this but like I feel like it would be unethical to take on a mantle of authority before I'm an expert and that people will make fun of me if I pretend to be a teacher of something I hardly know.


This is just an idea, and maybe I should let it go as quickly as it occurred to me, but I wonder how much of the present-day confusion about this stuff stems from academics and doctors back then placing arbitrary lines between various topics for the sake of research specializations.


To be more precise, *non-deterministic* finite-state dependencies.


I think there is a meaningful difference between autism and ADHD, and that those two circles are largely accurate, but not the entire picture. RSD is something that anyone with any kind of social trauma can experience and isn't limited to ADHD, though perhaps ND people experience it differently from NT people. I also haven't been able to differentiate between RSD and the so-called anxious attachment style. From what it sounds like, the anxious attachment style originates from a kind of early childhood trauma. RSD is a symptom of trauma too.

I'm skeptical that giftedness is something that should be part of this Venn diagram in the sense that it is treated as categorically on par with autism and ADHD.

I now find myself asking what is the difference between these sets of traits and personality types. What is even personality? Is personality a /psychological/ thing, or a /neurological/ thing? How do we figure that these traits are a product of neurological vs. psychological processes? Maybe isolating psychology from neurology was a mistake they made in the early 20th century, based on popular misconception of the relation between mind and body?

I don't know. I'm going back to my computers.


Disclaimer: I generally tend to be skeptical of these things because I have schizoaffective disorder and know what it's like to experience grandiose delusions of a self-serving quality. I want to avoid the social consequences of that.

Other folks' mileages may vary.


I don't know how much this corresponds to reality but it seems to track well-enough and coincides with my experience.

I'm also not entirely comfortable tooting my own horn as far as giftedness is concerned. Like, I feel that it's possible to possess those traits and just be a regular human. 🤷‍♂️


I guess we're roommates for now.

Good night june bug.


@CiscoJunkie I'm going to check out Cisco's Packet Tracer

There is also an open source network simulator called GNS3.


A damn june bug got stuck on my shirt and now it's in my closet somewhere and it isn't reacting to me bumping things to try to shoo it out so it's gonna be in there for the time being. It will probably surprise me later. I'll hear goddamn wings fluttering and its carapace thudding against the walls while I'm sitting at my computer. I fucking hate bugs.


What's a good way to learn computer that doesn't involve too much reading and rote memorization?


My nervous system is in goblin mode now.


One of these days I'll learn how to use asciinema.


Be a vigilant

Keep your head on a swivel and easily switch between running glances servers.


oh my glob. i am defeated by finite-state dependencies. 😖


Our pointless-ass landline just rang. Who tf think it still 1995.



Two of the KDE Plasma features that I appreciate are KRunner and the ability to set application-specific window properties.


For the past few weeks I've been using Plasma. I love it. It has everything I need.

Happy Pride Month! From my screen to yours.



When I look in the mirror now, my face is starting to get more of a square shape and less of a figure 8 shape. ☺️

Not that a square shape is inherently 'better'. It just makes me happy to be more compliant with conventional masculine aesthetic standards. Such standards may be socially constructed, but they are nonetheless real.

Also, at least until I start using my treadmill (tomorrow), I do not wish to take credit for these changes. They just *happened*, with approximately zero effort on my part.


Am all outta special somnia sauce


As a very sleepy person with 36 years of experience with sleep, I bid you a good night.


The floor mat thing I have to make my computer chair roll smoothly doesn't adhere to my carpet very well for some reason, so I end up having to adjust it constantly. Does anyone have ideas for a feasible solution that doesn't involve ruining the carpet or the mat?


Tomatoes is gonna tomate.


Summer is finally here. I'm glad, not because I like summer, but because it's all downhill toward fall and winter from this point. A few more months of this bullshit sultry weather.


Insomnia. Am kind of scared at the moment, for no reason that I can figure.


@nytpu Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson is pretty good.


My penpersonship muscles are truly a lost cause. I was writing out the word "onion" on a grocery list and started with the letter 'n' before the first letter 'o'. Also was intending to write "popcorn kernels" and wrote "popkorn". 🙃


The "matter at hand" was, literally, dermatillomania. At least for the 45 minutes or so after the timestamp of the above comment.


I am sad that I can't save the galaxy tonight. EA servers are down or something and I can't play Mass Effect. 😞


Anyway, enough of this frivolous digression into the wordings of the documentation. Back to the matter at hand.


It's quite possible they meant something like "more than likely", which veers into figurative expression territory. Or also "quite possible", even.


"Once you can accept the universe as matter expanding into nothing that is something, wearing stripes with plaid comes easy." --Albert Einstein


I just read the phrase "It's more than possible" in some documentation 💀

There's no need to go all extra-universal just to say something can happen.


I had two Nutri-grains and like, I'm full. It's uncanny.


@annaymone good night!


@minekpo1 Ohhh! I see now 😆


@minekpo1 *woman upside down :P


My brain be like: Let's ruminate about things that probably aren't a big deal or probably don't matter.


Clearly the problem isn't self-disciplinary.


🎵 One day when my light is glowin'
I'll be in my castle golden
But until the gates are open
I just wanna feel this moment
Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this moment
Whoa-oh-oh, I just wanna feel this moment 🎵


TIL there are bikini barista coffee shops. I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept.

Like, sure, women in bikinis are nice to look at. Coffee is nice to drink. I don't usually think about doing both at the same time. When I get my coffee fix, I'm usually planning on smoking a few cigarettes and being productive for the next few hours. I'd rather not be distracted by other things. So that combination of sensual pleasantries never occurred to me as something for which there would be a large enough market. But I guess there is. Whatever gets people in the door, I suppose, is an effective gimmick.

Generally though, if I'm going to look at women in bikinis, I'd prefer to do so for longer than it takes for a simple coffee transaction. I want to be able to ogle for quite a while, and preferably in a context where it's not obvious I'm there specifically to ogle.


I'm gonna try this. If my feet can stay dry 24/7 regardless of how much physical activity I do, that would be great.

2024-06-16T13:47:49Z "Messing" with another person's religious practice would be going on the offensive, seeking out religious groups online, for example, and telling them how wrong and misguided they are. Or like one of Richard Dawkins' bulldogs trolling religious people on Twitter who are minding their own business and not harming anyone. Not saying you do any of those things, but that's just what comes to mind when I imagine an arrogant atheist.

It's super easy for an arrogant atheist to justify cyberbullying any religious person on Twitter by arguing that "they're complicit in irrational beliefs" and "all religious people are bastards" even if the religious person they're bullying is a methodological naturalist.


The 1/10 rating is just because they exist and provide Internet service.


I got my Internet up and running. Xfinity is such a pain in the brain stem. I'm subscribed to an AT&T mailing list so I'll be notified when they finally get fiber optic infrastructure in my area.

2024-06-16T03:31:20Z "The most striking case Schnabel found in the GSS data was that of women’s views of abortion: fewer women in the U.S. support abortion rights than men. Women are more religious than men, previous studies have shown, and it’s this adherence to religion and its general stance against abortion that Schnabel sees as the reason for the discrepancy."

I don't know to what extent this apparent correlation is causation. It also doesn't mention the details of the studies, the author just says "previous studies have shown". What other reasons could there be for why more women than men are against abortion, if that is indeed the case?

One thing that comes to mind is that women are the ones carrying the baby, so they might feel a special sort of bond with the human growing inside them, and this might make them reluctant to give it up. I can imagine this being the case even at, say, 2 weeks of pregnancy, when it's mostly just the /idea/ of a human growing inside them and isn't quite /tangible as a pregnancy/ yet (If that makes sense? Idk).

2024-06-15T16:44:57Z I think I understand your point better now after reading this again.

My use of the word "if" in the last sentence of my OP was probably a mistake, so I changed it to align more with my intended meaning. There is probably linguistic terminology for the manner in which I used "if" in that sentence, but I don't know it.

Anyway, I meant rather that it's a fact that it improves quality of life for many people. It provides for them a sense of belonging and community. It makes their lives meaningful. I feel that an arrogant atheist would be doing a disservice by messing with that. It would also be racist, because you can't really separate, for example, the identities of many PoC in America from their religious beliefs.

2024-06-15T12:26:39Z @ketmorco Ah, yeah I agree. That's a big part of the internal conflict I experience with this.

2024-06-15T12:00:14Z @ketmorco What does IF stand for?


@piusbird The latter goblin thinks so, too.


Inside me there are two goblins: one is the atheist and naturalist goblin that thinks religion and spiritual beliefs are poppycock and that religion has done more collective harm to the world than good. The other is the bleeding-heart humanist goblin that thinks being outspokenly against religious belief is kinda bigoted and that it's okay for people to be religious because it improves their quality of life.

Note: The usual good vs. evil, black vs. white imagery of the "two wolves" metaphor is not observed here.


Maternal grandfather: deceased
Maternal grandmother: deceased
Maternal step-grandfather (the one I was a caregiver for until recently): assisted living
Paternal step-grandfather: deceased
Paternal grandfather: recently diagnosed with dementia

All within the last four years. Such is life I suppose. Until it isn't.


Gas ✅
Car wash ✅
Oil change ✅
Groceries ✅
Prescription ✅
Mental faculties ✅
Sanity ❌ (WIP)


Someone might get entirely the wrong message from this sign.


I thought "horny on main" was a software version control metaphor--the main branch, etc--but I've seen non-tech people use it, and it has dawned on me that it refers to one's main social media account. Apparently a lot of people have secondary NSFW accounts where they do all their thirstposting and such.

I personally don't feel it's necessary to separate these things, but it's perfectly valid if others want to. I don't post lewd photos or anything but I do post about sexual topics and reply to sexual content. I don't feel that it would, nor should, affect my employability. I don't intend on representing a future employer in any capacity in which their business would be harmed by my social media activities. I try to remain within what I judge to be commonly-acceptable boundaries in the the social media circles I'm in.


I used to think I was an empath because I happen to possess many of the traits they claim are part of being an empath.

The person I cyberbullied in 2011 would prob disagree. I'm ashamed. I was an asshole. They didn't deserve it. I took my dissatisfaction with myself out on them.


Like, that set of hands they've got makes me feel like I ought to keep a close eye on my wallet and such.


Idk about these space cows man they're kinda sketchy-lookin'


IME contrarians tend to be particularly susceptible to reverse psychology.




I was paranoid today and accused someone of lying to me 😞


Infancy. Also known as the "li'l peanut" stage.


I ought to be playing ESO Gold Road but the goblin is strong in this one and the currents of chaos have carried my focus toward replaying the Mass Effect trilogy.


diary of a birb.

i flied around.


eated a few worms.

pooped on stuff (diarrhea of a birb).



i can gib u hug if u want 🥺



Keep your filthy meat-hooks off my data 😠


Mom saw this and she's like "Don't do that!", and I'm like "Don't do *what*? What did I do?" She doesn't want coffee stains on her table cloth lol.

It boggles my mind why anyone would get a fancy cloth to cover a table that people naturally put food and beverages on and not want it to get messy. I guess it's just one of those homeowner things I'll never understand. I tend to be more practical with my interior decor preferences.


Not that I ever cared about the district standards anyway. Fuckin' ableists.


This year I've realized that using an albuterol inhaler makes a world of difference. While moving, I was surprised with how much strenuous physical activity I was able to do without getting tired and out of breath so quickly, especially at this time of the year. I always just thought it was because I was out of shape and a smoker--which is part of it, but that honestly feels like only half of the problem, the other half being asthma.

I used an inhaler back in junior high when I was first diagnosed with asthma. but I dunno, I just thought I didn't need it because my asthma wasn't too severe at the time. It was only bad when I had to do strenuous cardio activity. Man, I could have been excused for not meeting my high school district standards for the mile run instead of being shamed for taking 16-20 minutes and walking most of the way.


I'm home.


8th grade graduation ceremony across the street. My nostrils are assaulted by the sum of all the attendees' cologne and perfume when I step out to have a smoke. I can assure you that the whole is more ghastly than the sum of its parts.

Most of them don't notice me, but I hope I don't end up photobombing anyone's graduation photos. "Ugh, we gotta take new pictures when that creep with the cigarette on the porch goes away. 😠"


I've got fog of the brain.


Were the artists who designed the batarians in Mass Effect inspired by Brussels sprouts?




I had an Amy's frozen meal for lunch, which was plenty of food. I also had Greek yogurt with honey at around 3:30-4:00 PM, and I think I ate *slightly* too much, because my stomach felt kind of queasy afterward. I have a better mental model of my limits now tho. So far I haven't overeaten anything to the point that I start throwing up. I'd prefer not to deal with the inconvenience of barfing, which has been a good deterrent to overeating.

So far, Wegovy seems to be working out pretty well.


I'm just hoping the Xfinity modem/router I get isn't stupid and will allow me to put it in passthrough mode so that I can use my OPNsense device. I'm pretty sure I will be able to, tho.


Get ready to bask in schadenfreude: I can't get fiber internet at my parents' house 😞

The best I'm able to get is Xfinity cable at 2 Gbps. To be honest this is plenty of throughput. The only thing that disappoints me is that the copper wiring in cable doesn't get the same performance and quality as fiber optic.

Ah well. But at least I'll save money on my monthly bill.


I'm feeling kind of listless. I wonder if this is because my body isn't receiving the sugar and calories it expects. I'm not really craving sugar. I had some pineapple and mango slices for breakfast but I could have easily not. No late night sugar cravings either.


This might get me excommunicated from the Church of Emacs but I'm really liking Obsidian.


Happy National Cheese Day! (United States)

My favorite cheese is pecorino romano, which is an Italian cheese made from sheep's milk.


A cuckoo clock in a psychiatrist's office🤨🧐

Nope. Nothing 'spicious about that.


Why is it that it is easy to fast for 12+ hours when I have to get bloodwork done but any other day I can't go four hours without eating.

I feel like /anticipation/ affects blood sugar. Maybe there is already science on this.

Like sometimes on a normal dietary day with breakfast and lunch, for example, if my dad is making pasta and sauce for dinner, by 3 PM my blood sugar crashes and I feel weak and jittery and ravenous. Because I anticipate a good carb-loaded meal. But today it's easy to fast because I know I can't eat until after my bloodwork is done, and I'm not anticipating any particular kind of meal.


Man did I have some goofy-ass dreams.


@RL_Dane I'm not sure that tracks. I'd need more context, but it seems like "get stuff DONE" could include tasks that involve learning and growing.



Wow, so. Kubernetes. I've setup a 3-node cluster among my three Orange Pi 5+'s. I'm now working on migrating my public web server, Mastodon instance, and a few other things onto the cluster. I'm following this guide:

And the prerequisites for the prerequisites for the prerequisites, etc.

My brain is trying to process all this new terminology. By following these guides and referring to relevant documentation, I'm hoping everything will eventually fall into place and make sense.


I suppose I can check if the file that the URL points to exists, and error out if it doesn't.


I have this weird script to help add distro torrents to a running qBittorrent instance.

I need to figure out an efficient way to ensure that the distro release version as entered by user input is correct. Presumably without having to hard-code values.


Was about to change my socks but I decided I should air out my feets for a bit.

Sometimes you just gotta get a grip and touch carpet.


My niece was just born. I'm happy intellectually, but otherwise I don't really feel anything. When my nephew was born in 2017 I had happy tears. I am numb today, for whatever reason the universe has decided.


Saw a centipede in the utility room downstairs, heading toward the bathroom. I guess I'll be doing a bird bath in the upstairs bathroom today instead of a full shower.


I think I still have a tendency to use a "formal" communication style, but I feel like it's more, I don't know, socially acceptable, and sounds less grandiose/highfalutin.


At a time when I was pretty delusional, I would write/type/speak in a stilted formal manner. People probably read it and thought what a weirdo freak I was.

I think what helped me change was conformity and a desire to be accepted by others, so there was peer pressure for me to be self-aware and talk "normally". Prior to this, being socially isolated left me at the mercy and whim of my delusions, and I didn't have a friend support network to keep me in check.

I feel that making connections on social media has helped me in this regard.


So what's the deal with attachment theory?

I see people dismissing it as pop psychology, yet when I took a communication class in university (2018) I got the impression that it was pretty well-established.


My headspace is a less-than-OK state of affairs at the moment.


The universe dictates that I be an irritable mf today.


Brain fart of the day: I'm writing a Bash script and while thinking out loud in my head I referred to the IFS as "International Field Separator".

IFS = Internal Field Separator 😆


Rubber duck: Take smaller bites. Don't chew your food like a ravenous Neanderthal.

Me: Yeah, I know.

Rubber duck: Well, then behave like you do, in fact, know.


It really pains me not to use the actual expletives but I don't want to come across as disgruntled even though I am.


I'm hoping I can get a prescription for semaglutide next week. Apart from gastric by-pass surgery, which is dangerous and high-maintenance and I'd rather not, I see semaglutide as my only salvation. I'm pissing myself off imagining the doctor telling me "Exercise more and eat healthier" while other doctors hand out semaglutide like candy to people who don't need or want it. (Expletive).

I suppose I should prepare myself for the worst-case scenario and not get my hopes up too much. (Series of expletives).


@me No, I don't think so. The reason I'm doing this is...well, I don't know. It's good practice, I suppose. (shrugs)


@me @abimelechbeutelbilch Yeah I have one for my workstation and another one for my laptop. Those are the only two devices I need long-term key pairs for. I rarely use my laptop tho, so I don't tend to change that SSH key, and most things have my workstation public key.

I'd imagine most people don't generate separate SSH key-pairs for each service or device they connect *to*. It's not like having one password for all. It seems like you confused it with using the same key-pair on every device I connect *from*. I have two key-pairs total, and each service/device I connect *to* has my public key.


@abimelechbeutelbilch Well, yeah. Is there a reason I should use separate SSH key pairs for each service? I currently use one key pair and ssh-copy-id to the services/devices I connect to.

The only non-LAN services I use this key for are my VPS, GitHub, and Codeberg.

What attack vector would having multiple key pairs reduce? If an evil maid gets into my main workstation then they have the private keys for them all anyway.


@ljrk Uh, hmm. I guess rotate was the wrong word. I meant retire the current one and generate a new one.

By "retire", I mean it goes to its beach house in the Bahamas until the bits completely rot.


I suppose it's time to rotate my SSH key.


I dedicate this Memorial Day to the fallen carrier pigeons


🎶 Baby you're a fiiiiiireworrrk 🎶

Because you're loud and scary and make me wanna hide under the bed 😨


I am nodding out and I should go to bed but I don't wanna. I got things to do, places to go, people to see.

Actually just things to do, is all. No places, no people.

Anyway, good night.


I bought one more Orange Pi 5 Plus so that I can have a three-node K8s cluster.

I'd have to read up on this, but I'm wondering how the cluster works from a resource standpoint. Is it logically one machine with combined resources? I'm not versed in the terms for these concepts.


Clonazepam: good

Intrusive thoughts: bad


Intrusive thoughts are back 😟


What are some good general rules of thumb to use to decide whether something I post should have a content warning?



My face gets so oily that the US gub'ment wants to "liberate" it. So naturally my glasses get pretty greasy after a while. Every other day I clean them with Dawn PowerWash, and it works amazingly well on both the frames and the lenses. ✨


So I've noticed I haven't struggled too much with intrusive thoughts lately. I have no idea why. If there is a pattern, my memory and self-observation ability haven't been good enough to discern it.


I decided to turn my two Orange Pi 5 Plus devices into a small Kubernetes cluster. I'm currently using one of them in my homelab and I realized I can use them both to run the same services. Another thing I can do is create a Helm chart.


I think this is a job I *could* be qualified for if I had more experience w/ K8s and network admin. I'm going to play around with K8s so that I could hypothetically qualify for similar jobs. This listing gives me a sort of outline for goals


@lzg Ah, yeah I'm social phobic, autistic, and I struggle with speech articulation issues, so even these sorts of interactions are burdensome and I don't enjoy them.


@lzg For me it still requires some effort.

It's roughly this:

Neighbor walks by and greets me and initiates small talk -> 5/5 energy units

Neighbor walks by and greets me and I return greeting -> 3/5

Neighbor walks by and doesn't notice me, I don't say anything -> 2/5. It still takes some "social muscle" for me to compose myself and anticipate a greeting even if the neighbor never greets.

Neighbor doesn't walk by, there is no one around -> 0/5


Me: I am not getting a haircut today due to extenuating circumstances.

Rubber duck: What happened?

Me: Extenuating circumstances.


DuckDuckGo boom


looks so gorgeous but all these configuration options would be overwhelming.


Have any Star Wars nerds invented an esoteric programming language called "JabaScript"?


Hair the color of cigarette ash.


Had a non-toxic masculinity moment today. Was getting dinner at a restaurant, I was standing near the order counter and moved out of the way for a dudebro to grab napkins. He says "Nah you're good boss" to tell me I wasn't in his way. Made me feel good. Powerful, even.


i can gib u hug if u want 🥺


Dante is goodest boy


@dana_cz Purrfect!


@ljrk Yep, same.


My website is now made with Emacs org-publish. I think it's very beautiful, if I may say so myself.

Here is my latest post about the current happenings in my life.

Title: My caretaking duty is coming to a close


@hajovonta Yeah honestly I'll continue to use Doom for now but I'll have my own scratch config as a sort of side project that I'd hack away at. I'd have to deep dive into the Doom sources and find what features I use in Doom that I want to use in my custom config. I'll start from a fairly bare-bones, modular configuration and if I find something is missing that I'm used to having in Doom then I'll add it.

2024-05-21T17:18:53Z Yeah the tip you mentioned here would be suitable for absolute Emacs beginners. Not for someone who has used Emacs for years and is just transitioning from Doom to a custom config.

I'm not sure what in my OP has given you the impression that I'm an absolute beginner to coding and Emacs, but I apologize for wasting your time.


I'm kinda worried about these cicadas emerging from the ground.

Like what's gonna happen at ancient indigenous burial sites? Or radioactive zones?


When making toast with butter and jam, rinse the knife after using the butter and before using the jam. Like a civilized person. Also don't leave toast crumbs in the butter container. Thanks.


@ljrk I can relate with the fear of losing control and I do think it factors into my aversion to the effects of alcohol. I prefer to be alert, sober, and focused, though I do allow myself to get lost in reverie which often happens not-quite-voluntarily.


Yesterday, I had pita chips and hummus for both lunch and dinner.

Today, I am wondering if it's possible to reuse the energy I'm expelling. As abruptly jarring as they are, I don't think storing the farts in jars is feasible in the long-run.


Drinking alcoholic beverages was never really rewarding enough for me to have cravings for it and want to do it again. I consider this a privilege.


@hastur Yeah, I would mostly just use the same things I use in my Doom Emacs config.


am soffware debeloper



A bumble bee named Penelope.


I'm thinking of ditching the Doom training wheels and starting my own configuration from scratch.

Any tips or suggestions? 🙂


am angy



@tavi I kinda need both tbh


I'm gonna start using my TrueNAS bag as a "man bag".

Cargo shirts aren't really working out for me anymore. I walk out the door and a message pops up in the upper left corner of my visual field that says "You are over-encumbered" and I can't move.

TrueNAS bag: +100 carrying capacity.


What's your favorite monospace font?


All I can do to cope with the pain is pray to Jesus Preparation H Christ.


I have an urge to do a pain-fueled rant about my on-going hemorrhoid crisis, which has flared up again.

I'll spare you all the details, though. There's really no need for me to be an insufferable pain in the bloody arsehole.


With the exception of like body builders or something I think most people who cut grass would agree that it's not exactly like raking a zen garden.


It's kind of odd/funny how the behavioral output of me playing "physical activity golf" inadvertently amounts to making the physical activity look easy and effortless. So people probably think "Oh it's no problem for him to cut the grass, look how easy it is for him."


So I can confirm that the squirrels are the ones leaving peanuts on the front porch. I was out smoking a few minutes ago when a squirrel approached the steps with a peanut in its mouth and scurried off when it noticed me. I watched it bury the peanut in the front lawn.

I'm curious why it thinks the window sill behind my chair would be a good spot to stash food. I also found a couple in the corner on the back porch. I'm even more curious where it's finding all these goddamned peanuts!


(sigh) It's that time of the year when I have to start playing "physical activity golf". This entails trying to do the most amount of work for the least amount of physical activity so as to minimize discomfort from overheating and sweating.

The medications I take have been effective for my mental well-being in the long run in that they have significantly reduced symptoms of mental illness. The side effects, such as abnormal weight gain, body temperature dysregulation, and body movement malfunctions/parkinsonism kind of make life more difficult.

The latter are virtually indistinguishable from neurodivergent stimming behaviors, and in my case the stimming came before the medication. So I don't know, maybe the parkinsonism coincidentally affects the same neurological pathways used in stimming.

I resent the universe for making all this even necessary.


Do dogs even care when you tell them that they're good dogs?


So my giggle spells from when something funny randomly occurs in my head at any given moment now have a wheezy element. Thanks, allergies.


@cosullivan Happy to help! Thanks for reaching out - it's nice to know moderators are making the fediverse safer. 🙂


Believe it or not, this is only the second time in my Internet career that someone--or something--tried to catfish me.

2024-05-14T01:09:01Z Chicago

2024-05-14T00:13:31Z I'm here for the content mostly. I've made some good connections here too.


What if Archimedes was just creating a zen garden and didn't want it to be disturbed.

2024-05-13T23:13:40Z I'm okay! How about you?


Nervous system is in one of its states. Time to exert control over the environment.

- Shave
- homelab
- dinner
- watch Chicago Med w/ grandpa
- play Shadowrun Returns
- eep (hopefully)


I feel like this is something people have noticed a long-ass time ago and I've only recently become aware of it, which is just bizarre.

I guess after talking to me for a bit people realize it's involuntary and they want to be polite, or they assume I'm already aware of it.


So I recently became aware that when I'm experiencing social phobia, the muscle in my neck kinda involuntarily flexes and unflexes repeatedly. It might be noticeable to people talking to me face-to-face. They might be distracted by it. This is involuntary / semi-voluntary; it isn't something I'm consciously doing on purpose. I can still control this muscle and flex and unflex at my will, but with social phobia it happens automatically and I'm unaware of it.

I looked it up and -- get ready for this epic name -- it's called the sternocleidomastoid muscle.



At least T-Rexes never had to worry about getting charly horses in their forearms.


Am a birb today.

Gimme worms or don't talk to me.


Some nights I'll get two hours of sleep and not have any food cravings, won't think about food, and won't eat until my stomach rumbles in the afternoon.

Some nights I'll sleep normally, eat a normal breakfast, overeat at lunch, food coma after lunch, eat normally at dinner, and binge eat snacks in the evening.

Other nights I'll sleep for 10 hours and eat normally during the day.

There is no rhyme or reason to this sleep-and-craving madness. No pattern.

Sometimes the only explanation is that the universe is a fucking asshat.


Isaac Newton gets bonked in the face with a projectile apple and is knocked out cold for a bit, then he regains consciousness and says, "So a body at rest remains at rest, or in motion at a constant speed in a straight line, except insofar as it is acted upon by a force.🤔"


They turned out delicious.

Ingredients: pie crust, egg whites, chopped asparagus, chopped mushrooms, feta cheese, green onions. Garnish with cracked black pepper.


I'm jealous of my Canada-based VPS being in a location where the aurora borealis is visible.

*I* wanna see the northern lights. 😠


God I must come across as an insufferable hard-head to other people sometimes.


So, my experience interacting with my family when coordinating stuff as a caretaker for my grandpa has made me realize that I'm kind of paranoid and legalistic with my family too.

I'm Monday Morning Quarterbacking our text convos and I can point out parts where I was paranoid, which influenced what I said to them, because in those moments I felt like I had to be "strategic" when I probably really didn't have to.


Pronouncing the full "oi" part was like an "extra step" in the pronunciation process and with my low spoon battery I just couldn't do it automatically. I had just woken up from a nap and now I'm having coffee so I should get some spoons back soon.


Sometimes I'll be tired and I won't pronounce words clearly and it will be "lazy". I noticed today when telling my grandpa what he has for dinner I said "hardboiled egg", but my pronunciation was more like "hardberled". I wonder if this is how the NY accent way of pronouncing it started.


The Discord server for an archiving community I'm in reminds me of a Twitch chat. Everything's moving so fast you don't know where to jump in. You can't tell if they're being serious or facetious/ironic/shitposting and if you are wrong about this you get spammed and dogpiled in a matter of seconds. Idiots are pinging @everyone for stupid reasons.

How tf do people enjoy this kind of interaction? It's just a bunch of annoying noise to me.

(sigh) I don't know. Maybe I'm just old and/or maybe I just don't like people.


Am gonna make a homemade quiche. I will post pictures.


Existential oils precede essential oils


Ah man I ate like a li'l piggy for lunch. I had cheese fries AND a slice of pizza.

That's alright tho, I forgive me. I'll do my penance by having an Amy's frozen meal for dinner. That's only like 150 calories or so.


Do goldfish really even have bad memories? How do we know this? Like did the scientists conduct experiments? How valid are the results of these experiments? 🤨


Mental illness is not a moral failure.

STOP punching down and putting the moral burden on people with mental illness.

START putting the moral burden on empathizing, updating our understanding of mental illness, checking our privilege, understanding socioeconomic situations, not holding people with mental illness to the same social functioning standards as people without mental illness, and listening.

We can't help the genetic and environmental circumstances we were born and raised into.


It's 6:53 AM and I've already used the facilities and showered.

Not to count my eggs before they hatch but at the very least I'd say we're off to a good start.


hyperreal's New Brain


I wonder if my weight affects how my medication is metabolized.

So like, hypothetically, if I start losing weight from, say, Ozempic, would I be able to get by on lower doses of Invega and Zoloft?


I dunno why -- like maybe my brain is just in the gutter -- but the phrase "She perjured herself" sounds kinda...naughty.


I'm not catatonic.

I'm just resting my wrists and this happens to be the most comfortable posture at the moment.


There used to be an Italian restaurant around here called "La Tavola", and now it's a Mexican cantina-style restaurant called "La Tabla".


A metaphor of a metaphor I guess.


I feel like I have a metaphor for that last paragraph at the tip of my tongue but I can't quite reach it.


Two things that I usually tell myself I'm going to do later in the evening after 9 PM but never actually end up doing because Reasons™: playing a video game and/or reading the 2600 Hacker Quarterly.

I still have the last half of the Winter volume of 2600 and a playthrough of Cyberpunk 2077 to finish, plus the Spring volume of 2600 and a playthrough of ESO. Not to mention finishing a first playthrough of BG3 and Starfield and the dozens of sci-fi/fantasy books I want to read lol.

What the heck man. I'm starting to worry that my tendrils might be stuck in TrueNAS/homelab/networking stuff in a malfunctioning sort of way.


Based on my experience being his student, he was someone who would say something like "ADHD is not an excuse; academic success is possible with ADHD, because I have ADHD and I just had to work extra hard to succeed."

I don't think neurodiversity was a thing that people talked about back then, especially given that social media as we know it today did not exist. So he probably had an outdated mental model of neurodivergence and considered it to be mental illness. E.g. autism is a one-dimensional spectrum with degrees of severity. The multi-dimensional 'spiky skillset' and executive functioning model was not well-known and possibly not known at all. So it never occurred to him that ADHD can present in completely different ways between people.


It's kind of weird how my high school biology teacher was a hero to me back then, because he understood my social phobia and ADHD-like issues, but in retrospect today he was an unwitting ableist/assimilationist.

For the longest time during my college experience I felt like I was hypothetically "letting him down", because I had internalized the morals he taught, and I beat myself up for not living up to them. He would have considered the disability and mental illness advocacy that we do today to be "trying to beat the system".

I can sympathize, though, because he had social phobia and ADHD too, and "reasonable accommodations" were probably impossible to get when he was in school. He was in his mid-50s when I had him for biology in 2002-2003, so he had to be in secondary school and college in the 1960s-1970s. Accommodations for mental disabilities and neurodivergence were probably not even at the cutting edge of scholarship at the time. So he must have internalized the belief that ND people can only succeed if they assimilate with the system, because that's just how it was back then. I haven't seen him since 2005 (I graduated high school in 2006), so maybe his views have changed by now.

Around the time of the onset of my mental illness (2004-2005), we walked past each other in the cafeteria at my high school, and he gave me what I interpreted as an empathetic nod when he greeted me in passing. I remember feeling a sense of relief and gratitude as I replayed that empathetic nod in my head, because it made me feel understood at a time when I felt the world was against me. It brought to my recollection the talks he gave in biology class, and when he told me that he was proud of me for doing a presentation despite being a nervous disaster while presenting.

My presentation was terrible, but this was like the core of his assimilationist views -- he was proud of the fact that I did the presentation in front of the class despite my phobia, because the system allowed no other way to get that grade. I had internalized this as just /the way things are/, and made no discernment for /the way things ought to be/. I saw no horizon to expand.

I appreciate that he understood my mental issues, and I still have enormous respect for him because of that, but I think his assimilationism contributed to the passivity and learned helplessness I felt back then.


I think one big point of misunderstanding men have about the bear scenario--and assuming I even understand correctly--is that they don't get that women are making a statistical inference about 'any random, arbitrary man from the population'.

Like, my sister would almost certainly choose to be alone in the woods with her husband over a bear, and I'd expect women in general would choose a safe man in their life over a bear. But if they had to choose 'any random, arbitrary man from the population', it would pretty much be the luck of the draw. Given the statistics--that every woman has experienced some level of sexual harassment--they have to threat-model every man they meet, and it would be reasonable for them to stake their lives/personal safety on a bear.


Excellent article, @thomholwerda. I've been kind of entertaining the idea of installing on my Thinkpad Carbon X1. I first have to see what the hardware support looks like and whether a security-enhanced OS would be tolerable for everyday computing.

I've used HardenedBSD several years ago (2014-2015-ish, during my FreeBSD phase) and I recall having to create a policy to run Firefox or to get some key Firefox feature to work the way I expect it to. It uses the package base and can also use FreeBSD ports tree, which seem to have a larger and more recent variety of software available than the other BSDs I've tried.


@tavi Thankfully the grandpa I caretake for was raised in a different family environment, so he's not like that. I don't feel like I have to be vigilant around him.


@tavi My family thinks adversarial grudge relationships are normal and healthy, so I'm used to being in a constant Cold War with them. Which is probably exactly how I so easily figured out that's why my shoes were not in the usual location but suspiciously right up against the dust buster.

I'm the one who gets stuck with CPTSD and a paranoid/schizotypal personality, though.


@tavi But also like the dust buster has a trap to keep things inside. It would be useless otherwise. So if something goes in, it ain't coming out lol.


@tavi I'm reminded of a time in junior high when I took a piece of duct tape and taped a spider on my bedroom wall. It stayed there for like a decade until my parents had my room repainted.


@tavi Yeah that's happened to me too. I'm pretty sure this particular bee was smashed enough but you can never know for sure I suppose. Or maybe a necromancer cast a spell so it reanimates after being technically dead for 10 minutes. I don't know.

I just hate these passive-aggressive shenanigans. Like what's wrong with direct communication, especially in this instance? Did they think I would fight them or be disagreeable about not putting bugs in the vacuum? If they would have been like "Don't put bugs in the vacuum, or clean out the vacuum after you do", I would have complied. I just went for the dust buster because I don't like touching bugs even with a napkin. Like my nervous system gets shaken up just from smashing and capturing a tiny mosquito on the wall with a lock of kleenex and throwing it in the toilet lol.


So I just blew my nose and my nose then made a sound like a boiling lobster. Welcome to allergy season I guess.


@lzg Same, incidentally. It was the first job I applied for after graduation and I was kind of upset that I didn't get it. In retrospect it was absolutely one of those evil data surveillance things used by cops. I'm glad I didn't get the job. My lack of experience and naivety actually worked out well for me in that instance.


I'd like to interject for a moment...what you're referring to as Linux is actually systemd/Linux, or, as I've taken to calling it, systemd+Linux.


Got my TrueNAS SCALE swag!

Laptop bag: For when I leave the house with my laptop twice a year, only to my parents' house for a few hours.

T-shirt: To show off my love of digital freedom at the grocery store where most likely nobody knows wtf TrueNAS is. It only has approximately three wash lives before it shrinks and becomes unwearable.

But they make me happy in my comfy place, and the money went to a good cause.


The katamari ball that is systemd picks up another functionality. But...who cares. systemd is fine. If you don't like it then I'd recommend Void Linux, Alpine Linux, Devuan, Gentoo w/ OpenRC, or any of the BSDs.


Grandpa watches the Price is Right every morning. How does he still think in 1968 inflation price levels.


I find this interesting and I might install it on my Raspberry Pi 400.


What are the consequences of not showing it?

People think I'm cold, aloof, distant, etc.

But if that's what I feel is more natural, then I shouldn't try to be otherwise. Be myself, etc.

But then I worry that people think I'm cold, aloof, distant, etc. I want to be warm, friendly, and comforting. I think warm, friendly, and comforting feels more natural than cold, aloof, and distant.


I don't want to be rude I guess. I'm not sure if prioritizing my own emotional well-being would be saving spoons by not showing the expected affect, or saving spoons by showing the expected affect and not having to deal with the consequences of not showing it.



@lzg See? 😆


@lzg To be fair though there are indeed culturally "masculine" ways to communicate in a way that feels less competitive and facilitates self-esteem in a non-zero-sum way. It just doesn't seem to be as common as it is with women.


@lzg I like how women communicate with each other. At least in the cultures that I've intersected with growing up <-- I don't know how to articulate this idea in an accurate or objective way, but the scenario you described here seems to be a good example. It feels less competitive and seems to facilitate self-esteem in a non-zero-sum way. I wish everyone was socialized to communicate this way. Like even though I think it's a better communication style, it would still feel awkward/weird to me to communicate like that with another cishet dude, and cishet dudes in the cultures I've intersected with growing up would think it's "gay".


I'm going to the Sicilian bakery. Anyone want anything?


I found an ibuprofen in my front shirt pocket. I guess only two of the three I popped earlier made it in.



It's kinda bizarre how we go from teeny tiny electric currents on circuit boards and silicon to something like nested virtualization and the ZFS filesystem.


@realhackhistory They probably don't get cleaned easily with compressed air spray.


TIL of the traceroute


I am sleep-deprived today so if you see me in person my affect might seem kind of forced. I'm just trying to be polite. A lot of my affect is just social custom and if I don't have the spoons to be convincing then it comes across as disingenuous or facetious.

Not that anyone here would see me in person, but I thought sharing this anyway would be helpful/informative.


Has/does anyone use this? How does the experience compare to something like homebrew?


Chasing a goddamned fly around the house was not the blood-flow accelerant I wanted this morning.


I spotted one of those rare goth squirrels!


I will not waste a Taco Tuesday on Taco Bell.

I'm getting *real* Mexican tacos with horchata.


I've noticed that I'm kind of averse to reading things. Like if I'm installing software from a GitHub repository my default inclination is to look for the code boxes to run the commands, and I end up not reading the (very important!) documentation.

I have to train myself to be more conscientious, take my time, and read the docs.


@freezr Wait, sudo has been replaced? Or is this a shitpost?


I wonder if sleeping in the same room as these machines affects my sleep quality.

I do like their gentle humming sounds tho, and the LEDs are decent night lights.


Today's agenda:

- Eat lunch (falafel, rice, and kibbeh)
- Nap
- Fold and put away laundry
- Shower and shave
- Homelab stuff or play ESO until 5:00 PM
- Eat dinner (tomato soup and oyster crackers)
- Visit grandpa at rehab facility until 8:00 PM
- Homelab stuff or play ESO
- Eep


Damn straight


Possibly a consequence of having real bad anxiety during the day and trying to quell it with two clonazepams. Sometimes the anxiety just wins and there's nothing I can do.


Sometimes, like tonight, insomnia manifests as this weird alternating between sleeping for two hours and being wide awake for two hours and then sleeping again for two hours and so on.

I shall refer to this as goblinsomnia.


@lukeshu Hmm. Yeah it seems like something might be timing out.

Possibly unrelated but just a hunch: is sudo configured correctly on both the local and remote hosts? If your local user has access to the root account on the remote host then I don't think you'd need to prefix the TRAMP command with /sudo.

Now that I look at your OP, are you even trying to access a remote host? Or are you using sudo to edit a file on the local root account with TRAMP? Is there a specific reason you need to use the root account to edit a Python file?


@lukeshu Have you been able to successfully edit a file? Or it doesn't let you get to that point yet?


A person who has arthritis and a person with a broken knee cap can both correctly say they have knee pain.


I just have a surplus of love to give, is all. Like how camels store water and fat in their humps.


My only clean shirt jacket has an unsightly tear below the left waist pocket, so I kind of look like a vagrant. Apparently it wasn't designed for someone with love handles, which is kinda the story of my life for the past decade and a half. I'll start laundry when I'm done running errands.


- Take a shower
- Pick up grandpa's prescription
- Get coffee and gas from Costco
- Eat dinner when I get home
- Homelab/networking/TrueNAS stuff
- Play ESO
- Sleep


Circus brain right now 😟


One of the medications I take causes me to have an overactive bladder, and this morning it has been especially annoying. I wake up to pee at least three times a night. When it gets as annoying as it is today, it's usually in the morning hours, so I suspect it might be the Zoloft (Sertraline) I take every morning.

But honestly who tf knows? This has been going on since I started taking meds, so I've always attributed it to that and not, say, any other medical condition. I don't have incontinence, but according to this source linked below, an overactive bladder is when you urinate 8 or more times in 24 hours. I can guarantee with 99% certainty that I urinate more than 8 times in 24 hours. And no, this isn't directly attributable to the 4-5 cups of coffee and other fluids I drink during the day.


@screwtape @tavi It wasn't me.

I only speak English and trauma.


@tavi I mean, our imaginations are the limit when it comes making wishes, so might as well wish to know every language lol.



I guess I'll give Facebook Dating another try. It's been a while so I probably have to update my profile.


I feel kind of hypomanic and impulsive, so it's time to take a clonazepam and contain myself.


@tavi I don't script conversations. If I say something good it's because I'm quick-witted.

So I guess folks have to decide what they want me to be more: conversational mastermind, or quick-witted.


I see people on my TL being all like "Efficiency is bad because it enables capitalism!"

For whatever reason this is not obvious to them, but the problem is not efficiency per se. The problem is capitalism.

With the power afforded to me as a reasonable person, I hereby purify the word "efficiency" and its relatives. All evil associated with that concept in itself is now banished to the Void. You are free to use the word without incurring the ire of your conscience.


I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to seed SciHub torrents without the risk of legal repercussions or making myself a target of Russian state hackers.

I'm generally chaotic good but I'd prefer to avoid inconveniences, which is the only reason I'm neutral good.


Hermaeus Mora quivers in delight


@nergahak Whom/what is Alpha? 🙂


So I found out I can create custom apps for ArchiveBox and borgbackup on SCALE. I don't need to run them inside a VM.


Them: "Read the room!"

The Room: "Read DEEZ NUTZ"

Me: 🤨


Them: "Read the room!"

The Room: "God these people are so insufferable my wallpaper is starting to peel."

Me: "Uh, we should all go to another room."


Them: "Read the room!"

The Room: "Hey, sup."

Me: "Oh nothin' much, what's up with you?"


Sometimes I'll be composing a post, and I'll be uncertain how others will interpret it, so then I decide that it's best to err on the side of shut the fuck up.


Them: "Read the room!"

The Room: "Everyone in here is conspiring against you."

Me: 😨



I'm kind of sad and scared, but it shall pass.


@madrabbit Thanks! I'll check it out!


I’m just playing with some ideas here regarding a carpal tunnel syndrome-friendly way to do everyday computing.

Vocal Emacs? Voicemacs?


Omg these freaking spyware toolbars 💀


what if...i become professor of goblinguistics 😆



wish . com kookaburra.


I haven't needed clonazepam for the last few days. So that's good.


@lzg Did you used to smoke?


am systemb goblin.

(mechanical purring sounds)



This stuff is soo good, omg.

I hope they never stop making it. And if they do, then may this photo one day become a nostalgia memento of an incredible era.


Should I enable IPv6 on my OPNsense router?

I don't really use or need it. Is there any reason why I *should* use it? Or would enabling it just open up another attack vector?


@tavi i pet u *pets Tavi* 😊


@tavi I liked Family Guy's take on Jesus. A gay hippie 😆

2024-04-22T02:33:25Z Yeah. I don't understand what your intention is here. If this is some kind of troll then I'm going to have to ask you to please stop.

2024-04-22T01:56:28Z I'm lost here. What does Violence have to do with romantic AI scams?

Actually never mind. I don't really care to continue whatever this conversation is.

2024-04-22T00:19:01Z Sorry, what does "possessive/consumptive" mean?


2024-04-21T22:46:58Z Huh. I'm not sure I know what you mean. I don't resent any of those, nor do I want to.

But anyway, companionship and intimacy are more than sex.


I might have to go see a ripperdoc to replace these hands.


I've got my NAS box built and setup. It runs TrueNAS SCALE.

The chassis is specialized for NAS and consists of 8 hot-swappable hard drive trays.

- MSI PRO B760M-A WiFi DDR4 ProSeries Motherboard
- Corsair SF850L Fully Modular Low-Noise SFX Power Supply
- Intel Core i5-12600K Desktop Processor with Integrated Graphics and 10 (6P+4E) Cores

I have a Seagate Exos X22 20TB SATA 6Gb/s 7200RPM 3.5-inch Enterprise HDD and another identical one on the way.

This was the first time I built my own PC. It probably will be the last time unless I have a specific reason to do so. My wrists hurt from carpal tunnel strain. My hand and arm muscles are sore from all the reaching and maneuvering. My cigarettes taste like thermal paste. It feels good that it's done and everything works, though. I'm happy with it 😊


As a Paranoid Person, my lizard brain gets kinda lizardy when I see "IYKYK". Most of the time I'm able to expand the conversation and see that it has nothing to do with me.


It is 6:20 AM and I'm itching to start a fight. So without further ado...

(belligerent body language)
What tf are you lookin' at, shitbird? I'll lay you tf out like a Christmas turkey. You want some of this?! (shakes fist)




@tavi The age of onset of schizophrenia is typically late adolescence and early adulthood for AMAB and 25-30 for AFAB. For me it was 16. I'd say that if you've never had any psychological issues with cannabis then you're probably fine. You know not to overdo it lol.

Like some people take cannabis because it helps their anxiety. Some breeds of the plant are cultivated for that purpose. So if it has done nothing but good for you then that's great.


@tavi Yeah it's somewhat of a gamble in that case. I don't have a family history that I'm aware of. Both my parents are pretty neurotic, my dad is ADHD, my older brother is ADHD, my older brother's son is autistic. I'd suppose the gene pool from my parents contained the ingredients for my genetic predisposition. 🤷‍♂️

My younger sister is pretty much the epitome of neurotypicality. My younger brother is NT. My mom is NT. My sister and younger brother are probably the most normal and stable members of our immediate family. My dad and two brothers use cannabis daily and AFAIK none of them has had any abnormal psychological issues with it.


@Linux_in_a_Bit It very well can look good!

I use it because it doesn't get in the way, it's light, I don't have to deal with GNOME Shell extensions breaking at every major GNOME release, and it has everything I need for a desktop environment.


I'm glad I'm decently smart and have tech awareness.

Otherwise, as desperate as I am for intimacy and companionship, I'd totally get duped by one of these.


@tavi Yeah, from what I've read, cannabis strains with a high THC/CBD ratio are more potent and more likely to produce psychotic symptoms. CBD actually has some antipsychotic effects, or so I've read.


Today is 4/20.

I support the holiday, but I also feel like I should spread awareness that cannabis/THC is a risk factor for the development of psychosis in people who have a genetic predisposition or family history. The risk is especially salient among adolescents and young adults.

To be clear though, no definite causal relationship has been established yet.

There is very likely some connection, but since there are more people who have used cannabis and did not develop psychosis than people who have used cannabis and developed psychosis, it's more likely that it only affects people with a genetic predisposition and/or other environmental risk factors.

I'm not an expert on this topic, but based on my personal experience with cannabis, schizophrenia, and other people who have used cannabis without developing psychosis, I would say that if you've *never* experienced any psychotic symptoms or other mental health problems from cannabis use then you're *probably* fine.

Sorry if I'm a buzzkill but I think this is important. Early intervention can improve schizophrenia treatment outcomes.


@Joseph_of_Earth I like the Kits better. Each one contains a specialized toolkit. I also feel like the meaning of "kit" in the sense of "toolkit" is more widely recognizable than "pack". Pack brings to mind something more like Windows Service Packs. Mileages vary of course.


My Big Five Personality scores


My idea of therapy is getting comfy in a quiet space, watching Planet Earth and listening to David Attenborough's voice as I drift away into a peaceful afternoon slumber.


I have to eat my soup with a big-ass serving spoon because I'm a goblin who forgot to run the dishwasher last night.


I'll be literally just buying a package of Goldfish crackers at Walgreen's and get super self-conscious about the cashier or other people in line judging me for it. 🙃


If anyone's wondering: I'm building a NAS box. This is the first time I'm actually building my own PC.


- I'm trying to connect one of these to the port on the motherboard.

- One or more of the pins is bent. Hard to tell because I can't effing see.

- My hands are effing killing me because of carpal tunnel strain.

- The 8-bay hard drive enclosure that doesn't come off easily is kind of in the way.

- I might have to remove the entire motherboard to get a better handle on it.

- I've been at this for about 30 minutes.

- (grumble)


@tavi Yup! I thought it was cool too.


@tavi Yeah honestly I think if people want that kind of OS then Nix or Guix is the way to go. The Nix package manager is immensely powerful.

I was on the Fedora Atomic hype train for a while, the only fun I had with it is just from learning how it works. After I got more familiar it just started getting in the way more often than it made things easier/efficient. The "rock solid stability" selling point doesn't really apply to me for my personal desktop use case. I do know some people in the community though who really like not having to do frequent upgrades on multiple machines.

I know of one guy who has Raspberry Pis and laptops all over his house that he uses for specialized tasks or as kiosk-like devices. Like one in his kitchen he has all his cooking stuff and it's connected to a touch screen, and he has a kanban board on it that he and his family use as a sort of whiteboard. It runs Fedora IoT, and for this type of use-case I would say it makes things easier and efficient.


I want a girlfriend.


@lzg Good luck and enjoy 😊


@tavi No worries, I totally get it. I'm familiar with Roko's Basilisk.

I used to be more rat-adjacent on Twitter and Facebook but I started unfollowing because I didn't want to be associated with the ableist elitism, particularly from Scott Alexander. I agree they are very insular/tribalistic/arrogant/elitist/etc.

In my experience I find they generally aren't any better at overcoming cognitive biases than anyone else.

I got kind of spooked when I was reading about the CFAR retreats/camps that they want you to pay for to teach you to have "correct beliefs". It definitely had some cultish undercurrents IMO.


@tavi I don't consider myself a rationalist, but I think some of the things they say are interesting. I pass on the ableism and elitism though.

I've noticed a lot of trans people on the fediverse don't like rationalists. I figure someone in the rationalist community must have said something really shitty and transphobic, and I'm not surprised. I don't follow them too much so I don't know what's been going on in the larger community.


I think I'm going to order an Italian beef sandwich with hot peppers for lunch. I've been eating pretty reasonably healthy all week so I think I deserve a treat.

For dinner I'm going to have a tomato parmesan soup from Whole Foods and an Amy's Mexican Casserole frozen meal.


I had an idea for a "if computers were more like allistic people" meme but I don't have the energy to be creative about that right now.


No sleep. Sleep: none.


I was about to dive deep into my brain and describe the experience of procrastinating on doing something fun. But then I'd go down that rabbit hole and get obsessed with it, reading my post over and over again until I start nodding out and I wouldn't get around to playing ESO tonight.


I guess I'll stop procrastinating and do the ESO Gold Road prologue quest now.


@ploum Yeah, so, be careful what you post, lest a potential employer finds out that you're a human being and not an exploitable asset. They only hire the latter.


Example of innie furrowed brow (left) and outie furrowed brow (right)


So I realized that some people have "innie" furrowed brows while others have "outie" furrowed brows. Mine's definitely an innie.


@joy No!


Still probably wouldn't be the same cuddly emotional bondy experience 😞


Fresh linens


A li'l dog that doesn't require vet bills or dietary and hygienic maintenance!

All I would like for this is a nice, soft, pettable fur chassis.


Not really the once-in-a-lifetime event I care to bear witness to.

The birbs around here ought to be nice and plump by the end of the season tho.


My furrowed brow can be used to keep a pool cue steady.


I am sad for reasons. (1) my grandfather passed away; (2) for self-pity reasons; (3) for existential reasons.

The sads all combine into one big sad. 😢


I'm downloading ESO, which is 128.5 GB.

I gotta go pee. Maybe it will be finished by the time I get back.


See what I mean? Like why can't people be more like this.


Another thing that is weird about this is that there is a way for her to plausibly deny any defensiveness and claim that she wasn't bothered by my comment. So her use of "m'dear" and the defensive undertones were actually an endearment and not a way of signaling that I made a reply guy comment or even subtle mockery.

But yeah, this is why I prefer computers over people. Computers tell me straight forwardly that I fucked up. They don't do these sorts of shenanigans.


The kind of response I more/less expected from that was that she would say more about herself and relate why she likes patio and beach weather, maybe share an anecdote or something.

My thinking was that it would be a "I'll to you about me then you tell me about you" sort of thing. I didn't expect her to think it was rude, nor would I have made the comment if I did. If I'm going to socialize for the sake of socializing I wouldn't go around intentionally starting interpersonal conflict. I'd want it to be a mutually pleasant interaction.


Something I find weird is like, this one person made a post about how they're looking forward to patio and beach weather, and I commented and said something like "Patio and beach weather to you is sweat, bugs, and misery to me". And their response to me seemed kind of...idk like they were bothered by my comment. Their replies were subtly defensive but still like upbeat and cheerful, and they still liked my subsequent comments, so it wasn't like an overtly hostile interaction or anything. It was a woman, and she referred to me as "m'dear", which made me wonder if my comment was reply-guyish or neckbeardy.

And like, my intention was just to add to the conversation, and I wasn't trying to bash her weather preferences or say that mine are objectively better or anything. Maybe I'm just more socially inept than I thought I was, so what seemed like an innocuous comment to me was actually rude to her. But like, I personally wouldn't be bothered if the situation was reversed and I had made a post about how I'm not looking forward to the summer weather and she commented something like "Oh I love the patio and beach weather". So I don't know. I don't know if this was something I should have known better about or if I did nothing wrong.

But anyway this is why I prefer computers over people even though I'm lonely af and want friends who share my interests.


My finger tapping stim is really bad for my carpal tunnel issues. I can't just *not* do it, though. I've been trying to do it while not putting as much strain on my wrist as I usually do and it doesn't help. My hands still get real numb and painful.

I started using my Microsoft Sculpt keyboard again and it only helps when my posture is good. But like I can't just sit in the same position the entire time because I'm antsy af.

There's got to be a better way to be a sedentary neurodivergent computer person.

I feel like something like the netrunning chairs from Cyberpunk 2077 combined with an overhead monitor mount would maximize bodily comfort. I'm not sure how keyboard use would work with that setup, though. The netrunners in Cyberpunk 2077 don't use keyboards; they're neurally jacked into the net.


@nytpu Lol wat?


My grandpa has been at the hospital and then rehab since last Wednesday, so I've been here alone. I've noticed that when I'm here alone, my thoughts are more directed inward, and the feeling/theory that I'm being monitored by psychologists is more active in my brain.


So you know how there are like "crazy cat ladies" and it's like a stereotype or archetype?

Well I just realized I'm kinda like a "crazy computer guy".


@awoo 😆


It's weird, I'm an atheist/naturalist, but I still like to entertain the idea of my recently passed grandfather being "up there" with other deceased family members.

My dad stopped by yesterday and we were reminiscing and imagining my grandfather being welcomed in heaven by another deceased family member in a manner that was characteristic of that family member.

It's a fun and oxytocin-boosting way to deal with grief no matter what your views on an afterlife are.


I'm feeling like tech communities don't want me, despite a few people from them reassuring me that "those are my people", and being very warm and welcoming, especially regarding my desire to attend a hacker conference. I still feel like it's some sort of ploy to humiliate me, or that there is a hidden agenda. I don't know if this is paranoia or if said people are what they appear to be. I'd like to believe the latter, but when I see said people commenting and joining in on Twitter posts from high status people in those communities where they seem to be ridiculing me or parodying me, it makes me suspect otherwise, and it's extremely difficult to trust them.


😟 😢


Too bad there wasn't an "umbrella" I could just open up to shield myself on the fly. The scientists haven't invented the invisibility cloak yet, and I don't think it's really a priority for them atm.


This Internet connection issue on Windows means I can't do any gaming until it gets resolved. It's inconvenient and I hope I can resolve it soon, but I can't help but feel a mild sense of relief. I haven't been doing much gaming lately and I often feel like I'm failing at self-care when I don't take time to game in the evenings.

There are other ways to relax of course, but there are many games I've been itching to play or finish playing, which causes me to feel some anxiety/pressure about that.


I've decided on having Puerto Rican food for dinner. I haven't had it in a while and it's soo good. I ordered mostly appetizers.

- Coco Rico (coconut soda)
- Homemade spicy sauce
- Sorullo (corn fritter)
- Maduros (fried plantains)
- Arroz de Gandules (Puerto Rican rice with pigeon peas)
- Guava and cheese pastelillo (empanada)


@tavi Yep. Well I'm my own instance admin, but I definitely feel like the fediverse isn't a lawless free-for-all like The Purge or something. Admins and moderators of the big instances are generally pretty vigilant with abuse and toxicity, and that's great. Twitter mods don't do shit about it and it's not even worth submitting a report.

I may be my own instance admin, but I still feel loosely bound to the rules of the instances I'm federated with. I don't want people to defederate with me because that would be an isolating experience. But I don't usually have an urge to be shitty or cyberbully people, so there isn't much self-restraint on my part to begin with.


In my experience on the Fediverse, it seems like people here are generally non-shitty because they don't have motives to maximize engagement. It's just people sharing their interests and and being (mostly) excellent to each other. I appreciate you all for that.

In stark contrast, Twitter is such a toxic cesspool of miserable asshats and I want to be done gazing into that abyss.


My self-care plans for the rest of the day:

- Eat dinner
- Shower and shave.
- Fold and put away laundry.
- Unbox and setup my NAS enclosure.

Now if only I can decide what I'm going to eat for dinner.


Was going to wait for my data archive to be ready before deactivating my Twitter account. IME that usually takes 2-3 days at the least. Just enough time for me to go back and forth over my decision to deactivate and end up deciding not to deactivate after all.

More manipulative corporate shenanigans. To hell with the data. The fuck if I even care. I hope this will be the last time I'm saying fuck off to Twitter.


I don't know which of those is the problem to solve. If it's the latter, I don't see any ways of solving it that won't have bad consequences for my loved ones.

If I kms that would be cruel to my loved ones. If I stubbornly isolate myself that would be super burdensome on them.


I'm either really paranoid right now or I'm a complete pathetic loser who deserves all the shaming and ridiculing I think is happening.


I posted this to the forum.

By any chance, would anyone in the Fediverse know what is the problem I'm having here? Or possibly better ways of troubleshooting?


"Well, the fact is that he's *not* real, and never will be. He'll always have that very exploitable weakness."

Me: "Touché."


Generally nobody would want to stand in pouring rain any longer than they'd have to.


Oh, of *course* you can beat Molag Bal in a *video game*.

If he were real, I highly doubt you'd stand even the slightest chance.


Spicy & saucy, snarky & sassy.

The Quadfecta of Internet Hotness.



I am a sad and exhausted goblin today. My other grandfather (not the one I caretake for) passed away yesterday. I would very much appreciate any virtual hugs anyone could give.


@tavi Sorry if I'm interrupting, but I just want to say I love how you infodump like this. 💙 I find a lot of your thoughts relatable.


To make my stance more clear:

Self-identification of neurodivergence is valid. No one is harmed when anyone does it. Gatekeeping of it is bad.

Self-diagnosis of mental illness is valid, but I think it needs to be well-informed. When people conflate their non-dysfunctional personality traits with symptoms of mental illness, it trivializes mental illness.

Neurodivergence is not a mental illness, though in my experience people who are neurodivergent are more likely to have a mental illness. Neurodivergence was historically seen as a "disorder" because ND people often struggle in a society that was designed exclusively by and for neurotypicals.





@nathan Firefox used to get real choppy and lethargic on me. I tend to have >25 tabs open, which includes Twitter and Facebook, both of which consume a lot of RAM. I now use the New Tab Suspender extension, which allows me to have those tabs suspended after some idle time has passed. I haven't had an issue since then.


For some reason my network throughput was slower than it should be. I set up iperv3 servers on my OPNsense device and on different devices on my LAN and DMZ. I narrowed it down to my OPNsense device being the culprit. I disabled some services on the router, and still had the same slower speeds. I then rebooted the router, and now I have the right speeds in throughput tests.

I'm going to reenable the services one by one now to see what might be causing the slowdown. I'm guessing that since a reboot helped it might be a RAM usage thing. Suricata takes up a lot of RAM, so I might have to set Suricata up on a separate dedicated device in my DMZ.


Workshop time. What is a more wholesome way of expressing the idiom "to talk out of one's ass" ?

The wholesome phrase must have roughly equal emotional valence.


But then is it ever idle?


I gotta put my 'puter duster in a bag so it doesn't get all dusty while it's idle.


Good night my beautiful, clingy, cupcake princess banana bread.


I've setup several privacy-respecting frontends to various web services.

I used to host some of these at my primary domain (, but it got annoying to continually maintain them alongside the other services I run. I decided that having a VPS dedicated to hosting them at my other domain is a better way, and it guarantees a higher uptime percentage.


Spicy take:

Louisiana >= Tobasco


The grandpa I caretake for is in the hospital with a urinary tract infection. My family members take turns visiting him while he's there. When I go to visit him I can't stay longer than an hour. I'm social phobic, agoraphobic, and the meds I take make it impossible to sit still, so sitting at the hospital is not something I'm eager to do. It sounds selfish and cold that I'm not willing to be there with him longer than an hour, but that's just how I am, and I think people should acknowledge that.

Instead, I imagine people are nitpicking and looking for ways to dismiss this as an excuse. For example, "It's not really in public, you're in a private hospital room with just your grandfather", or "You can obviously be in public because you go there for an hour, what's another two or three hours?", or "You need to grow a spine and suck it up, we all have to do our share".

There is no way for me to explain to people who don't have social phobia why those nitpickings are grossly uninformed and unempathetic. Especially when they're *actively looking* for ways to be uncharitable and dismissive because they're mad that "I'm not doing my fair share."

Nobody has explicitly said anything like this as far as I know, but I imagine I'm not far off the mark, based on my previous experience and what I understand about how people think.


There's no well-established link, but I wonder what percentage of autistics have >= 2 hair whorls.


I also have two cowlicks on the back of my head.

I dunno am just a weird specimen.


I got a haircut and it looks like the haircutter tried to sculpt a duck out of my hair.

Whatever. I don't care. They still earned a $5 tip.

To be fair they were kinda working with a tricky medium. My head is a li'l misshapen, as I have a slight dorsal-ridge-like mohawk thing going on with my skull that I've noticed since I was a kid and it became more pronounced during puberty. So 🤷‍♂️


Might be helpful to dog owners if there was something harmless they can put in dog food to make their poop glow in the dark.

What about the bio-luminescence from lightning bugs? Maybe the scientists can do something with that.


Changed my socks for the third time today. One of the reasons why I hate warmer weather.

I feel like my feet sweating this much is abnormal. Or I'm just abnormally fussy about it. One of those. Or both.

I wouldn't be surprised if my effing meds were responsible for the former.


I feel like "dial the number" is more entrenched than "tape the program" though.


I wonder if people are going to continue to say "tape the program" when they want to record a TV show, even though the shows are digital and we don't put them on tape, just like how we still we say "dial the number" even though phones are digital and don't have dials anymore. 🤔



I'm disappointed I missed it tbh.

I wish I didn't have to nap because it's also a waste of two hours. But maybe that's why I'm able to be up early in the morning. My sleep cycle is kind of weird.


I napped through the eclipse.

Guess I'll have to wait until 2044.


Hypothetically that can't be undone without upending the fabric of the Universe.

All you can do is say sorry, move on, and never do it again.


Once upon a time I was falling in love, but now I'm only falling apart.

There's nothing you can do, because of the second law of thermodynamics.

E.g., if an egg falls on the floor and cracks open, physics won't allow you to just undo that.


@lzg I'm a caretaker for my 87 yo grandfather. He's actually more tech-savvy than the other elders in my family, but he's still confused by things. Sometimes I'll try to help him do something on his PC and I end up having to do it myself because I can't think of a way to explain it to him. There's like a language barrier because the technology is a whole other paradigm that he's unfamiliar with.

He got an insurance bill the other day, and he asked me if I can call their number, saying I'm him, and pay his bill with his card. That's just always how he's done it. But on the bill there is a URL to pay online, which is how I prefer to do things. Online payment didn't occur to him as the easier way.

There are lots of other things that are inaccessible to him because of the technology barrier. I'm all for technology, but I don't think it's fair.


am non-angy birb


I need to stop wasting spoons trying to model my mental health conditions. It contributes to my stress. Nothing but confusion and disillusionment has come out of it. There are more important things in my life to focus on.

I've been like pathologically obsessed with it. It may even be an obsessive-compulsive thing. I expect that despite my post here, it will still consume a lot of my daily cognitive effort. The best I can do at this time is hold myself accountable for not posting or talking about it with others. Maybe that would eventually diminish the urge to obsess about it.


I guess it time for me to get a grip.

We're having pizza for dinner. Then I'll shower and shave. Then we'll watch FBI: International. Then I'll work on a coding project. Then eep.

Everything will be warm and comfy.


I may be talking out of my ass here. If my post above doesn't make sense then Idk just ignore it and scroll on. Or make fun of me for it. Whatever.


If diagnostic categories and labels for mental illnesses could be less like polymorphic object-oriented interfaces, that would be great.


I'm getting cheese fries for lunch.


Aaaannd here I go down the differential diagnosis rabbit hole again. Why can't anything be clear-cut. This fucking fuzzy-ass Universe.


I can't think of a single self-fulfilling prophecy that turned out favorably for me.

Why do they always have to turn out bad.


Wish my brain could just not.


Got me some new kicks.

These are the kind of shoes I wear.

I don't care about the brand. I just like to keep things simple and comfy.


When I become a gazillionaire I will end world hunger, and then I'm gonna buy Microsoft and rename GitHub to "GibHug". Octocat will become Octocatppuccin.


No gods. No masters. No sleep either, apparently.


These green checks are delightfully satisfying 😊


I'm sad for a number of reasons and want hugs but what else is new.


@screwtape I'm looking for something that is one word and can be seamlessly used in place of 'nerdgasm'.

Candidates I can roll with: nerdrush, nerdsurge, nerdburst, nerdflush, nerdthrill. Or for each of the above, replace 'nerd' with 'tism'.


When posting about sexual stuff, I seem to have trouble distinguishing between acceptable/appropriate content and less appropriate content that prob needs a CW.

I've decided it's best to err on the side of using CWs no matter what.


Ex: Discovering this site/community excited me, bc it's something I have a deep appreciation for, is part of or adjacent to my current special interests.

But it did not excite me in a sexual way, so I want a word that doesn't have sexual connotations